
6 Titles

  • Family
  • Art

  • Family
  • Art

Tsugaru Lacquer Girl


Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture. Miyako Aoki, who lives with her father, has not found anything she wants to do after graduating from a local high school. She is working at a supermarket to help her family make ends meet. Helping her father, a Tsugaru lacquerware craftsman, is the only thing she can devote herself to. However, her father, who succeeded her grandfather, a highly respected Tsugaru-nuri craftsman, loses the will to continue the business as the industry goes into decline, and the family finds itself scattered. The mother left the family because of the poor life and the selfishness of the father, and the elder brother, a hairdresser, chose to live freely instead of taking over the family business. Miyako is unable to openly declare her desire to pursue a career in Tsugaru-nuri, but as she confronts her family and the art of lacquering, she takes on a great challenge.

  • Family
  • Art
  • Romance
  • School Drama

  • Family
  • Art
  • Romance
  • School Drama

Skelton Flowers かそけきサンカヨウ

High school student, Yo (Sara Shida), lived with her father, Nao (Arata Iura), after her mother, Sachiyo (Hikari Ishida), left the family when she was very young.
However, their life together came to an end and they started a new life as a family of four with her father's second marriage partner, Miko (Akiko Kikuchi), and her stepdaughter, four-year-old Hinata.
She confides in Riku (Oji Suzuka), who belongs to the same art club as Yo, about her confusion about this new life. Yo, who has been developing curiosity for her biological mother, Sachiyo, promises to go with Riku to Sachiyo's art exhibition.

  • Art
  • Romance
  • Fantasy

  • Art
  • Romance
  • Fantasy

Moonlight Shadow ムーンライト・シャドウ

"I sincerely hope that only the image of that young me will always be with you."
Satsuki lost her boyfriend, Hitoshi, in a car accident. Unable to face up to his death, she spends her days unable to sleep properly. At some point, Satsuki began to jog at dawn as part of her daily routine, and on a bridge she always passes, she meets a mysterious woman named Urara.
Hitoshi had a younger brother named Hiiragi. Hiiragi had also lost his lgirlfriend named Yumiko. Hitoshi's car was involved in an accident with Yumiko on board. Hiiragi has been wearing the uniform of the dead Yumiko ever since.
Satsuki has been meeting Hiiragi often to make sure they are both alive. And then, on the banks of the river where Urara led her, she witnessed the "Moonlight Phenomenon", which is said to be caused by a miraculous coincidence.

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Art
  • Fantasy
  • School Drama

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Art
  • Fantasy
  • School Drama

The Longest Photo in The World


This is a story based on a teenager boy’s high school life. Hironobu is a shy boy and he lacks passion in his life.
One day, he finds a unique and odd camera in his grandfather's second-hand shop.
The fact is that camera can make the longest panorama photo in the world!
Then he starts a project of making the longest panorama photo involving his friends.
After getting the camera, his colorless life gradually turns into vivid one.
Other unique characters come into this drama and will fill your heart with laughter and tears.

目標もなく、冴えない毎日を送っている主人公・宏伸。 ある日、祖父のリサイクルショップでみつけた風変わりなカメラ。 それは、世界一長いパノラマ写真が撮れる特別なカメラだった!?その日以来、宏伸のモノクロだった人生は、だんだんと鮮やかな色に変わっていくのであった。

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art

ALL ROUND APPRAISER Q - The Eyes of Mona Lisa -

万能鑑定士Q - モナ・リザの瞳 -

In 2014, after an absence of 40 years, the world’s greatest artistic treasure, the Mona Lisa, again pays a visit to Japan. Asahina, the museum’s Asia Director, is assigned the task of strengthening its guard against the constant threat that the famous painting will be stolen. He recommends the brilliant appraiser Riko Rinda for appointment as a curator. With magazine journalist Yuto Ogasawara in tow, Riko flies to Paris and easily passes the qualifying test. With Misa Ryusenji, who has also qualified, she sets to work studying her new field, but the more she learns about the Mona Lisa the less certain she becomes, and gradually her powers of judgment are affected. Ogasawara, trying to find out what is going on, learns something astonishing about how, 500 years ago, da Vinci painted a puzzle into the Mona Lisa’s eyes. Now a plot emerges around the painting, involving both France and Japan. Will Riko free herself from the Mona Lisa’s curse and bring the case to a happy end?

2014년, 40년만에 미술역사상 유일한 보물이라 불리는「모나리자」가 일본에 오게 된다.
루브르미술관 아시아권 대리인인 아시히나는「모나리자」의 일본도착에 앞서 어떤 사명을 루브르측으로부터 전달받는다. 그것은 끊임없이 노리는「모나리자」를 둘러싼 거대한 음모에 대한 경비강화였다. 아사히나는 천재감정사 린다 리코를 학예원후보로 추천한다. 잡지편집자 오가사와라 유토와 함께 파리로 향한 리코는 당당히 루브르미술관에서 열린 채용시험에 합격한다. 또 한명의 합격자가 된 류센지 미사와 함께 연수에 임하지만「모나리자」에 대해 알면 알수록 신체에 이변이 일어나고 점점 감정의 눈도 이상해지기 시작하는데…. 그 이유를 밝히려고 노력하는 유토는 500년전부터 다빈치가「모나리자」의 눈속에 숨겨놓은 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 그 무렵, 일본과 프랑스에서는「모나리자」를 둘러싸고 거대한 음모가 모습을 드러낸다. 과연 린코는「모나리자」의 저주에서 벗어나 어려운 사건을 해쳐나갈 수 있을까?

2014年,翘首期盼的40年美術史上唯一至寶 「蒙娜麗莎」終於登陸日本。

  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education
  • Family
  • History
  • Art
  • Education

Memory of the World Message from Sakubei Yamamoto ~ A miner-painter’s link to the future

世界記憶遺産 山本作兵衛からのメッセージ ~炭鉱絵師がつなぐ未来~

At the age of seven, Sakubei Yamamoto entered a coal mine with his parents; this was the beginning of his 50 year career at the Chikuho mines in Fukuoka prefecture. The mines were pitch black and humid, and the threat of collapse or flooding was never far from the miner’s minds.
After retiring, Sakubei found work as a night guard. From the age of 66, he first began documenting his life and times working at the coal mines in essays and paintings. He left behind a legacy of over a thousand paintings, as well as 70 notebooks and diaries. Of this collection, 697 pieces were chosen for inscription on the ‘Memory of the World’ register. This program examines the life of Sakubei, and the incredibly detailed documents he left behind of the Chikuhocoal mines. What sort of figure was he, and what message does he convey to us through his artwork? Sakubei’s life and art is revealed through the stories told by those connected to him.
It got Certificate of Creative Excellence award at US International Film & Video Festival in 2014

そしてほとんどを輸入に頼っていますが、日本の電気エネルギーの四分の一は石炭による火力発電が担っています。 国民一人あたりにすると、1年間に1トン以上の石炭を今も使っているのです。
