
14 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports

I Wanna Punch that Scumbag!


Hokomi Sato has hit rock bottom after being left at the altar on her wedding day. However, things start looking up when she meets the kind and compassionate Kairi Kuzuya. But in fact, he turns out to be the “worst womanizing scum of the earth!” Vowing never to be hurt again, Hokomi decides to change herself and takes up boxing, setting her life on a new course. Yet, she can’t seem to keep Kairi out of her life as she begins to learn of his eventful past. Follow Hokomi on her journey to mental and physical empowerment through this no-holds-barred boxing love story!

  • Sports
2024.10 -2024.12

  • Sports

The Hidden Heroes


Fourteen years after his incredible debut, Hiroto Yanagisawa remains a slugger for the Dragons. However, between injuries and slumps, he has spent much of his time out of the limelight. This year, during the off-season, he received notice that his contract would not be renewed. Still wanting to play baseball, Hiroto decided to participate in a tryout with his junior colleague. Just then, Hiroto received a surprising call—from Seiichiro Sakurada, the CEO of Inning Nine Group—inviting him to help employees who are struggling at the company, like a batter bunting to help the runners advance to the next base. Will Hiroto be able to shine in his new role as a “buntman”?

  • Comedy
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • Sports

Muscle Hunter Minami


Obsessed with bodybuilding, Minami is a total musclehead, spending her days at the gym, constantly observing and mentally scoring the physiques of her fellow fitness freaks. Her muscle-mania reaches a whole new level when a handsome new trainer catches her eye. Flirtation ensues, but the course of true love encounters an obstacle when a rival enters the scene.

The contrast between Minami’s calm exterior and her frantic inner monologue provides a rich source of laughs in this fresh take on gym culture. Combining workout tips with romantic tension and light-hearted comedy, Muscle Hunter Minami is a fun, entertaining watch that might just inspire viewers to start a new exercise regime.

Produced by TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting Co., Ltd. in 2024, this is a single 24-minute show.

  • Sports
2022.7 -2022.9
  • Sports

The Old Dog,New Tricks?


Ryotaro is a cheerful professional soccer player devoted to the game he loves. He has risen to national team member, and come through with decisive goals when it counts… until injury begins to plague him. Facing retirement at 37, he realizes it is a little late for him to enter normal working society. Enter a sports management company called “Victory” which offers him a new lease on life. Yet somewhere in his heart, Ryotaro has not quite accepted his retirement, and he will need to reconcile with new challenges as an old rookie.

한없이 밝고 축구에 인생을 걸어온 프로 축구선수 신마치.
일본 대표까지 되면서 결정적인 장면에서 골도 성공시켰지만 그 후에는 부상의 영향으로 실력이 저조하다.
그야말로“기록보다 기억에 남은 남자”였지만 37살에 갑자기 현역 은퇴를 한다.
사회인으로 데뷔하기에는 너무 늦은 신마치였다.
이 최악의 시기에 스포츠 매니지먼트 회사「빅토리」를 만나게 된다.
다만 마음속 어딘가에는“은퇴”를 아직 받아들이지 못하는 자신이 있어 현실과의 사이에서 흔들린다.
그리고, 37살 사회 초년생의 길은 간단하지 않고 일에서도 큰 벽에 직면한다.


  • Sports
2022.7 -2022.9

  • Sports

Flair Bartender'z


The four main characters grew up in different environments.
They meet "competitive bartending", and with their own
thoughts and feelings, they try to win the Flare competition.
They aim to win the Flair competition with their own feelings...
In order to learn more about his father, who left home when he was a child, Eito Kurosawa decides to start working at his father's favorite bar. Touya Natsume, who was desperate because everything he did was not going well. Seiichiro, who was forced to abandon the competition one year ago before the Flare finals, just one step away from winning. And Arata, last year's Flare champion and unbeatable. The fates of these four men intersect through "Flare" - the story of overcoming their "past" and aiming to win the Flare Japan Cup with their friends. What is the reason why they have to "win"?

  • Sports
2021.1 -
  • Sports

FAKE MOTION-The Only Wish-

FAKE MOTION - たったひとつの願い -

The Table Tennis Warring States Period

The high school totem pole is not determined by grades or how many guys one can beat up. It is all about winning in table tennis, and the fierce battle for hegemony between the high school students resembles the fights for territories during Japan's Warring States Period.

East Tokyo is a brutal battleground where Satsukawa University's Shibuya High School reigns supreme thanks to its esteemed players like Shimazu the captain (Kai Ogasawara) and Saigo (Takuya Kusakawa). Many high schools have taken on Satsukawa in an attempt to unseat it, as if vassals were trying to take down their lord. But countless have been defeated in the hands of the mighty Satsukawa and put under its control. No matter how unreasonable, Satsukawa manages to get away with anything, as if to say, "A school not under Satsukawa's control is not a school."

In a bid to end such an era, one high school decides to take on champions Satsukawa. Ebisu Nagato Academy, commonly called Ebi High, is preparing for battle. "Let's take power and bring an end to this crazy period," vows Ebi High.

Captain Hisashi Shoin (Takumi Kitamura) scouts Ritsu Takasugi (Hayato Sano) to the Ebi High table tennis team. Ritsu is hampered by numerous obstacles like feuds between teammates such as his childhood friend and star player Kotaro Katsura (Tsuyoshi Furukawa), as well as Hisashi's illness and Kotaro's injury. But as they band together and battle on, they begin to unite.

With their unbreakable bond, Ebi High finally goes head-to-head against Satsukawa and wins. Their victory brings an end to conflicts, ushering in a new period of "Free Table Tennis." Or at least that was supposed to be the case...

Half a year later...
Team captain Kondo Yuumi (Win Morisaki) of Hachioji South Technical Public High School loses his match against Tenka Fubu Academy, which is unrivaled in its home base of Osaka. Oda Sanosuke (Yoshihiko Aramaki) from Tenka Fubu declares, "I will destroy Tokyo champions Ebi High and all the other schools and make them obey Tenka Fubu." Then, he imposes sanctions on Kondo, who Hijikata Toshiki (Mizuki Itagaki) calls "mother" and protects more than anyone else. Witnessing this, Hijikata vows to exact revenge on Oda with the words, "I would gladly die for mother."

Hijikata forms Ebi High Allied Forces with former rivals Inoue Monta (Koki Tanaka) and Ito Shunsuke (Kaname Yoshizawa) of Ebi High, as well as former Tenka Fubu ace Akechi Juhei (Naoya Kusakawa) with whom he wants to regain his friendship. Their eyes are set on overthrowing Tenka Fubu.

Akechi begins to reveal what happened in Osaka one year ago.
Why did Akechi come to Tokyo from Osaka alone?!
Why did Oda become so cold-hearted and start using fear to rule with an iron fist?

Will Ebi High Allied Forces be able to defeat Tenka Fubu and keep its precious allies protected in Tokyo??

  • Sports
2020 -2020
  • Sports


Now is the golden era of dance performances in Japan and everyone's taking to the floor. All the dancers are aiming for one thing – to be crowned the KING OF DANCE. Skilled dancers from across the country are gathering to take part in an event that's being held for the first time in 5 years...

Sora is the leading character who has disappeared from the dance scene due to an unfortunate accident. There's also Kaito, another dancer who's quit dancing after death of his father, a globally renowned dancer. Despite being talented dancers, the two had distanced themselves from the art due to their internal struggles. But with the K.O.D. contest approaching, they once again resume their passion for dancing.

Who will overcome their difficult past, resolve issues with their teammates, and finally be crowned the K.O.D.?! This story of friendship and rivalry, featuring a colourful cast of characters, is no doubt going to be the hottest dance drama this year!

  • Sports
2019.7 -2019.9
  • Sports

No Side Manager


Adapted from a novel by Jun Ikeido, the story follows the travails of a company man once touted as an elite executive candidate who falters when he voices opposition to his superiors over an acquisition, and is exiled to general affairs manager at a branch factory. Adding insult to injury, he is also ordered to serve as general manager of the plant’s failing rugby team, the Tokiwa Motors “Astros”, which once basked in glory but has since sunk to perennial cellar dweller. Hoping to resuscitate his own future along with that of a weak rugby team on the verge of disbandment, the embattled company man stakes pride and fortune on fulfilling two missions, putting all he’s got into work and sports in this inspirational human drama.


이케이도 준의 소설이 원작.
출세 레이스의 선두에서 간부 후보라고 불린 엘리트 사원이 상사가 주도하는 기업 매수에 이의를 제기한 결과, 좌천되어 지방 공장 총무부장으로 부임하게 된다.
안타까운 심정으로 부임처인 공장에 도착하지만 토키와발전기 럭비팀「아스토로즈」의 제너럴 매니저를 겸임하라는 명령을 받게 된다.
과거 강호였지만, 지금은 성적부진에 허덕이고 있는「아스토로즈」.
출세의 길이 끊긴 비지니스맨으로서의 재기와 폐부 직전의 약소 럭비부의 재건.
두 개의 사명을 짊어진 남자가 일과 스포츠에 자존심을 걸고 전력으로 맞서는 휴먼 드라마.




  • Comedy
  • School Drama
  • Sports
2018 -2018
  • Comedy
  • School Drama
  • Sports

We Are Rockets!


Wakaba Fujitani is a high school sophomore in Fukui Prefecture. Ever since she was little, she has been an ardent fan of the JETS, a top high school cheer dance team from her hometown that won the U.S. national championship for the first time. Her dream is to one day join the team and win the coveted U.S. national championship again. But when Wakaba fails to pass the school’s entrance examination, her aspiration of even becoming a cheer dancer are crushed, and she settles for attending a high school in a neighboring town where she spends most of her time merely cheering at sporting events as part of her school’s weak cheerleading club. Then one day, Yuri, a transfer student from Tokyo with a forceful personality arrives and befriends Wakaba, suddenly suggesting that the two of them try out for the cheer dance team. Startled by this turn of events, Wakaba slowly begins to feel a rekindling of her long-cherished childhood dream.

후지타니 와카바는 후쿠이현에 있는 고등학교2학년생. 어린 시절 지역강호 치어댄스 부「JETS」가 처음으로 전미 우승을 달성한 연기를 보고 동경심을 가지게 된다.
장래 자신도 같은 치어댄스부에 들어가 전미 우승을 하겠다는 꿈을 꾸게 되지만, 고교 입시에 실패하면서 어느새 치어댄스마저 자신에게는 불가능할거라고 생각한다.
이웃마을 고등학교에 입학한후 약소한 치어리더부에서 운동부를 응원만하는 고교생활 을 보내고 있었다.
어느날, 도쿄에서 온 저돌적인 전학생 시오리는 와카바에게 치어댄스를 하자고 제안한 다. 시오리의 갑작스런 제안에 당황하지만 와카바의 마음속에 어릴적부터 품어왔던 치어댄스를 향한 뜨거운 마음이 되살아난다.


  • Science
  • Sports
2016 -2016
  • Science
  • Sports

Higashino Keigo Whose Is the Cuckoo's Egg?

東野圭吾 カッコウの卵は誰のもの

WOWOW brings another Keigo Higashino novel to the TV screen with “ Whose Is the Cuckoo's Egg?”.
A medical suspense drama about genetics in sport, family bonds, talents and skills, and what it means to be truly happy. Higashino delves into the lives of those struggling with the conflict between business aspirations and individual conscience in a powerful tale set against the accessible backdrop of competitive winter sports – a tale that is sure to captivate audiences everywhere.


  • Comedy
  • Action
  • School Drama
  • Sports

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • School Drama
  • Sports

Muscle Girls!


A young woman named Azusa (Yui Ichikawa) has inherited a women’s pro-wrestling team from her father who recently passed away. Things seem hopeless for the debt-ridden team especially since the referee suddenly leaves on the day of their first show. Azusa runs into a young Korean man (Lee Hong Ki) and persuades him to act as the referee for a day, not realizing that he is star in his home country. Together they work to unite the team in hopes of winning the upcoming women’s wrestling championship.
A comedic drama filled with laughter, tears and dramatic fight scenes choreographed by real female pro-wrestlers. The theme music is performed by Lee Hong Ki himself (FT Island).


  • Sports
2010 -2010
  • Sports

Hana, The Pro-Golfer


With orders from her boss to attend, office temp Hana takes part in a round of golf with clients and wins with a hole-in-one. Unfortunately, this causes her to be fired for humiliating the president of the client company. Hana then meets golf coach Daigo, who sees talent in her and asks her if she would like to become a pro golfer. To help her family, who are being harassed by loan sharks because of loans that her late father left unpaid, Hana decides to become a professional golfer and pay off the loans. But this is where she witnesses the social gap of being poor! Hana also faces sinister golf battles set off by celebrity talent golfer, Riko. Can Hana win the prize money to pay off the debt?!

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • School Drama
  • Sports

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • School Drama
  • Sports

Sumo Girl!


Fashion model Hikari Wakabayashi (Nozomi Sasaki) grew up in the world of sumo. Her father was a famous sumo wrestler and as a child she won a children’s sumo grand championship. She avoids the sumo part of her past fearing that it would be a detriment to her modeling career. However through an unusual turn of events she becomes the coach of a high school sumo club. The club only has one active member and is on the verge of being closed down.
Comedy ensues as Hikari and her one club member struggle to bring the sumo team back together.


  • School Drama
  • Sports

  • School Drama
  • Sports

Worst to First: A Teen Baseball Miracle


Nagumo is a social studies teacher at Mie Prefectural Koshiyama High School. A former baseball player in college who had to retire due to injury, he worked as a sports trainer before turning to his “other dream” of becoming a teacher at 32. When he is made advisor for the high school’s weak and disbanding baseball team, his life begins to come full circle, and strives to produce a miraculous turnaround for the team in this uplifting tale of love and baseball.

나구모는 미에 현립 코시야마 고등학교에 부임한지 3년차 사회과 교사.
대학시절까지 야구만 했지만 부상을 계기로 은퇴했다.
대학 중퇴후는 스포츠 트레이너로 일했지만 교사가 되는 꿈을 버리지 못하고 서른두 살에 대학에 재입학 후 교사가 되었다.
교원 생활을 하면서 지역 대지주의 손자가 입학한 것을 계기로 폐부 직전의 약소 야구부의 고문을 담당하게 되면서 생활이 완전히 뒤바뀐다.
어디에나 있을만한 지극히 평범한 사회과 교사가 낙오된 약소 고교 야구부를 재건하여 왕좌를 쟁취할 수 있을 것인가!?
고교 야구를 통해 다양한 사랑을 그린 드림 휴먼 엔터테인먼트!
