Format scripted

71 Titles

  • NEW
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Romance


  • NEW
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Romance

The Unknown Me


The protagonist, Mei, has amnesia following a serious accident, but is living a fulfilling life enjoying her work and surrounded by her wonderful fiancé and best friend. But one day she falls under the suspicion of a murder of which she has no memory and her comfortable life falls apart. “What on earth happened during the year I can’t remember? Did I really kill someone?” The constant twists and turns will leave you breathless!​ All of the characters are lying. They seem like good people, but they’re all suspicious! Manipulated by their lies, you’ll be drawn in by the tension of not knowing who is an ally and who an enemy. Mei is betrayed by those she trusts as she draws closer to the truth, but she does not actually know herself and is carrying her own secret as the story ramps up in the second half.​ You won’t be able to tear your eyes away from the emotional intensity of scenes featuring screams on a mountain road late at night, the approaching danger of being hit by a car, and furious confrontations. You’ll be glued to the screen by the performances of our talented cast including Karin Ono who has been branded a genius since her time as a child star, Teppei Koike who excels in playing both heroes and villains, and Fumika Baba who gave an excellent performance as a psychologically trapped woman in Otto wo Shakaiteki ni Massatsu Suru Itsutsu no Houhou.​ The latest love-hate drama from the screenwriter and producer of Sister and Guilty!​ The 2022 drama Sister proved incredibly popular with female viewers and has received over 10 million views on free catch-up service TVer.​

  • NEW
  • Comedy


  • NEW
  • Comedy

Fictitious girl's diary The Movie


The 2017 drama series, Kaku OL Nikki (Fictitious girl's diary), will return in 2020 as a movie! Comedian Bakarhythm, both writing and starring in the original, will be returning to once again write and star in the movie. Set in a fictional bank featuring a female office worker who works, drinks, falls in love and complains, this slice-of-life drama quickly won the hearts of many female viewers. The fact that Bakarhythm himself starred as a female office worker also stirred much buzz. The show was highly rated, having gone on to receive awards like an honorable mention at the 55th Galaxy Awards, an award celebrating excellency in broadcasting, individuals and organizations. Based on the original novel “Fictitious girl’s diary” by BAKARHYTHM published by Shogakukan Inc.

  • NEW
  • Family


  • NEW
  • Family

Dream Stage


Tsubasa Ozawa lives with her mother Yukiko Ozawa in a small fishing village in Japan’s northeastern region. She is sick of her country life and wishes to shine more. She has a good voice and dreams to become a singer but she feels no hope to fulfill it. One day, Tsubasa runs away from home after having a fight with her mother. On the ride to her friend’s house, the train stops all in a sudden. She hits her head and passes out. When Tsubasa wakes up, she finds herself arrives at Ueno Station and gets caught by using “fake” banknote, realizing she has travelled to the past Tokyo! Luckily, she is saved by a girl whose name is Ozora Tsubasa. Coincidentally, she has the same first name and also wants to become a singer. Searching for preforming chances, they encounter a former singer, Koichiro Tsushima and a bar owner, Beniko Takahara. Koichiro originally intends to sell them to a hot spring inn to pay off his debt. But after hearing them singing in the bar, he changes his mind. With the full support of Koichiro and Beniko, they form a singing group and aim to debut by entering the most famous Japanese TV audition show “All Japan Song Championship.” Affected by optimistic and hardworking of Ozora, Tsubasa Ozawa gradually gains the strength to live and sing. And she discovers a secret of her mother...

  • NEW
  • Family
  • History
  • Romance


  • NEW
  • Family
  • History
  • Romance

The Formula of Michi & Kiyoshi


Can you believe your loved one as this lady did? This is a story of a legendary math genius, Kiyoshi Oka and his wife Michi. Kiyoshi is born in Osaka. He is eccentric to the extent he prefers wearing long rubber boots even on sunny days, and he dresses wrinkled and shabby business jacket with no tie. Being a wife of an eccentric genius and obsessed mathematician, Michi often faces difficulties to understand what her husband is trying to calculate. Not only that, she has to face family financial issues because Kiyoshi’s theory was not evaluated in Japan’s Math society so easily. But Michi never doubts his gift, passion and pure desire to solve some of the most difficult world math problems. Michi never gives up to support Kiyoshi, and eventually guides him to having acknowledgment from the world and to receiving the Order of Culture in 1960.

  • NEW
  • Comedy


  • NEW
  • Comedy

Fictitious girl's diary


ork, drink, and love… Life of women in the working society are more than it seems. A popular blog Bakarhythm has been secretly writing as a working lady, is finally out as a drama! Life at work, hanging out with friends, falling in love, and self-improvements; though being a man himself, Bakarhythm’s imaginary blog is highly rated among working women as “fully understating the women’s mind”. Bakarhythm become’s a woman himself and lives the life of a woman working as a bank teller. The drama is filled with scenes that you’ll be able to relate and laugh out loud! With a surprising grand finale, the sky’s the limit for the fictitious world of Bakarhytm. Based on the original novel “Fictitious girl’s diary” by BAKARHYTHM published by Shogakukan Inc.

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports

I Wanna Punch that Scumbag!


Hokomi Sato has hit rock bottom after being left at the altar on her wedding day. However, things start looking up when she meets the kind and compassionate Kairi Kuzuya. But in fact, he turns out to be the “worst womanizing scum of the earth!” Vowing never to be hurt again, Hokomi decides to change herself and takes up boxing, setting her life on a new course. Yet, she can’t seem to keep Kairi out of her life as she begins to learn of his eventful past. Follow Hokomi on her journey to mental and physical empowerment through this no-holds-barred boxing love story!

  • Family
  • Family

Light of My Lion


Hiroto, a kind and earnest older brother and his autistic younger brother, Michito, led an ordinary life together - until one day, a five-year-old boy appeared at their doorstep claiming to be their nephew. This boy, who refers to himself as “Lion”, says he is the son of Hiroto and Michito’s sister, who they believed was dead. However, she was actually alive only to vanish again, entrusting her young son to the brothers’ care. The trio develop a strong camaraderie as they seek to unravel a thicket of lies and a grand scheme of love, surrounding the mysterious sister.

  • Romance
  • Romance



A woman’s teens, 20s and 30s - each decade brings its own level of expectations and anxieties. These watershed life moments tend to highlight issues of employment, love, marriage, childbirth, and parenting, with the added pressure of perceived time limits. Three so-called “9-border” sisters - aged 19, 29, and 39 - gather under one roof after their father's sudden disappearance struggle with love, life, and time issues in this melodrama about finding happiness and moving forward in life.

10대, 20대, 30대… 나이를 먹어가며 누구나가 직면하는 나이의 앞자리 숫자가 바뀌는 것에 대한 기대와 불안. 특히 여성의 인생에는 취직, 연애, 결혼, 출산, 육아 등 과제가 차례차례 찾아오고 여러 가지로 제약과 제한 시간이 설정되기도 한다.
19세, 29세, 39세, 이른바「새로운 연령대」를 맞이하기 전 라스트 이어=「9보더」중의 세 자매가 아버지의 갑작스러운 실종을 계기로 한 지붕 아래로 모인다.
「LOVE」「LIFE」「LIMIT」를 테마로 답답함과 초초함을 안고 행복해지기 위해 고군분투하며 적극적으로 인생을 살아가는 휴먼 러브스토리.

正值19歲、29歲、39歲,前往下個人生階段前的最後一年=「9 border」的三姐妹,由於父親突然失蹤而來到同一個屋簷下。

  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Thriller



With a conviction rate from criminal trials said to be 99.9%, Japanese lawyers are not saviors in search of potential evidence hidden in the remaining 0.1% that may save their clients’ lives. But if there were one capable of acquitting even a murderer facing 100% evidence against him, you could dub him a dark and dangerous “anti-lawyer”. His name is Akizumi. "I don’t care if you killed or not. I'll find you innocent,” goes the mantra of this anti-hero who will turn common sense on its head. An all-new and paradoxical entertainment begins!

일본 형사재판에서의 유죄율은 99.9%라고 한다.
변호사는 남은 0.1%에 숨겨진「무죄의 증거」를 찾아 의뢰인을 구하는 구세주와 같은 인간이 아니다.
설령 범죄자인 증거가 100% 일치해도 무죄를 쟁취하는「살인범까지도 무죄로 만들어 버리는」“안티” 변호사・아키즈미.
히어로라고는 말하기 어려운 한없이 어둡고 위험한 인물이다.
「살인 여부는 관계없습니다. 제가 무죄로 만들어 드리겠습니다. 」
새로운 히어로가 당신의 상식을 뒤집는다.
전대미문의 역전 패러독스 엔터테인먼트의 막이 열린다!

這位 “英雄”將顛覆你的常識,史無前例的逆轉悖論娛樂劇集,始動!!

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Extremely Inappropriate!


Ichiro is a PE teacher in 1986 feared by his students for a "tough love" approach, harsh tongue and frequently “inappropriate” behavior. He’s also a dad trying to raise a rebellious daughter after having lost his wife to illness. When he gets transported in time to 2024, he encounters modern sensibilities that teach him about empathy, but also gives people of today reason to rethink their own political correctness in this time traversing comedy about change.

1986년. 이치로는 “사랑의 매”라 불린 엄격한 지도를 하는 것이 당연시되던 쇼와시대의 체육교사. 거친 말투에 부적절한 언동을 되풀이하며 학생들로부터도 무서움의 대상이었다. 그런 이치로였지만 아내를 병으로 잃고 집에서는 외동딸의 비행에 애를 태우는 보통의 아버지이기도 하다. 어느 날, 이상하게도 1986년에서 2024년 현재로 타임 슬립해 버린다! 이치로의 극론이 법률 준수에 얽매어진 현시대의 사람들에게 생각할 계기를 주게 되는데…? 쇼와시대에서 레이와 시대로의 타임슬립으로 다시 한번 느끼는 사람들의 차이나 공감을 그린 타임슬립 코미디.




  • Fantasy
  • Romance

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

Eye Love You

Eye Love You

An accident endows protagonist Yuri with the unwelcomed ability to see into people’s hears just by looking into their eyes. Such exposure to the true feelings of herself and others scares her into social reclusiveness. That is until the day she meets Teo, a Korean youth with a genuinely affable personality. Her telepathy being neutralized when with Teo, Yuri begins to harbor hopes of a romantic relationship she’d once thought impossible. But can this ray of sunshine melt the frozen wall that protects her?

주인공 유리는 어떤 사고를 계기로 눈을 보면 그 사람의 마음의 소리가 들리고 마는 “텔레패스” 능력을 가지고 있다.
“텔레패스” 능력을 가지게 되어 버린 유리는 타인의 본심이나 자신의 본심을 사람에게 보여주는 것도 두려워져 필요 이상으로 사람과의 관계를 멀리하게 된다.
그런 어느 날, 밝고 다정한 성격의 한국인 태오를 만난다.
마음의 소리를 알 수 없는 태오라면 포기했던 연애도 어쩌면 … 이라는 생각을 하게 되는데!
자신의 본심을 드러내지 못하는 유리의 닫힌 마음을 태양처럼 밝고 솔직한 태오의 존재가 어떻게 녹여갈 것인가!


  • Mystery
  • Health&Wellbeing

  • Mystery
  • Health&Wellbeing

Great Gift


Pathologist Fujimaki stumbles upon an unknown killer virus named "Gift" following a patient's death. Individuals succumb shortly after the virus infiltrates their bodies, leaving no trace behind and enabling a flawless crime. Greedy and influential individuals seek to exploit "Gift" to eliminate rivals or amass wealth. Fujimaki's life undergoes a radical transformation with the discovery of this dreadful virus. The real culprit behind introducing the virus into the hospital and orchestrating the serial murders remains a mystery.



Nineteen-year-old enigmatic boy Zero Mishima formed a group called "Mars" with his high school friends. Among them are individuals who have previously experienced bullying, and all members are dropouts who lost their place in school. Zero exerts influence over the group with his words and charisma, leading "Mars" in a campaign to dismantle and rebuild society through social media.

  • Romance

  • Romance

The Gift of Your Heart


Ame(Rain) and Taiyo(Sun), two people with opposite names, face a "severe miracle" in the purest love story of this winter!

The main character, Ame Aihara, has been unable to open her heart to others because of her sad past and lack of self-confidence. However, one day after returning to her hometown in Nagasaki, she is reunited with Taiyo Asano, the only man with whom she had a heart-to-heart communication in the past, and whom she still cannot forget to this day. However, her joy at the reunion was short-lived, as he was involved in an accident.A man who claims to be a "guide" from the other world appears before the sorrowful Ame and says, "If you give me your heart, I will perform a miracle for you". However, the condition of "offering her heart" was too severe for Ame....What is the meaning of the "heart" that Ame is deprived of in exchange for the "miracle"? And what will happen to them as a result of the "miracle" that the guide performs?

VS School -The Ultimate HIDE and SEEK-

High School Hide & Seek: Unmask the Stars, Win the Fame!

A large scale hide and seek against a whole highshool!
Celebrities hide in real like props(e.g. piano, tree stumps, etc.) and students must find all the hiders in time, to win the prize.

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama

My Second AOHARU


Sayako is approaching 30 and has begun to mourn a life devoid of money and an education. “It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this,” she sighs, lamenting her past failed college entrance exams. That’s when she meets college student, Taku, whose words of encouragement rekindle her desire to chase a once abandoned dream of becoming an architect. As a 30-year-old office worker, Sayako joins with Gen-Z college students to embark upon a new chapter and second youth in life.

사야코는 학력도 돈도 없는 사회인. 예전 건축에 대해 배우고 싶어 대입시험에 도전하지만 실패한다. 이후「아, 이게 아니야.」라는 생각을 품으면서 서른 살을 맞게 된다. 그런 가운데 사야코는 대학생 타쿠를 만난다.
「그때 대학에 갔더라면 다른 인생이었을까?」라고 털어놓는 사야코에게 타쿠의 한마디가 계기가 되어 운명이 크게 움직이기 시작한다…!
한차례 포기했던 건축가의 꿈을 이루기 위해 다시 배우기로 결심하고 별 볼일 없는 회사원에서 서른 살 대학생이 된다!
인생 제2막을 시작한 사야코가 현재를 살아가는 대학생들과 함께 펼치는 세컨드 청춘 러브 코미디!


My Beloved Flower


Can friendship be established between a man and a woman?
What is the difference between ”friendship” and ”love” and what is the same?

A woman and a man who have lost someone precious to them through their relationships with their male and female friends. And a woman and a man who have feelings for each other as the opposite sex.
The four gorgeous actors carefully and amusingly depict ”love” and ”friendship” and the indescribable ”feelings”, which are spun out by the four characters and the people around them. Watch the complex triangular relationship and a quadrilateral relationship on this romantic love comedy that will make you laugh out loud and cry a little.

  • School Drama
  • School Drama

The Greatest Teacher

最高の教師 1年後、私は生徒に■された

Passionate teachers who will do anything for their students have gone extinct. Unless their life is at stake.
With the spread of social media, it has become impossible to track what students are doing in their private lives. People are sensitive to gender and LGBTQ issues, and denounce all forms of harassment and abuse. It is absurd to think that teachers and students can have a close relationship. Both parties are simply not interested.

“One of the students in front of me will kill me a year from now. There will be 30 suspects.”

After the ceremony on graduation day, teacher Rina Kujo is pushed off the 4th floor. The last things she sees is the sleeve of someone’s uniform.

“Why?! No! Who would do this to me?! I don’t want to die!” Just as these thoughts flash through her mind, she finds herself back at the assembly on the first day of school one year ago.

In this school drama for the new era, Rina faces her students squarely to unveil the truth.

  • Romance

  • Romance

18/40: Unbreakable Bond of Dreams

18/40 ~ふたりなら夢も恋も~

18-year-old Arisu dreams of becoming a museum curator overseas.
But just as she earns a recommendation to study art at a university, she finds out she is pregnant. Enter co-protagonist Toko, a business-savvy contemporary art dealer on the cusp of 40 who has shelved the idea of romance for the past decade. A passion for art and their bad luck or indifference to romance help the two women forge a bond despite their age difference. But then they both find themselves falling for “troubled” men in this empowering girl-bonding tale.

주인공 아리스는 어머니의 영향을 받아 미술관 학예사가 되어 해외에서 활약하는 큐레이터를 꿈꾸는 18세 소녀.
추천입학으로 예술학과로의 진학도 결정되어 있던 중 예기치 못한 임신이 발각된다.
또 다른 한 명의 주인공 도우코는 현대아트를 다루는 회사의 아트 스페셜리스트로 10년간 연애도 하지 않고 곧 마흔이 되는 일에 열심인 회사원.
그런 18세 임산부와 이제 곧 40세이지만 사랑은 뒷전인 비즈니스 우먼과의 나이를 초월한 여성의 우정, 각각의 사연 있는 남자와 사랑에 빠지는 러브스토리!


  • Action
  • Adventure

  • Action
  • Adventure



Yusuke Nogi of Marubishi Corp. is about to seal a solar energy plant deal when he is blamed for a remittance error that sends him to the central Asian republic of Balka to retrieve 13 billion yen or face dismissal. He then nearly dies in a terrorist explosion, but learns the local authorities are hunting him as the bomber suspect! He avoids capture with the help of a mysterious Japanese intelligence agent Nozaki and a female doctor Kaoru, but can Nogi get to safety and recover the money?

대기업 무역회사「마루비시 상사」에 근무하는 노기는 GFL사와 태양에너지 플랜트 사업의 계약을 본격적으로 진행하고 있었다.
그러나, 오송금이 일어나게 되면서 손실의 130억엔을 회수하기 위해 송금처인 발카공화국으로 향한다.
사내에서 노기는 오송금의 범인으로 의심받아 130억엔을 되찾지 못하면 징계해고될 위기에 처하고…!
그런 가운데 폭발에 연루된 노기는 폭파범으로 오인을 받고 발카경찰에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.
현지에서 만난 공안 형사 노자키와 의사 카오루와 함께 노기는 발카공화국을 탈출하기 위해 동분서주한다….
과연 노기는 130억엔을 되찾을 수 있을까?


Likability Supplement


The protagonist, who works for a publishing company, is a very ordinary man who leads a life where nothing goes well.
One day, he receives a prescription for a "likability supplement" at a clinic he found on the Internet. After taking it, he begins to see a number above humans’ heads that represents how many people have a favorable impression of the person.
While his colleagues have double-digit numbers and a talented guy has over 500, he is shocked to see that his likability is only 4.
Then, he takes a training to increase his likability at the clinic, and his life starts to change…

  • Adventure
  • Adventure

Pending Train

ペンディングトレイン―8時23分、明日 君と

It begins as any other day with commuters and passengers catching the 8:23 train. That is, until one train car suddenly warps into a wormhole and lands in a devastated future world. Without smartphones or social media, the passengers must confront extraordinary and extreme conditions. Mere strangers yesterday, they must face their worst fears and instincts for survival, deception, and love as they fight to get back home in this exploration of how people deal with unprecedented events.

8시 23분, 평소와 다름없는 아침.
어제와 같은 오늘을 맞이할 거라고 모두가 그렇게 생각했었다.
하지만, 돌연 도심으로 향하는 전차 한 칸이 미래의 황폐한 세계로 순간 이동해버린다.
스마트폰 자체가 전혀 도움이 되지 않는 세계로 갑자기 내던져진 승객들.
극한의 상태 속에서 각자가 안고 있는 과거와 삶의 이유, 그리고 서로의 본심을 알게 되고 변화해가는 서로의 관계성.
같은 전철에 우연히 함께 탄 승객들이 황폐한 토지에서 연락수단도 끊긴 상황 속에서 어떻게 살아갈 것인가….
힘든 상황 속에서 필사적으로 살아가는 사람들의 모습을 그린 예측불능의 휴먼 엔터테인먼트.


  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller

The Last Man: The Blind Profiler


Hiromi Minami is a US FBI agent on temporary loan to Japan. He’s blind but dubbed “the last man" for his ability to crack tough cases with keen analysis and honed senses. Shintaro Godo is a field cop with a top arrest record who shuns his pedigree as police commissioner’s son. The two make for a highly mismatched pair, but there’s more to their partnership than meets the eye. A police conspiracy? A link to a mysterious past? Strap in for a suspenseful adventure by this odd pair of detectives.

미국에서 교환학생으로 일본으로 오게 된 FBI 특별 수사관 미나미.
과거 한 사고로 인해 시력을 잃었지만 날카로운 분석력, 후각, 촉각으로 사건을 반드시 끝내버리는 최후의 히든카드라는 의미로 FBI에서는 “라스트 맨”으로 불리고 있다.
그런 미나미의 보좌를 맡게 된 것은 악을 절대로 용서할 수 없다는 “남다른 정의감”을 가진 경찰청 인재교류기획실 실장, 고도.
낙천적이고 타인을 신뢰하며 스스럼없이 주위에 도움을 청하는 미나미, 타인을 의심하며 오로지 자신만을 믿고 혼자서 살아온 고도라는 정반대의 불균형 콤비가 한 팀을 이루어 어려운 사건에 도전해간다.

雖因事故而導致雙眼失明,但敏銳的分析力、嗅覺、觸覺總是能讓事件邁向終點,在FBI被稱作「Last Man」,亦即「最後的王牌」。

  • Family

  • Family

At Least On Sunday Night


Three Japan Academy Award winners co-starring‼

Old apartment complexes, rented houses in the suburbs, and cabs running empty through the city. There is nothing special to note about these ordinary scenes, which have been left behind by the times, have lost their liveliness, and are somewhat lonely. However, looking closely behind each window, there is life with various circumstances. A daughter working part-time to support her disabled mother; a woman who has been cut off from her family and continues to work as a cab driver in search of pleasure in her dull days; a granddaughter living in a rented house with her grandmother because of a bad relationship with her parents and continues to work at a factory with her grandma. The three, who live far apart and do not even know each other exists, have a fateful encounter through a radio program. The three women are confused by each other. Still, as they begin to connect, a “miracle” occurs… and the lives of the three people, who had been stuck in their aimless lives, quietly begin to move forward.

  • Romance

  • Romance



Fumie is a single office worker in her twenties whose only purpose in life is to have sex. She spends her days looking forward to having sex with someone. In the morning, noon, and night, whether it's a regular person or someone new, male or female, it doesn't matter. Just like breathing in or drinking water, she enjoys it every day.
In high school, she suffered from aphasia, learned sex is a way to communicate with others without words, and improved her aphasia. After that, her "honest relationship" can only be achieved through sex, continues to have physical relations with people she feels comfortable with and with whom she would like to know more. However, people around her begin to get married and have a baby; even her long-time friend with benefits gets married too. Should she give up sex to have "normal happiness" like others, or...?
She registers on a matching app and meets Takahashi, who hates sex.In addition to Fumie, there are also "Highly Educated-chan" and "Love Affairs-chan" who seem to be "normal" but have sex-related problems and long for "normal happiness" in the following episodes!

Traces of Grace


Who was my wife, really?

Kikuo suddenly loses his wife to an accident. The only thing that remains is Grace, her car. Noticing that the navigation system has a history of her having visited places that has nothing to do with their life, Kikuo is worried. Was she seeing someone? He embarks on a road trip tracing Grace’s navigation history. Passing through Japan’s beautiful scenic spots, Kikuo meets people that will forever change his life. What does the travel history reveal? Was Kikuo’s wife unfaithful, or…?

  • Romance
  • Romance

Hold my hand at Twilight


Soramame leaves the countryside for Tokyo in pursuit of a childhood friend and fiancé, but instead meets a scrappy young musician, Oto. By some odd circumstance, the two end up living under the same roof. Influenced by Oto, Soramame awakens to the world of fashion while Soramame becomes Oto’s muse, reviving his forsaken dream of becoming a musician. As they chase their dreams, love is sure to germinate, but struggles to take off for these two dreamers unwittingly caught in the world’s most beautiful love story.

시골에서 자란 소라마메는 소꿉친구였던 약혼자를 쫓아 상경하지만, 음악가를 꿈꾸는 청년 오토와 운명적이고 충격적인 만남을 가지게 되고 어째서인지 두 사람은 한 지붕 아래에서 동거 생활을 하게 된다….
오토를 만나고 함께 생활하면서 “패션”에 눈을 뜨게 된 소라마메.
한편, 소라마메에게 휘둘리면서도 자극을 받아 포기하려 했던 음악으로의 꿈을 다시 한번 마주하게 되는 오토.
각자의 꿈을 목표로 같은 시간을 함께 보내면서 이미 사랑에 빠졌지만 좀처럼 사랑이 시작되지 않는 꿈을 좇는 두 사람의 세상에서 가장 아름다운 러브스토리.


  • Romance
  • Romance

Why didn’t I tell you a million times?

100万回 言えばよかった

When childhood friends Yui and Naoki are by chance reunited as adults, they begin to feel they were destined for each other. However, just as Naoki prepares to propose to Yui, he becomes embroiled in a mysterious incident and dies.
Now Naoki's soul wanders the world unable to express his true feelings for Yui. Yuzuru, a detective and the only person who can see Naoki, goes in pursuit of the truth behind Naoki’s death. At Naoki tries to use Yuzuru to talk to Yui, but will he be able to convey his message of love?

소꿉친구였던 유이와 나오는 성인이 된 후 우연히 재회하여 새삼 서로를 운명의 상대라고 확신한다.
하지만, 유이에게 프러포즈를 하려고 마음을 정한 그때 나오키는 이해할 수 없는 사건에 휘말려 사망하고 만다.
유이에게 마음을 전하지 못한 나오키의 영혼은 성불되지 못한 채 현세를 헤매고 있었다…. 죽음의 진상을 쫓으면서 유일하게 나오키의 존재를 인식하고 있는 형사 유즈루는 나오키로부터 자신의 말을 유이에게 전해달라고 부탁받고 유이와의 접촉을 시도하게 되는데….
나오키는 말하지 못했던 “자신의 마음”을 유이에게 전할 수 있을까…!


  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Hana Is Beyond Your Reach

Hana, a heroine, is a super excellent and beautiful business woman who works at a traditional confectionary company and every single her idea becomes a hit and popular series.
Thus, Hana is admired by all of her colleagues and they think that Hana dates celebrities like professional baseball players and billionaires because she is such a brilliant beauty.
However, in fact, Hana falls in love with Tsuyoshi Yowaki , her junior who is hopelessly incompetent and she always blames for his mistakes!
Hana is not sophisticated in terms of loving someone so she always acts like a strict boss in front of Yowaki although she does not want to do. Therefore, Hana thinks that Yowaki dislikes her (but he does not) and Yowaki also thinks that Hana hates him (but she does not).
Do Hana and Yowaki become a couple in the end? Also, their co workers, Genki Sarada Yowaki’s playboy senior) and Ichigo Amai (the idol at their office) creates a “love squre ”!?

  • Romance

  • Romance

On a Starry Night


A seemingly mismatch couple of great difference in social status, career, upbringing, age and ‘means of communication’, meet by chance at a camp venue under a clear starry night.
After a romantic yet clumsy kiss,a deaf boy Issei who has no hesitation about his handicap, innocently approaches Suzu. On the other hand, Suzu, the gynecologist who used to work at a renowned hospital, hurt and traumatized by losing her former patient due to an accident during a delivery of a newborn, gradually opens-up to Issei’s pureness and positivity. However, the genuine love story didn’t last long. Shoichiro, the husband of the lost pregnant mother finds Suzu who now works at a rural clinic, tries to take revenge and blame Suzu for his great loss and misfortune. Can Issei who has silently struggled and survived all his life with undeniable obstacles and difficulties, save Suzu’s ultimate crisis?

  • Music
  • Romance
  • Music
  • Romance

I Will Be Your Bloom


Asuka had once realized her goal to become a teacher, but after a gutting failure, she gives up her dream profession and becomes extremely withdrawn. After a series of events, she finds herself becoming a live-in housemother for a dorm... where the boy band septet 8LOOM live together!
At the dorm, she is reunited with her former student Dan—as a teacher, Asuka used to encourage him to go for his dreams. Inspired by Dan’s leadership in the band and his passion for making his dream come true, Asuka, too, regains the passion she had in her teaching days and comes to terms with her own failure.
Don’t miss this adorable story about a woman’s journey to new heights in work, friendship, and romance!

교사가 되는 꿈을 이루지만 상처를 입고 마음의 문을 닫아버린 전직 고등학교 교사 아스카.
어떤 이유로 7명의 보이그룹 8LOOM이 공동생활을 하는 기숙사 사감으로 일하게 된다. 그곳에서 교사로서 꿈을 응원했었던 제자 단과 재회를 하게 되는데!
그룹의 리더로 꿈을 향해 열심히 도전하는 단의 모습에 아스카는 크게 감동하고, 어느덧 교사 시절의 정열을 되찾아 자신의 좌절과도 마주하게 된다.
사랑과 일, 우정도 새로운 무대로 향해가는 여성의 성장 & 심쿵 스토리.


Atom's Last Shot


Nayuta is a young genius video game developer who works independently. His anonymity had gained him the moniker “the Banksy of video games,” until a certain incident caused him to shy away from games and live quietly. Meanwhile, the long-standing toy company Atom decides to delve into the video game industry in order to overcome their financial crisis. With no funds or experience, the people at Atom make a desperate attempt to contact Nayuta, the Banksy of video games, but will they succeed? Can they write a new chapter in the cut-throat world of video games?

나유타는 혼자서 게임을 제작하는 젊은 천재 게임 개발자.
누구도 그의 본모습을 모르기 때문에 「게임업계의 뱅크시」라 불렸지만 어느 사건을 계기로 게임 개발에서 떠나 조용히 살고 있다.
한편 폐업의 위기를 맞게 된 노포 완구 메이커 「아톰」은 경영 재건을 위해 새로운 사업「게임제작」으로 경영의 방향을 돌린다
자금도 노하우도 없는 아톰은 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 「게임업계의 뱅크시」인 나유타와 연락을 취하려 분투하지만...
경쟁이 치열한 게임업계에 새로운 전설을 탄생시킬 수 있을까!?



  • Comedy
  • Comedy

ISHIKO and HANEO: You're Suing Me?


Personalities and complexes collide between a Tokyo University-educated paralegal, Shoko (“Miss Compliance”) and a young lawyer with only a high school degree, Yoshio (“Mr. Bohemian”). Nevertheless, they somehow manage to help clients in a small town through the “Ushio Legal Counseling Office” in this off-color legal drama! With Shoko’s sharp wit and stubbornly single-minded passion, and Yoshio’s penchant for acting cool, the two are more similar than they would admit despite constant bickering as they fight for the rights of their clients.

미스 컴플라이언스 “도쿄대 졸업”의 법률사무 보조원 이시다와 미스터 보헤미안 “고졸” 변호사 하네오의 “트러블 콤비”가 콤플렉스와 콤플렉스를 부딪혀가며 마을의 법률사무소「이시다 법률사무소」를 찾아오는 사람들을 도와주며 성장해가는 이색 법률 드라마!
두뇌가 명석하지만 고집이 세고 한 곳으로 만 내달리는 이시코와 거만하고 뻔뻔스러운 태도로 문제를 일으키기도 하는 하네오는 어딘가 닮은 부분도 있다….
정반대인 것 같은 두 사람은 불꽃 튀기는 배틀을 이어가며 다양한 트러블에 맞서 의뢰인을 구해간다.

凡事重視法規的”東大畢業”律師助理・石子小姐vs凡事放浪輕浮的”高中畢業”律師・羽男先生,這兩人的“凹凸拍檔”以各自抱持的自卑情結相互碰撞,在為區域居民提供法律服務的[A1] 「石田法律事務所」替人們解決疑難雜症的同時,亦開始有所成長,為前所未有的法律娛樂喜劇!

  • Romance
  • Romance

Riding a Unicorn


Sana is a 23-year-old is an entrepreneur whose educational app “Dream Pony” catapulted her to CEO of a unicorn firm less than ten years old. Determined to create a brand used by people all over the world, she is disinterested in romance and unaware that her partner, Isao, is secretly in love with her. That is until Sana’s world is thrown into turmoil with the arrival of a midcareer corporate transfer named Satoshi lacking in basic startup instincts but setting into motion a love and romance triangle. Can Sana achieve both love and career dreams?

사나는 23살에 창업한 교육용 앱을 개발하는「드림 포니」의 대표이다.
10년 이내에 유니콘 기업이 되어 세계 모든 사람들이 이용할 수 있는 비즈니스를 하는 것을 목표로 매일 분투하고 있다.
연애에 무관심하여 공동창업자인 코우가 자신에게 마음을 두고 있다는 것도 전혀 눈치채지 못하고 있다.
그런 그녀의 회사에 스타트업 기업 분위기와는 전혀 다른 중년의 샐러리맨 사토시가 전직해 오면서 사나의 환경은 크게 변해간다.
갑자기 일과 사랑의 삼각관계에 휘말리며 애틋한 어른들의 청춘이야기가 시작된다!
사나는 꿈도 사랑도 손에 넣을 수 있을까!

佐奈在23歲創業,為教育APP開發公司「Dream Pony」的CEO。

  • Sports
  • Sports

The Old Dog,New Tricks?


Ryotaro is a cheerful professional soccer player devoted to the game he loves. He has risen to national team member, and come through with decisive goals when it counts… until injury begins to plague him. Facing retirement at 37, he realizes it is a little late for him to enter normal working society. Enter a sports management company called “Victory” which offers him a new lease on life. Yet somewhere in his heart, Ryotaro has not quite accepted his retirement, and he will need to reconcile with new challenges as an old rookie.

한없이 밝고 축구에 인생을 걸어온 프로 축구선수 신마치.
일본 대표까지 되면서 결정적인 장면에서 골도 성공시켰지만 그 후에는 부상의 영향으로 실력이 저조하다.
그야말로“기록보다 기억에 남은 남자”였지만 37살에 갑자기 현역 은퇴를 한다.
사회인으로 데뷔하기에는 너무 늦은 신마치였다.
이 최악의 시기에 스포츠 매니지먼트 회사「빅토리」를 만나게 된다.
다만 마음속 어딘가에는“은퇴”를 아직 받아들이지 못하는 자신이 있어 현실과의 사이에서 흔들린다.
그리고, 37살 사회 초년생의 길은 간단하지 않고 일에서도 큰 벽에 직면한다.


  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller



A mystery figure dubbed “Invisible” conspires with criminals as an underworld “crime coordinator.”
Once thought of as just an urban legend, Invisible hijacks the airwaves and warns of a bombing.
Nobody imagined it would be a woman by the name “Kiriko.”
“I’ll give you my information,” she says, “but I want Detective Takafumi back in the First Crime Division.” But why him? One by one, the mysteries peel away in this rollercoaster drama will hold you in captive suspense.

범죄자나 어두운 사회의 사람들과의 거래에 협력하여
「범죄 코디네이터」라 불리는 수수께끼의 인물, 속칭 인비저블.
도시 전설이라 불리던 인물이 갑자기 전파를 점령하여 폭파 예고를 한다.
그의 모습은 누구도 상상하지 못했던 키리코라고 밝히는 아름다운 여성이었다…!!
그녀는「소중한 정보를 주는 조건으로 수사 1과에서 좌천된 형사 타가후미를 담당하게 하라」고 요청한다!
일면식도 없는 두 사람… 왜?

끊임없이 이어지는 의문의 인간드라마 & 한번 보기 시작하면 멈출 수 없다.
중독성 강한 제트코스터 서스펜스.
