
32 Titles

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  • NEW
  • Factual
  • Food/Cooking
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  • Travel

Welcome, First-timers! A hot winter tour in Oga

初見さん いらっしゃい!冬の男鹿でHOTなツアー

Even though locals are used to seeing, it may be an emotional experience for first-timers. This is a travel show that values first-time reactions of newcomers and rediscovers the "proud charms" of Oga, Akita. The guests, Gantulga from Mongolia and Alina from Ukraine visit some hot spots of Oga in winter. Through this tour, you will discover the charm of Oga's food, culture, and sightseeing including Namahage. After watching this program, you will want to visit Oga for sure. Let's enjoy the tour full of laughs and discoveries!

Note: This program has English subtitles.

  • History
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  • Travel

  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

All Aboard! vol.2 Yuki Tokunaga's Gono Line Journey

鉄道大好き演歌歌手 徳永ゆうき「出発進行!五能線の旅」

Gono Line, the local railway line connecting Akita and Aomori, has been popular among tourists and train enthusiasts. You can enjoy the spectacular views of Japan Sea on Gono Line trains.
An enka singer Yuki Tokunaga comes to Akita again and travels on the Gono Line to visit tourist spots along the route. He enjoys eating fresh seafood bowls and takes a stroll around the foot of the Shirakami Mountains, a World Heritage Site. He witnesses the beautiful view of lake called "mysterious blue."

  • Food/Drink
  • History
  • Nature
  • Food/Drink
  • History
  • Nature

The Heritage of Akita


This content tells you the beauty of Akita, including traditional events, food, and seasonal scenery. These are the heritage of Akita that we would like to pass on to future generations and spread to the world.

  • History
  • Music

  • History
  • Music

Tone of Hope: Teizo's Broken Shakuhachi

貞蔵さんの割れた尺八~シベリア抑留1000日 命を紡いだ尺八と民謡~

Minyo is the traditional Japanese folk song based on daily life of local people and nature. Akita is said to be the treasure trove of minyo because more than 1000 minyo songs have been born there. It flourished in the 1970s, but after the boom, the number of performers and fans has decreased. Also, COVID-19 gave another blow.
Teizo Fujimaru, from Akita, was the legendary player of shakuhachi, the traditional Japanese bamboo flute used in minyo. He survived the battle of Shumushu island and Siberian internment at the end of the Second World War. Under harsh condition in Siberia, he continued playing shakuhachi to encourage his fellows. Why did Teizo take good care of his shakuhachi for more than 1000 days of extremely severe life? Yu Takahashi, a singer-songwriter from Akita, traces Teizo's life and thoughts.

  • Family
  • History
  • Family
  • History

Special Night of Nishimonai Bon Odori

幾月夜纏ひて 羽後町・西馬音内の盆踊

Nishimonai Bon Odori is the traditional festival of Bon dance held every August in Ugo town, Akita. For over 700 years, the festival has been the purpose of life for the local people. In 2022, Nishimonai Bon Odori was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list as a part of the "Furyu-odori, ritual dances imbued with people's hopes and prayers."
From 2020 to 2022, the festival was cancelled or held with no audience due to COVID-19. This program covers the festival in 2023 closely, held completely with audience for the first time in four years.
Through this program, you can learn deeply about four important elements of the festival: dance, instruments, songs, and costumes. Also, you can see how irreplaceable for the local people the festival has been.

This is the winning work of the 61st Galaxy Awards for programs highly recommended.

  • History
  • Travel
  • History
  • Travel

All Aboard! Yuki Tokunaga's Akita Shinkansen Komachi Journey

鉄道大好き演歌歌手 徳永ゆうきと行く!みちのく秋田こまち旅~祝!秋田新幹線 開業25周年~

Akita Shinkansen Komachi, the bullet train of Akita, opened in 1997. Yuki Tokunaga, a famous enka singer and a train enthusiast, comes to Akita to celebrate its 25th anniversary. He visits the railway yard to learn about Komachi and experience the maintenance of it. Also, he travels by Komachi from Akita to Tokyo enjoying special bento. Let's explore the history and the attractions of Komachi with Mr. Tokunaga!

  • Art
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  • Science
  • Art
  • History
  • Science

Yakushiji Temple: Historic Restoration of 1300-year-old Pagoda


The absolute beauty of an ancient Japanese art. This documentary follows the 11-year-long historic restoration of the World Heritage Site, Toto, a 1,300-year-old wooden pagoda at Yakushiji Temple. Firstly, the pagoda was disassembled into more than 10 thousand parts. Those parts were then restored or replaced before being re-assembled. Surprisingly, the pagoda is resistant to huge earthquakes despite being built with little metal, a testament to the cutting-edge technology used.
This documentary showcases valuable, never-before-seen footage depicting amazing techniques from ancient Japan and true Japanese beauty.

  • History
  • Art
2020.1 -

  • History
  • Art

The Mysterious Japanese Sword

古伯耆 神秘の日本刀

Japanese swords have been held by the great military leaders of Japan. It was a symbol of power.
It is said that Japanese swords with beautiful curves were born in Hoki country (currently Tottori prefecture) during the Heian Period (794-1185). At the time, a swordsmith named "Yasutsuna" was said to have worked on many famous swords. Yasutsuna's swords have been loved by many rulers, including "Nobunaga Oda" who is one of the most famous warriors in the Warring States Period.

In this program, we explore the roots of "Yasutsuna" and introduce the appeals of Japanese swords, and also how Japanese swords refining technology is inherited in modern Japan. You will see why Japanese swords attract many people even today.

*** available in English subtitles

  • History
  • Science
2019.8 -2019.8
  • History
  • Science

Made in Hiroshima Spearheading Innovation

メイドインヒロシマSP 超域オンリーワン

Neuroscientist Kenichiro Mogi uses his unique perspective to uncover the appeal of industries unique to Hiroshima Prefecture. What is their secret to fostering innovation?
In the town of Saka in the Aki District, The DaikyoNishikawa Corporation is using tree resin to revolutionize plastic technology. Even Kenichiro Mogi was surprised at the amount of resin being used in car components! The Kitagawa Corporation in Fuchu City is a world-class maker of the machine components called "chucks"- a tool that aids in making precision parts. The development of the modern-day chuck comes from many years of cultivation by the hands of craftsmen. Next up is Hattendo in Mihara City. Their "cream bun" is popular in all parts of the country. What's the secret behind these hand-made desserts? What does Kenichiro Mogi find in this shop nestled near the airport in Mihara City? Satake Corporation is located in the eastern part of Hiroshima City; it is the top maker of processing machines for milling rice and grains. What is Satake's vision for the future of agriculture?

  • History
  • Education
2019 -
  • History
  • Education

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum-- Passing Down Hiroshima's Memories


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum opened 10 years after the Atomic bomb was dropped, and it re-opened on April 25, 2019 after renovations. With a focus on real-life pictures, the museum displays mementos from those who perished, as well as pictures from the time of the bombing, and paintings from those exposed to radiation. What are the thoughts of those who donated the mementos? What about the thoughts of elementary students in Hiroshima? Even people such as President Obama and the Pope have come to visit this museum. The son of the first director of the museum talks about his father's thoughts on the museum. How will the new generation handle Hiroshima's wish for abolition of nuclear weapons?

  • History

  • History

Successors of Souma Nomaoi


“Soma Nomaoi” is a festival that dates back 1000 years, and began as a military exercise for samurai. It is recognized as an “Important Intangible Cultural Property”.
This three day festival takes place in Soma, a city which is famous for horse-breeding in Fukushima prefecture.
Events include a 1000 meter horse race, and ends with a man dressed in white capturing a horse with their bare hands to present to the shrine. This is a documentary of the event and the interaction among local people.


  • History
  • Science
2018 -2018

  • History
  • Science


What makes the goods and famous products of Hiroshima great?
What are the secrets to its successful businesses?
Presenting the best things “Made in Hiroshima”, showing off fine techniques, food, and culture to Japan and the world.
We’ll search for the origin stories of Hiroshima businesses and rediscover what makes Hiroshima great.

  • Art
  • History
  • Nature
2018 -2018

  • Art
  • History
  • Nature

(4k) Takeki Fujito – Ainu engraver

Mr. Takeki Fujito is the Ainu people in Japan. He lives in Lake Akan in Hokkaido.
He learned the professional skill of woodcarving from his father. He confronts the tree without drafting any drawings, and drilling at a stroke. "There are already the work in the trees, I only carve it out," he says.
The works are represented by bears, wolves, and the Ainu’s view of the world.
Ainu culture is now focused on from all over the world. For example, the demonstration of ethnic dance in the opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympic in 2020.
This is a documentary program in which the depth of the Ainu culture, the beauty of the local Akan forest, the wonderfulness of woodcarving sculpture expressed by 4K camera.
Spanish and English dubbing are available.

  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Nature
2018 -2018

  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Nature

Japan, Thousand Year of Soup Stock

This is an amazing food documentary to show thousand-year history of soup stock. The soup stock is the fundamental essence in Japanese dishes, and kombuor sea kelp, harvested in the northern sea of Hokkaido is known as the best ingredient for the stock. Now a days, the sea kelp is used not only for Japanese traditional cuisines but also western cuisines and even for chocolate.

Through this program, we introduce the reason why northern sea of Hokkaido grows good quality kelp. Then we show how the kelp has been distributed long time ago from Hokkaido to all over Japan and East Asia across the sea. Viewers will realize how the soup stock made from the kelp contributes to the conventional cooking in Japan and the modern cooking in the west.

  • Family
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  • Fashion
  • Reality
2017.10 -2019.9

  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Fashion
  • Reality

MIGAKU HITO -Japan's Polishing Artisans-


When we clean, we polish the heart and polish the smile.
At one time or another, everyone has probably felt the urge to clean because “tidying up makes you feel good and refreshed.”
Have you ever thought that people who clean, polish their own hearts as well?
And in so doing, they clean the grime from their hearts.
And what emerges after polishing are...things that shine, and, a smile that sparkles.
Through sound and images, this program shows how “sparkling smiles” are born after polishing.


  • History
  • Education
  • Reality
2017 -2017

  • History
  • Education
  • Reality

Creating “New Fukushima”


Nearly seven years have passed since the massive earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan
and caused the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Decommissioning the plant
will take decades. But people’ s lives have recovered with an astonishing speed by putting together
the wisdom of the humankind. A series of four short English-language programs shows how
Fukushima is today. Each program runs for about 14 minutes.

  • History
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  • Education
  • Reality
2017 -2017
  • History
  • Science
  • Education
  • Reality

Wege aus der Katastrophe-Wie Fukushima die erobert-


Fukushima Prefecture is continuing promote the medical industry. The medical field is expecting large growth centered on developing nations. The medical industry in Fukushima can have a big impact on the regional economy. The value of Fukushima’s medical equipment market will double over the next 10 years.

Seither sind 5 Jahre vergangen. Die Umgebung des Kernkraftwerks ist nach wie vor
unbewohnbar, aber in anderen Gegenden nehmen die Menschen langsam wieder ihr
gewohntes Leben und ihre wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten wie vor dem Erdbeben auf.
Ein großer Antriebsmotor für den wirtschaftlichen Wiederaufbau ist die
Medizintechnologie und die damit verbundene Kooperation mit Deutschland.
Vorgestellt werden Unternehmen und Manufakturen, die die regionale Wirtschaft
stützen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Die Präfektur Fukushima konzentrierte sich auf die
Medizintechnologie, die weltweit Wachstumspotential hat, und förderte die Expansion
von regionalen Unternehmen in dem Bereich der Medizintechnologie.
In der Stadt Kôriyama wurde eine Einrichtung/Forschungskrankenhaus geschaffen,
das weltweit als erstes Krankenhaus BNCT , eine Krebstherapie mit Neutronen, in
klinischen Studien durchführt. BNCT soll auch die Behandlung von rezidivierenden
Krebserkrankungen ermöglichen, gilt als die „ideale Krebstherapie“ („yume no
ganchiryô = ein Traum von einer Krebstherapie“) weltweit. Die Ergebnisse dieser
klinischen Studie werden weltweit mit Spannung erwartet und beobachtet.
Was die Förderung der Medizintechnologie unterstützt ist die in diesem
Zusammenhang entstandene Kooperation mit Deutschland, für Japan das Land von
dem man in puncto Medizin immer schon gerne gelernt hat -in gewissem Sinne sieht
man in Deutschland „die Wiege der Medizin“.
Die Präfektur Fukushima hat 2014 mit dem Land Nordrhein-Westfalen eine
Absichtserklärung für enge Kooperation und gemeinsame Forschung und Entwicklung
in den Bereichen Krebstherapie, Entwicklung von medizinischen Geräten und
medizinischen Robotern vereinbart.
Im September 2016 findet in diesem Zusammenhang an der Universität Essen ein
gemeinsames Symposium der Präfektur Fukushima und dem Land Nordrhein-
Westfalen (NRW-Fukushima Joint Symposium on Advances in Medicin“ statt. BNCT
und Medizinroboter (Strahlentherapie und Robotik) sind die Themen der Konferenz.
Experten der Strahlentherapie aus Japan und von der Universität tauschen sich hier
aus. Die Universität Essen strebt an, Deutschlands erste Einrichtung für
Strahlentherapie zu werden und legt daher großen Wert auf die gemeinsame
Forschung mit dem Krankenhaus in der Präfektur Fukushima.
Bei der Medizin-Messe MEDICA, die am 13. November 2016 in Düsseldorf stattfindet,
stellt die Präfektur Fukushima jedes Jahr aus. Auch in diesem Jahr stellen 6
Unternehmen aus der Präfektur Fukushima ihre neuen Produkte vor. Darunter auch
das Unternehmen ESQ - eine kleine Fabrik (Werkstatt) mit nur 20 Mitarbeitern. Dieses
Unternehmen ist weltweit an der Spitze, was die Produktion von ultrafeinen
Metallröhren angeht. Auch für den deutschen Automobilzulieferer Bosch hat man hier
bereits ultrafeine Metallröhren für die Antiblockier-Bremssysteme gefertigt. Ultrafeine
Röhren von ESQ werden in Stents verwendet, die Herzinfarktpatienten eingesetzt
werden, um verengte Herzkranzgefäße zu erweitern. ESQ beliefert Stent-Hersteller
Die Firma Cyberdyne, die ihre Produktion in der Präfektur Fukushima hat, stellt den
medizinischen Roboteranzug(Exoscelett) HAL her, der in der Rehabilitation der
Bewegungsfunktionen von querschnittsgelähmten Patienten benutzt wird. Die
Therapieeinrichtung, bei der HAL zum Einsatz kommt ist in Deutschland, in Bochum.
Seit ihrer Gründung 2013 haben hier bisher 75 Patienten ein dreimonatiges Training
Gianna, die eine Rückenmarksverletzung bei einem Sturz vom Pferd davontrug, gehört
dazu. Sie konnte ihren Bewegungsapparat durch die Therapie soweit rehabilitieren,
dass sie heute wieder in der Lage ist zu reiten. Die Aufnahmen mit Gianna sowohl im
Therapiezentrum beim Training, wie auch beim Reiten belegen den Erfolg der
Therapie. In der Sendung wird ebenfalls eine 18jährige Patientin begleitet, die seit
Ende August 2016 an der 3 monatigen Therapie teilnimmt.
Durch solche Projekte, die stellvertretend sind für Medizintechnik aus Japan, wird die
Präfektur Fukushima vorgestellt und den Zuschauern in einem neuen noch
unbekannten Kontext näher gebracht. Dass sie sich soweit entwickeln konnte, und
somit weltweit Beachtung findet liegt nicht nur an der staatlichen Unterstützung,
sondern an den hohen technologischen Potentialen, die die regionalen Unternehmen
hier bereits als Zulieferer der Automobilindustrie entwickelt haben. Sie waren gefordert,
zu möglichst niedrigen Kosten Produkte höchster Qualität herzustellen. Auch
Medizintechnische Geräte benötigen höchste Qualität und Präzision, müssen sicher
und verlässlich sein. Die Unternehmen von Fukushima, die als Zulieferer der
Automobilindustrie gestählt wurden und viel Erfahrung haben, bringen in diesem
Bereich ihre Stärken ein.
In der Sendung werden noch weitere medizintechnische Geräte aus Fukushima
vorgestellt, deren originäre Technik weltweit führend ist. Die Sendung beschreibt die
Energie der Klein- und Mittelständischen Unternehmen aus Fukushima, die zum
Wiederaufbau nach dem KKW-Unfall beitragen, und die Kooperation mit Deutschland
anhand der Menschen, die hier beteiligt sind .

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2017 -2017

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  • Family
  • Food/Cooking
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  • Reality
  • Travel

Witness "F"


The documentary program that focused on Fukuoka and Saga is Witness "F".
People's lives, incidents, disasters, welfare.
We deeply explain various themes deeply and politely.


福岡や佐賀を焦点に制作したドキュメンタリー番組がWitness "F"です。

  • Family
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  • Art
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

The Wisdom of Washoku


Chapter One : Washoku Origins
Chapter Two : Wanmono (Bowl Dish)
In 794, Japan’s capital was moved to Kyoto.
It remained the capital for more than a millennium.
The diverse food culture of the Imperial family and nobility is still in evidence today.
The origins of washoku are honzen, shojin and kaiseki cuisines.
At the very root of washoku is a heartfelt appreciation of life and the blessings of nature.

第1章 日本料理的原点
第2章 碗物(汤)

  • History

  • History

Craft Story of Yamagata


People in Yamagata take great pride in the craftsmanship that has been handed down for generations. From the perspective of traditional time-tested techniques, restoration technology, and state-of-the-art technology, we approach the essence of people's enthusiasm and skill.
Introduced in the program, are the skills and techniques of the "hikiya" building movers, a certain local factory that gets orders for furniture from around the world, works created through advanced programming skills, and the "Books Doctor,” a craftsman who is undertaking the task of repairing books.

動かす、削る、直す。 技に秘められた3つの物語を辿りながら、山形に息づくクラフトマンシップに迫ります。番組ナビゲーターは日本で人気の女優、黛英里佳です。

  • History
  • Nature
  • Art

  • History
  • Nature
  • Art

TOFUKUJI - Resplendent in Red

东福寺 红妆璀璨

Tofukuji Temple, the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism, was built in 1236.
At the main entrance is Sanmon Gate, designated a National Treasure. It is the largest one of its kind among Zen temples of Japan. The site is imbued with the solemnity of Buddhism. Nineteen statues of the Buddha grace the hall and the ceiling is adorned with the Kalavinka and Gumyo Bird, mythical creatures said to dwell in Buddhist paradise. The nearly 2000 maples trees along the temple grounds attest to the beauty of nature with its fresh green foliage in spring that eventually burst into the resplendent colors of fall. Three wooden bridges, Tsutenkyo, Gaunkyo, Engetsukyo span a stream surrounded by maple trees.
In all four directions of the Hojo or abbot’s quarters, the beautifully kept modern gardens convey expressions of contemporary art. Named collectively as Hasso-no-niwa (Garden of Eight Views), it was designed by Mirei Shigemori, the quintessential gardener of the Showa Era. In creating this garden, stones were brought from another location, in keeping with the Zen spirit of not letting anything go to waste. In autumn, the temple is dyed in the radiant hues of autumn. We are proud to present the breathtaking beauty of Tofukuji Temple in 4K super high-definition, the only way to do justice to the magical changing of the seasons woven by man and nature.


  • Art
  • History
  • Art
  • History

Sentimental Blue Flag: Woodblock Artist Shuzo Ikeda's Heritage

センチメンタルの青い旗~木版画家 池田修三が遺したもの~

Shuzo Ikeda (1922-2004) was born in Kisakata town, Akita. He worked on woodblock print, moku hanga, as his primary artistic pursuit.
The characteristics of his work are brilliant color usage, pop design, and emotionally rich, simple, and warm style. Distinctive depictions of girls are sometimes called "sentimental." Now, his works are becoming popular around Japan, particularly among young generation.
The girls that Ikeda drew have blue shadow around their eyes and slight sadness in expressions. Why did he add the essence of sadness on girls' face? We tried to reproduce Ikeda's work using the left woodblock. You would understand his techniques to express brilliant color, and his deep thoughts from the interview with people who are fascinated with his works.

Remarks: English subtitles are available.

  • Art
  • Education
  • Family
  • Fashion
  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Nature
  • Reality
  • Travel
2014 -2018
  • Art
  • Education
  • Family
  • Fashion
  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Nature
  • Reality
  • Travel



Kyoto's allure lies not only in its shrines and temples or the elegance of the city.
For more than a millennium since the year 794, Kyoto flourished as the capital, leading the way in the arts, architecture and commerce. The essence of Japanese culture was born in Kyoto, and has been refined and passed down to modern times. Japanese quality which is recognized throughout the world has its roots in Kyoto and its culture of craftsmanship.
"Made in Kyoto" introduces artistry at its best – from traditional weaving and cuisine to state-of-the-art robotics - created and nurtured by the masters of Kyoto who know true quality.

【MADE IN 京都】就是,从传统的纺织织物和京料理到最先进的机器人技术,介绍最会挑选真货的京都人淬炼出来的工匠技艺。

  • Family
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  • Science
  • Art
  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing
2014 -2020

  • Family
  • History
  • Science
  • Art
  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing

The Leader


Corporate and organization leaders are said to be loners.
They also seem to be unapproachable.
However, we want to know more about them, about goals they set, and how they tackle difficult decisions.
“The Leader” features a leader each time, and the documentary reveals a side of them never seen in public. Topics are not limited to their confidence and pride. They talk about skills needed in leading an organization, how they maintain their health, their hobbies, what they read, their thoughts on child rearing, nostalgic locations, turning points in their lives, the follies of youth, and things they love with all their heart.


  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education
2013 -2013
  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education

Memory of the World Message from Sakubei Yamamoto ~ A miner-painter’s link to the future

世界記憶遺産 山本作兵衛からのメッセージ ~炭鉱絵師がつなぐ未来~

At the age of seven, Sakubei Yamamoto entered a coal mine with his parents; this was the beginning of his 50 year career at the Chikuho mines in Fukuoka prefecture. The mines were pitch black and humid, and the threat of collapse or flooding was never far from the miner’s minds.
After retiring, Sakubei found work as a night guard. From the age of 66, he first began documenting his life and times working at the coal mines in essays and paintings. He left behind a legacy of over a thousand paintings, as well as 70 notebooks and diaries. Of this collection, 697 pieces were chosen for inscription on the ‘Memory of the World’ register. This program examines the life of Sakubei, and the incredibly detailed documents he left behind of the Chikuhocoal mines. What sort of figure was he, and what message does he convey to us through his artwork? Sakubei’s life and art is revealed through the stories told by those connected to him.
It got Certificate of Creative Excellence award at US International Film & Video Festival in 2014

そしてほとんどを輸入に頼っていますが、日本の電気エネルギーの四分の一は石炭による火力発電が担っています。 国民一人あたりにすると、1年間に1トン以上の石炭を今も使っているのです。


  • History
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  • Travel
2012 -2025

  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

Getting to Know Beautiful Japan


So much of Japan’s natural and traditional beauty remains largely unknown. Picturesque townscapes, rows of merchant homes. Noble mansions of the samurai. Deep bamboo forests and cobblestone roads. Tasty delicacies and handicrafts known only to locals. This program sets out along the old highways to rediscover ageless “Japanese beauty”.
On long traversed-roads that multiply, there is history and romance.
There is the breath of life. Embark on a journey down numerous highways and byways in search of beautiful Japan.

일본에는 아직 알려지지 않은 미와 전통이 잠들고 있다. 상점이늘어선 아름다운 거리. 무사마을의 경건한 분위기. 대나무숲으로이어지는 돌다다미길. 마을 사람들만이 아는 별미와 전통공예. 거리를 따라 옛부터 이어지는 「아름다운 일본」을 재발견해가는 프로그램이다.
사람이 걸어서 만들어진 수많은 길. 그곳에는 역사와 낭만 사람의숨결이 담겨져 있다. 길을 따라 아름다운 일본을 찾으러 떠나자.


  • Education
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  • Travel
2011 -2011
  • Education
  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

Collection of Japanese Temple Seals


This program introduces the history of shrines and temples, as well as the meaning behind the seals and the characters and the proper manner for obtaining them. Temples and shrines are capturing attention in the recent power spot craze, and people visit them for a variety of reasons.




  • History
  • Nature
  • Art
2011 -

  • History
  • Nature
  • Art

100 Sights of Ancient Cities


Facing Sea of Japan to the north and having Chugoku Mountains to the south, San-in region is located in the western part of Japan. People have been living here and creating events, entertainment and a wisdom of everyday life that are very distinctive of San-in region for many generations since the ancient time. These are valuable assets, which are inherited by our Japanese ancestors.

“100 Sights of Ancient Cities” is a TV series handing down to next generation the inheritance of our ancestors such as precious traditional events, entertainment, crafts and wisdom of everyday life.
You can enjoy traditional Japanese culture and life in Japan.

*** 43 episodes are available in English subtitles as of October, 2020.

  • Art
  • History
2007.4 -2009.3
  • Art
  • History

Wooden Treasure in Akita


Akita prefecture is abundant in natural resources; wood is one of them. There are a lot of wooden architectures in Akita that are historically valuable.
This program introduces you over 100 old wooden architectures in Tohoku region, mostly in Akita. You would be fascinated by the majestic beauty of them. This program teaches you the importance of natural resources and the inheritance of Japanese tradition.

  • History
  • Nature
1994 -1994
  • History
  • Nature

The World Heritage

THE 世界遺産

TBS’s ”World Heritage,” is a 30-minute weekly documentary series that is registered by UNESCO under Natural Heritage, Cultural Heritage and Cultural Sciences. The program started in spring, 1996, and over a span of 10 years has covered about 560 topics around the world. To better convey the grandeur of these treasures of the world, TBS has shot the series in High-Definition. High quality images, impeccable narrative, and beautiful music...the elements are simple and straightforward. The producers feel that this style of presentation works best to visually document and preserve the wonders of the world, and continue to do so to this day.

TBS의 다큐멘타리 「세계유산」은 유네스코에 등록된 세계유산을 30분씩 소개하는 방송이다. 1996년 봄에 방송을 시작해 15년이상 세계에 있는 600개의 세계유산을 소개했다. 세계유산은 지구와 인류의 역사에 의해 태어난 귀중한 보물이라고 할 수 있다. 인류 공동의 재산인 「세계유산」을 하이비젼 카메라로 촬영해 아름다운 영상미를 자랑한다. 그뿐 아니라 아름다운 음악과 알기 쉬운 설명으로 심플하게 구성돼 있다.
10년동안 방송한 공적을 인정받아 2006년8월에 유네스코로부터 감사장을 받았다. TBS팀은 오늘도 세계유산을 영원히 남기기 위해 세계 어딘가에서 카메라를 들고 뛰어다니고 있다.


  • History
1994 -1994
  • History

2013 HAKATA GION YAMAKASA, Hashire! Yamakasa

Hakata Gion Yamakasa is the festival that signals the coming of summer in town, Fukuoka. With over 770 years of history, Hakata Gion Yamakasa is a Shinto ritual dedicated to Hakata's main tutelary deity Kushida Shrine, and designated as an important intangible folk asset of the country. When the gorgeous Kazariyama floats are displayed throughout the city on July 1, the town is awash in Yamakasa mood and the 15-day event begins, celebrated with two contrasting types of floats of stillness and movement. Loincloth-clad float carriers, splashed with water, pull and carry floats that weigh a ton. They run through the streets with tremendous speed, power and gallant cries. The festival climaxes on July 15 at 4:59am with the Oiyama race, and brings the hot summer to Fukuoka. KBC has broadcasted the Oiyama race every year. Witness the bustling festival of Hakata Gion Yamakasa filmed by 20 cameras covering full aspects of the Japanese traditional festival.

  • History
  • Science
  • History
  • Science


メイドインヒロシマ 13エピソーズ

What makes the goods and famous products of Hiroshima great? What are the secrets to its successful businesses? Presenting the best things “Made in Hiroshima”, showing off fine techniques, food, and culture to Japan and the world.