
3 Titles

  • History
  • Science
2019.8 -2019.8
  • History
  • Science

Made in Hiroshima Spearheading Innovation

メイドインヒロシマSP 超域オンリーワン

Neuroscientist Kenichiro Mogi uses his unique perspective to uncover the appeal of industries unique to Hiroshima Prefecture. What is their secret to fostering innovation?
In the town of Saka in the Aki District, The DaikyoNishikawa Corporation is using tree resin to revolutionize plastic technology. Even Kenichiro Mogi was surprised at the amount of resin being used in car components! The Kitagawa Corporation in Fuchu City is a world-class maker of the machine components called "chucks"- a tool that aids in making precision parts. The development of the modern-day chuck comes from many years of cultivation by the hands of craftsmen. Next up is Hattendo in Mihara City. Their "cream bun" is popular in all parts of the country. What's the secret behind these hand-made desserts? What does Kenichiro Mogi find in this shop nestled near the airport in Mihara City? Satake Corporation is located in the eastern part of Hiroshima City; it is the top maker of processing machines for milling rice and grains. What is Satake's vision for the future of agriculture?

  • Family
  • Science
  • Education
  • For Children
2009 -2009
  • Family
  • Science
  • Education
  • For Children

Joule & Professor Watt


While humanity evolved with the development of science, we can also state that science and technology play a crucial role in saving the human race from global warming, an issue shared by all of mankind. This series of short programs whose purpose is to offered in an easy-to-understand style to reach out to a wide audience, particularly children. Each episode is presented by twoanimated characters, namely a little girl called Joule and the know-it-all Professor Watt, allowing children to learn while having fun. The purpose of this series is to familiarize children with science and technology, hoping that one day they'll be committed to activities aimed at protecting the environment.

  • Family
  • Science
  • Education
  • For Children
2006 -2006
  • Family
  • Science
  • Education
  • For Children



Prof. Denjiro's classroom of interesting, eye-opening experiments.
This is an educational entertainment program which guides you to get closer to science. You can gain knowledge through Prof. Denjiro’s experiments –as if you were watching magic!
This program was made into DVD in Japan and is used in many educational institutions.