
The number of (the)data : 2
  • Family
  • Human
  • Adventure

  • Family
  • Human
  • Adventure

Space Brothers


'“The older brother should always be ahead of the younger one...”

Once upon a time there were two brothers, Hibito and Mutta. Hibito, the littler brother, had been blessed with good luck since the day he was born. Mutta, the elder, had always had bad luck. One day, the two brothers saw a UFO. This experience made them decide to become astronauts. And while Hibito succeeded, Mutta went to work for a car company. Then he caused an incident and had to quit. And then just as Hibito is about to fly to the moon...

When they were little, two brothers, Mutta and Hibito made a promise to each other as they looked up into the night sky. In the year 2025, Hibito has kept his promise and become an astronaut, part of the first wave of people to live for an extended period of time on the moon.

Meanwhile, his older brother Mutta has been fired from his job and is unemployed. But one message from his brother makes him decide to start being an astronaut again.

Thirty two year old Mutta will attempt the astronaut candidate examinations.

To follow his brother Hibito to the moon, Mutta will attempt to become an astronaut at the age of 32. Unaware of his own talent, elder brother Mutta chases his dreams to get back in front of his younger brother.
Believing the words “The older brother should always be ahead of the younger one...”

雑誌『モーニング』で2008年より連載開始され、講談社漫画賞と小学館漫画賞をW受賞。2012年には小栗旬&岡田将生共演による実写版映画も公開される小山宙哉原作の『宇宙兄弟』が、満を持してのTVアニメ化。『あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。』で、芸術選奨新人賞メディア芸術部門を受賞したA-1 Pictures が制作を手がけ、監督は劇場版「ドラえもん」シリーズの渡辺歩。声の出演は、兄・六太に洋画吹き替えのベテラン、平田広明、弟・日々人にアーティスト兼俳優としても活躍するKENN。宇宙への夢と憧れに加え、綿密な科学考証、詳細な取材でSFファンのみならず幅広い層に愛されているリアリティに満ちた HOW to 宇宙飛行士物語。

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy



Set in the Sengoku Period of Japan (a period of domestic turmoil about 500 years ago), INUYASHA is a time-travel fantasy adventure based on the hit comic book series of the same name.

Kagome discovers that she can travel back and forth between the present and the Sengoku Period. As she is drawn to another time, she is also drawn into a quest with the half-demon Inuyasha, who is searching for a powerful, sacred stone. However, many enemies seek the same stone. To make matters worse, the stone has been broken into many pieces, making their job all the more difficult.

Kagome discovers powers within herself that she never imagined existed, which may have some link to her predecessor, the sorceress Kikyo. To further complicate matters, Inuyasha discovers that he has feelings for Kagome as they search for the stone together.

現代でごく普通に暮らす中学3年生の女の子・日暮かごめは、ある日突然戦国時代にタイムスリップ。 50年前に巫女・桔梗に封印された半妖の少年・犬夜叉と出会う。かごめは自分の体の中から出てきた「四魂の玉」を悪しき者たちが狙っていることを知る。妖怪の力を強める働きがあると言われている四魂の玉。桔梗の生まれ変わりであるかごめには、その玉にまつわる不思議な力があるらしい。しかし、四魂の玉は妖怪との戦いで砕け散ってしまった。ここに、かごめの力で封印を解かれ、50年の眠りから目覚めた犬夜叉と、時を越えた旅人かごめの、四魂の玉のかけらをめぐる大冒険が始まった! 50年前に犬夜叉と桔梗を罠にはめ、弥勒一族に風穴の呪いをかけた因縁の男・奈落や、犬夜叉の刀・鉄砕牙を狙う兄・殺生丸など、数々の敵たちとの激闘。コギツネ妖怪・七宝、不良法師・弥勒、妖怪退治屋・珊瑚といった仲間達との出会い。そして、蘇った桔梗と、かごめ、犬夜叉の三角関係の行方は!? 舞台は戦国。それぞれの想いを胸に、彼らの旅は果てしない広がりをもって続く…