
25 Titles

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  • Family
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Everyone’s first gift is from their mother. It is our "birthday" when we come into the world. However,some children do not know the date of their birth. The baby hatch anonymously accepts children whose parents are unable to care for them. It has been 15 years since it was opened at Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto City. Over these years, 159 children have been placed inside the hatch. Some of these children are conflicted because they have no information about their origins and no memories of their mothers. One of the children placed inside the hatch, Koichi Miyatsu, will turn 18 this spring. What kind of life awaited him beyond the hatch's door?

  • Family
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  • Food/Cooking
  • Family
  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Education
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  • Food/Cooking

The Natural Lifestyle Special


is a show for outdoor lovers!
The popular section
“The Natural Lifestyle” that is being broadcast
on Niigata's information program “Evening Wide Niigata Ichiban”
has been made into a series.
Introducing seasonal trekking, apprentices who live with nature,
apprenticeships, rice planting, harvesting rice, making herbs,
visiting famous waters, and so on

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

The Natural Lifestyle


This is a show for outdoor lovers!
The popular section “Natural” that is being broadcast on Niigata's information program “Evening Wide Niigata Ichiban” has been
made into a series.
Introducing seasonal trekking, apprentices who live with nature,
apprenticeships, rice planting, harvesting rice, making herbs,
visiting famous waters, and so on

  • Nature
  • Education

  • Nature
  • Education

Koi Whisperer -NISHIKIGOI-


Yamakoshi, this is the place where nishikigoi originally came from.
This is a documentary of Koi farmers in Yamakoshi.
The rice paddies overflow with water from the freshly melted snow,
as do the wild ponds in which nishikigoi are raised.
The hills and valleys overflow with water and greenery.
May is an important month in the cultivation of nishikigoi.
It's when the koi are released into the ponds.
Shintarou Koi Farm has been raising nishikigoi for fifty years.
Even in summer, they'll feed them and check water quality every day.
"They'll also have busy days hatching and choosing from the young fish.
Yet it is fall they look forward to.
What people want from nishikigoi is to watch them slowly swimming around.
So the bigger they are, the more fun it is to watch them swimming through
a pond. Also making their bodies bigger makes their colors more vivid.

  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Travelers insights @ Nagoya


A number of travelers are coming to Japan. We are discovering the attractiveness of Nagoya city by interviewing these travelers.
What the travelers saw in Nagoya?


  • Art
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  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Art
  • Education
  • Health&Wellbeing

Whole Again


A small factory in Nagoya makes artificial breasts and artificial appendages for patients who’ve succumbed to cancer or been involved in
horrific accidents. One woman was badly burnt in a fiery car crash and the documentary follows her progress as the lifelike epitheses
allow her to live an increasingly normal life. Kazumi Maeda, wife of the factory owner, is the driving force behind the new direction of
the former pottery mold-maker.


  • Family
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  • Education
  • For Children
  • Reality

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • For Children
  • Reality

Niigata Aquatics


TeNY’s announcer approaches the wonder of aquatic world and makes interesting discovery in the aquarium. Let’s enjoy a beautiful aquarium and unseen side of it!

  • Science
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  • Food/Cooking

  • Science
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking


A heartwarming documentary to show how people connect the hearts between rural and urban.
Tokachi, eastern Hokkaido, is known as Japan’s largest farming area producing wealthy agricultural, dairy, and husbandry items. In this decade, farmers in Tokachi have been hosting more than 20,000 high school students from all over Japan. Students stay a few days to challenge dairy and husbandry works. This “farm-stay” project has nurtured the connection of people’s hearts, and brought urban residents chances to admit the possibilities that rural holds. Young urban fellows spend a few days at farms, start having relation with rural, then they recognize Hokkaido as their second homes.
The program shows how they are impressed by the rural life, as well as what they do to contribute to Hokkaido when they grow up. Viewers will also be amazed by the fascinating pictures and sceneries of Hokkaido.

  • History
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  • History
  • Education

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum-- Passing Down Hiroshima's Memories


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum opened 10 years after the Atomic bomb was dropped, and it re-opened on April 25, 2019 after renovations. With a focus on real-life pictures, the museum displays mementos from those who perished, as well as pictures from the time of the bombing, and paintings from those exposed to radiation. What are the thoughts of those who donated the mementos? What about the thoughts of elementary students in Hiroshima? Even people such as President Obama and the Pope have come to visit this museum. The son of the first director of the museum talks about his father's thoughts on the museum. How will the new generation handle Hiroshima's wish for abolition of nuclear weapons?

  • History
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  • Reality

  • History
  • Education
  • Reality

Creating “New Fukushima”


Nearly seven years have passed since the massive earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan
and caused the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Decommissioning the plant
will take decades. But people’ s lives have recovered with an astonishing speed by putting together
the wisdom of the humankind. A series of four short English-language programs shows how
Fukushima is today. Each program runs for about 14 minutes.

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  • History
  • Science
  • Education
  • Reality

Wege aus der Katastrophe-Wie Fukushima die erobert-


Fukushima Prefecture is continuing promote the medical industry. The medical field is expecting large growth centered on developing nations. The medical industry in Fukushima can have a big impact on the regional economy. The value of Fukushima’s medical equipment market will double over the next 10 years.

Seither sind 5 Jahre vergangen. Die Umgebung des Kernkraftwerks ist nach wie vor
unbewohnbar, aber in anderen Gegenden nehmen die Menschen langsam wieder ihr
gewohntes Leben und ihre wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten wie vor dem Erdbeben auf.
Ein großer Antriebsmotor für den wirtschaftlichen Wiederaufbau ist die
Medizintechnologie und die damit verbundene Kooperation mit Deutschland.
Vorgestellt werden Unternehmen und Manufakturen, die die regionale Wirtschaft
stützen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Die Präfektur Fukushima konzentrierte sich auf die
Medizintechnologie, die weltweit Wachstumspotential hat, und förderte die Expansion
von regionalen Unternehmen in dem Bereich der Medizintechnologie.
In der Stadt Kôriyama wurde eine Einrichtung/Forschungskrankenhaus geschaffen,
das weltweit als erstes Krankenhaus BNCT , eine Krebstherapie mit Neutronen, in
klinischen Studien durchführt. BNCT soll auch die Behandlung von rezidivierenden
Krebserkrankungen ermöglichen, gilt als die „ideale Krebstherapie“ („yume no
ganchiryô = ein Traum von einer Krebstherapie“) weltweit. Die Ergebnisse dieser
klinischen Studie werden weltweit mit Spannung erwartet und beobachtet.
Was die Förderung der Medizintechnologie unterstützt ist die in diesem
Zusammenhang entstandene Kooperation mit Deutschland, für Japan das Land von
dem man in puncto Medizin immer schon gerne gelernt hat -in gewissem Sinne sieht
man in Deutschland „die Wiege der Medizin“.
Die Präfektur Fukushima hat 2014 mit dem Land Nordrhein-Westfalen eine
Absichtserklärung für enge Kooperation und gemeinsame Forschung und Entwicklung
in den Bereichen Krebstherapie, Entwicklung von medizinischen Geräten und
medizinischen Robotern vereinbart.
Im September 2016 findet in diesem Zusammenhang an der Universität Essen ein
gemeinsames Symposium der Präfektur Fukushima und dem Land Nordrhein-
Westfalen (NRW-Fukushima Joint Symposium on Advances in Medicin“ statt. BNCT
und Medizinroboter (Strahlentherapie und Robotik) sind die Themen der Konferenz.
Experten der Strahlentherapie aus Japan und von der Universität tauschen sich hier
aus. Die Universität Essen strebt an, Deutschlands erste Einrichtung für
Strahlentherapie zu werden und legt daher großen Wert auf die gemeinsame
Forschung mit dem Krankenhaus in der Präfektur Fukushima.
Bei der Medizin-Messe MEDICA, die am 13. November 2016 in Düsseldorf stattfindet,
stellt die Präfektur Fukushima jedes Jahr aus. Auch in diesem Jahr stellen 6
Unternehmen aus der Präfektur Fukushima ihre neuen Produkte vor. Darunter auch
das Unternehmen ESQ - eine kleine Fabrik (Werkstatt) mit nur 20 Mitarbeitern. Dieses
Unternehmen ist weltweit an der Spitze, was die Produktion von ultrafeinen
Metallröhren angeht. Auch für den deutschen Automobilzulieferer Bosch hat man hier
bereits ultrafeine Metallröhren für die Antiblockier-Bremssysteme gefertigt. Ultrafeine
Röhren von ESQ werden in Stents verwendet, die Herzinfarktpatienten eingesetzt
werden, um verengte Herzkranzgefäße zu erweitern. ESQ beliefert Stent-Hersteller
Die Firma Cyberdyne, die ihre Produktion in der Präfektur Fukushima hat, stellt den
medizinischen Roboteranzug(Exoscelett) HAL her, der in der Rehabilitation der
Bewegungsfunktionen von querschnittsgelähmten Patienten benutzt wird. Die
Therapieeinrichtung, bei der HAL zum Einsatz kommt ist in Deutschland, in Bochum.
Seit ihrer Gründung 2013 haben hier bisher 75 Patienten ein dreimonatiges Training
Gianna, die eine Rückenmarksverletzung bei einem Sturz vom Pferd davontrug, gehört
dazu. Sie konnte ihren Bewegungsapparat durch die Therapie soweit rehabilitieren,
dass sie heute wieder in der Lage ist zu reiten. Die Aufnahmen mit Gianna sowohl im
Therapiezentrum beim Training, wie auch beim Reiten belegen den Erfolg der
Therapie. In der Sendung wird ebenfalls eine 18jährige Patientin begleitet, die seit
Ende August 2016 an der 3 monatigen Therapie teilnimmt.
Durch solche Projekte, die stellvertretend sind für Medizintechnik aus Japan, wird die
Präfektur Fukushima vorgestellt und den Zuschauern in einem neuen noch
unbekannten Kontext näher gebracht. Dass sie sich soweit entwickeln konnte, und
somit weltweit Beachtung findet liegt nicht nur an der staatlichen Unterstützung,
sondern an den hohen technologischen Potentialen, die die regionalen Unternehmen
hier bereits als Zulieferer der Automobilindustrie entwickelt haben. Sie waren gefordert,
zu möglichst niedrigen Kosten Produkte höchster Qualität herzustellen. Auch
Medizintechnische Geräte benötigen höchste Qualität und Präzision, müssen sicher
und verlässlich sein. Die Unternehmen von Fukushima, die als Zulieferer der
Automobilindustrie gestählt wurden und viel Erfahrung haben, bringen in diesem
Bereich ihre Stärken ein.
In der Sendung werden noch weitere medizintechnische Geräte aus Fukushima
vorgestellt, deren originäre Technik weltweit führend ist. Die Sendung beschreibt die
Energie der Klein- und Mittelständischen Unternehmen aus Fukushima, die zum
Wiederaufbau nach dem KKW-Unfall beitragen, und die Kooperation mit Deutschland
anhand der Menschen, die hier beteiligt sind .

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  • Family
  • History
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  • Reality

Witness "F"


The documentary program that focused on Fukuoka and Saga is Witness "F".
People's lives, incidents, disasters, welfare.
We deeply explain various themes deeply and politely.


福岡や佐賀を焦点に制作したドキュメンタリー番組がWitness "F"です。

  • Family
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  • Art
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

The Wisdom of Washoku


Chapter One : Washoku Origins
Chapter Two : Wanmono (Bowl Dish)
In 794, Japan’s capital was moved to Kyoto.
It remained the capital for more than a millennium.
The diverse food culture of the Imperial family and nobility is still in evidence today.
The origins of washoku are honzen, shojin and kaiseki cuisines.
At the very root of washoku is a heartfelt appreciation of life and the blessings of nature.

第1章 日本料理的原点
第2章 碗物(汤)

  • Education
  • Reality
  • Education
  • Reality

Just an Ordinary Family : 22 years of the lives of a couple with disabilities


Coverage that follows a severely disabled married couple from their marriage, giving birth, and raising their children, for 22 years.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Akimoto have cerebral palsy. They got married in 1992 as they sought independent from their parents. Before long, the couple had two children. Child rearing by severely disabled people is almost unheard of in Japan. This couple struggles and overcomes many obstacles whilst raising their children.
20 years have passed since the couple first became parents. The oldest son, now an adult, said to us, “we are just an ordinary family.”

  • Family
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  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing

  • Family
  • History
  • Nature
  • Art
  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing



Kyoto's allure lies not only in its shrines and temples or the elegance of the city.
For more than a millennium since the year 794, Kyoto flourished as the capital, leading the way in the arts, architecture and commerce. The essence of Japanese culture was born in Kyoto, and has been refined and passed down to modern times. Japanese quality which is recognized throughout the world has its roots in Kyoto and its culture of craftsmanship.
"Made in Kyoto" introduces artistry at its best – from traditional weaving and cuisine to state-of-the-art robotics - created and nurtured by the masters of Kyoto who know true quality.

【MADE IN 京都】就是,从传统的纺织织物和京料理到最先进的机器人技术,介绍最会挑选真货的京都人淬炼出来的工匠技艺。

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  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing

  • Family
  • History
  • Science
  • Art
  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing

The Leader


Corporate and organization leaders are said to be loners.
They also seem to be unapproachable.
However, we want to know more about them, about goals they set, and how they tackle difficult decisions.
“The Leader” features a leader each time, and the documentary reveals a side of them never seen in public. Topics are not limited to their confidence and pride. They talk about skills needed in leading an organization, how they maintain their health, their hobbies, what they read, their thoughts on child rearing, nostalgic locations, turning points in their lives, the follies of youth, and things they love with all their heart.


  • History
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  • Education
  • History
  • Nature
  • Education

The Home of Namahage


For long years, the Namahage has been believed to be the incarnation of deities in Oga, Akita. On New Year’s Eve, they descend from the sacred mountains and visit house-to-house to warn children against their misconduct crying "any bad kids?" At the same time, they give blessings to the residents. In 2018, the Namahage culture was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list as a part of the "Raiho-shin, ritual visits of deities in masks and costumes."
Why was the Namahage born in Oga? Why did people value and inherit the Namahage tradition for long years? There are hints in the severe climate of the Oga peninsula and the way to make Namahage masks and costumes. Let's explore the answers in the day-to-day life of the people who live there.

Remarks: English, Formosan, and Korean versions are available in narration.

  • Family
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  • Art
  • Education
  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education

Memory of the World Message from Sakubei Yamamoto ~ A miner-painter’s link to the future

世界記憶遺産 山本作兵衛からのメッセージ ~炭鉱絵師がつなぐ未来~

At the age of seven, Sakubei Yamamoto entered a coal mine with his parents; this was the beginning of his 50 year career at the Chikuho mines in Fukuoka prefecture. The mines were pitch black and humid, and the threat of collapse or flooding was never far from the miner’s minds.
After retiring, Sakubei found work as a night guard. From the age of 66, he first began documenting his life and times working at the coal mines in essays and paintings. He left behind a legacy of over a thousand paintings, as well as 70 notebooks and diaries. Of this collection, 697 pieces were chosen for inscription on the ‘Memory of the World’ register. This program examines the life of Sakubei, and the incredibly detailed documents he left behind of the Chikuhocoal mines. What sort of figure was he, and what message does he convey to us through his artwork? Sakubei’s life and art is revealed through the stories told by those connected to him.
It got Certificate of Creative Excellence award at US International Film & Video Festival in 2014

そしてほとんどを輸入に頼っていますが、日本の電気エネルギーの四分の一は石炭による火力発電が担っています。 国民一人あたりにすると、1年間に1トン以上の石炭を今も使っているのです。


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  • History
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Travel
  • History
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Travel

Collection of Japanese Temple Seals


This program introduces the history of shrines and temples, as well as the meaning behind the seals and the characters and the proper manner for obtaining them. Temples and shrines are capturing attention in the recent power spot craze, and people visit them for a variety of reasons.




  • Education
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Travel

mind of hospitality -Wakura Onsen, Kagaya-


Well-established inn "Kagaya" of Wakura Onsen of Ishikawa has the history more than 100 years.
In "Japanese hotel, 100 selections of inns which a professional chooses ," Kagaya continues being chosen as NO.1 more than 30 years. It is located in the middle of Noto Peninsula, and, at this inn where it cannot be said that the access from the metropolitan area is good, many people visit it as a repeater from not only Japan but also the world.
The big reason is hospitality of Kagaya told that anyone is impressed. A hotel of each place of the whole country comes for the training to learn the best hospitality in Japan. The mind of the hospitality is inherited by the warm human feeling of madam of a past generation.
Kagaya established its subsidiary in Taiwan in December 2010. It pursues to provide its characteristic Japanese “mind of hospitality”.
This program investigates "mind of the hospitality" of "Kagaya" supported as the best hotel in Japan.


  • Education
  • Education

The junk car is a gold mine


Kaihosangyo Co., Ltd. of Kanazawa-shi is a company of the car recycling. President Norihiko Kondo changed the auto sales company to the recycling company(Kaihosangyo Co., Ltd.) which sell a used parts. And the company exports motor parts to 74 countries of the world now. This program introduces "The know-how that established recycling business" and "Management philosophy of President Kondo" and "Future business development". And, for enlightenment of the recycling awareness in the everyday life, this program conveys "the importance of taking good care of a thing" that modern people almost forget.


  • History
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  • Education
  • History
  • Art
  • Education

Wooden Treasure in Akita


Akita prefecture is abundant in natural resources; wood is one of them. There are a lot of wooden architectures in Akita that are historically valuable.
This program introduces you over 100 old wooden architectures in Tohoku region, mostly in Akita. You would be fascinated by the majestic beauty of them. This program teaches you the importance of natural resources and the inheritance of Japanese tradition.

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  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Sci-Fi

  • Nature
  • Art
  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Reality
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Sci-Fi

Passionate People


By closely covering the daily lives and activities of the "passionate people," this 25-minute documentary depicts the charm and real self of an athlete, a performer, a musician, a scholar and many other who are active in the front lines.

Marie Kondo, Organizing Consultant
Author of the best-selling series that has sold over three million copies! What is the essence of the “KonMari Method” that captivates people across the world?

收拾整理顾问人 近藤麻理惠

  • Family
  • Science
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Family
  • Science
  • Nature
  • Education

The Home of Koi -Unspoiled Japanese Landscape Yamakoshi's beautiful four seasons-


Yamakoshi Ward (former Yamakoshimura) in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture,
is the origin of “Nishikigoi” carps.
The area experienced devastating damage in the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004, requiring the entire village to evacuate. However, fifteen years later,it has been revived as a beautiful village surrounded by the beauty of untouched
Japanese nature.
Yamakoshi has many terraced paddy fields and ponds that are used for farming Nishikigoi.
Masaru Saito (66-year-old) owns a Koi farm in Yamakoshi.
His second eldest son graduated from university and has started helping him at the farm since 2018.
“How are Nishikigoi born?”
“How do they grow?”
“How are their prices determined?”
Over a year, we follow Masaru and his son and their passion for Nishikigoi in the beautiful mountainous scenery of Yamakoshi.