
The number of (the)data : 10
  • Family
  • For Children

  • Family
  • For Children

Knit and Wool's Adventures

Out of a shop window display come two yarn fairies, Knit and Wool! With a flick of a crochet hook, magical things start to happen. In the stop-motion animated world made entirely of knitted yarn, things are created then unraveled, then re-knitted into new things to everyone’s enjoyment!

  • Family
  • Family



The long-awaited new film by Director Mamoru Hosoda! Journeys through time from a small yard – a story about family and life that connects the past and the future.
A small house with a small tree in a small yard in the corner of a city somewhere.
Kun, a spoiled little boy, has a new baby sister. Ever since her arrival, he misses his parents' affection and is baffled by things he has never experienced before. Then one day in the yard, he encounters a mysterious girl called Mirai who calls him "brother."

Guided by Mirai, Kun travels through time into stories about his family. It is the beginning of the little big brother's big adventure.

Magical worlds that await him. A mystery man who claims he was once a prince. A fantastical experience with his mother as a child. An encounter with a young man who bears a resemblance to his father.

And his discovery of "family love."

Through his adventures, Kun learns life lessons that help him grow in baby steps. Where does he finally end up? And what is the real reason for Mirai's visit?

Staff : Director, Screenplay, Original Story by Mamoru Hosoda
Animation Directors : Hiroyuki Aoyama, Ayako Hata
Art Directors : Takashi Omori, Yohei Takamatsu
Music Composer : Masakatsu Takagi
Opening and Main Theme Song by Tatsuro Yamashita

  • Family
  • For Children
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • For Children
  • Comedy



A cat-like robot, Doraemon from the future helping an elementary schoolboy Nobita!

Trouble seems to follow Nobita around... Whether it’s forgetting to do his homework or getting sidetracked from chores, he’s always in need of some guidance.

Fortunately for Nobita, he’s got Doraemon, a trusty robot-cat that was sent back in time from the 22nd century to keep an eye on him. What’s more, Doraemon has a nifty 4-dimensional pocket that can provide an almost endless supply of gadgets. But poor Doraemon! Sometimes the best of intentions turn things from bad to worse. What will become of Nobita?!

· Broadcast on TV Asahi since 1979 with solid ratings throughout the years.
· Over 900 episodes available and still in production.
· Asia’s #1 Children’s Anime Character!
· Broadcast in more than 60 countries on major channels.
· Over 2000 consumer products in Asia.
· 45 volumes of the comic books, and more than 100 million copies sold.
· More than 36 films released and still in production every year.
· Introduced as “The Cuddliest Hero in Asia” in Time Magazine.

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

Shin chan

This is Shin chan.
He might look like an ordinary 5-year-old kindergartner.....
but looks can be deceiving.

There’s never a dull moment when Shin chan is around. He’s a cute and fun-loving five-year- old kindergartener who just cannot resist pretty ladies. His mother Misae can’t stand losing, and gets hysterical whenever her two kids are behaving naughty in public. Hiroshi, the dad, is an average office worker who has smelly feet, but at the end, is a reliable provider of the Nohara family. The baby sister is Himawari who loves cute boys and shiny bright gems, and their pet dog Shiro which was found and brought home by Shin chan. Whatever you do, don’t take your eyes off of Shin chan. Without a moment of notice, he can turn the calmest and most peaceful day upside down!

  • Family
  • Family

Quiz Tokiko-san


Katsuki Tanaka (the author himself) does a reading of his original storyboards that are set in the daily life of 'Tokiko san' who takes a job as a quiz writer. These unadorned storyboards are taken as they are and made into a short animated movie.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Detective
  • Suspense
  • Family
  • Human
  • Detective
  • Suspense

Ace Attorney


A rookie lawyer Ryuichi Naruhodo stands up to save his defendants by proving their innocence from unusual cases!

Is the defendant guilty or innocent…? Believing his client’s innocence Naruhodo stands in court and battles his rival judges. With the word of “OBJECTION!” and limited evidence, Naruhodo makes a comeback when all odds are against him and seems like there is nothing more he can do. Don’t miss out on the comical episodes between him and his mentor Chihiro Ayasato, assistant Mayoi Ayasato, rival prosecutor Reiji Miturugi, and numerous unique characters! The anime also depicts the childhood relationship between Naruhodo and his friends. With the skills inherited from his mentor Naruho reveals the truth!

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

Shin chan Spin-offs vol.1-4


An original spin-off anime created in celebration of Shin chan's 25th anniversary of its TV series.

The 4 series have unique settings and unimaginable storylines that go beyond the Nohara Family’s daily life.

A thriller suspense in outer space? A dark fantasy with monsters and toys?

Not only fans of Shin chan, but first-timers and adults are sure to laugh and enjoy this “Upscaled” Shin chan series.

- vol.1 Aliens vs. Shinnosuke
"What if Shinnosuke encountered aliens in a drifting spaceship?" A locked-room mystery set in space unfolds for the first time in the Shin chan series! Shinnosuke Nohara and his family wake up from hibernation in an unfamiliar spaceship with strangers. Who put them on the ship and what for? Will Shinnosuke and the others be able to return safely to Earth?

- vol.2 Toy Wars
Obaan was the villain in a hit TV show who used to be popular. But the craze passed and all of her merchandise was discarded. One day, lightening strikes an Obaan action figure and it comes to life. She and the other toys vow to get their revenge on the humans who threw them away. The battle between the Kasukabe Guard and the toys begins!

- vol.3 Lone Wolf with Family
Hiroshinosuke Nohara, aka "Lone Wolf with Family," is the master of Nohara style butt swordplay. He travels with his family looking for work. The Noharas encounter a mysterious girl named Hazumi along the way, and assassins start coming after them for some reason. A swashbuckling hero and son fight to save a prefecture from an evil lord!

- vol.4 Oh Oh Oh no Shinnosuke
Strange incidents occur in a small rural town. Monster boy, Oh Oh Oh no Shinnosuke, and his father, Daddy Little Balls, pass through in search of Big Butt Momma, the wife and mother of the family. Shinnosuke saves a girl, Fumie, being attacked by a mysterious monster. This was the beginning of the epic case of a string of monster-related problems that would ravage the town.

  • Family
  • Family

Nyandafuru Channel

(Meowderful Channel)

Totally in love with character illustrations of cats, dogs, and bears. A brand-new show and the first of its kind in Japan that features nothing but cat characters for cat lovers started in February 2014. A variety of cat characters designed by Japan’s topnotch creators and illustrators are animated by popular KAWAII (cute) anime voice talents. This show is a must-see not just for fans of cat characters but for all anime lovers!

  • Family
  • Human
  • Adventure

  • Family
  • Human
  • Adventure

Space Brothers


'“The older brother should always be ahead of the younger one...”

Once upon a time there were two brothers, Hibito and Mutta. Hibito, the littler brother, had been blessed with good luck since the day he was born. Mutta, the elder, had always had bad luck. One day, the two brothers saw a UFO. This experience made them decide to become astronauts. And while Hibito succeeded, Mutta went to work for a car company. Then he caused an incident and had to quit. And then just as Hibito is about to fly to the moon...

When they were little, two brothers, Mutta and Hibito made a promise to each other as they looked up into the night sky. In the year 2025, Hibito has kept his promise and become an astronaut, part of the first wave of people to live for an extended period of time on the moon.

Meanwhile, his older brother Mutta has been fired from his job and is unemployed. But one message from his brother makes him decide to start being an astronaut again.

Thirty two year old Mutta will attempt the astronaut candidate examinations.

To follow his brother Hibito to the moon, Mutta will attempt to become an astronaut at the age of 32. Unaware of his own talent, elder brother Mutta chases his dreams to get back in front of his younger brother.
Believing the words “The older brother should always be ahead of the younger one...”

雑誌『モーニング』で2008年より連載開始され、講談社漫画賞と小学館漫画賞をW受賞。2012年には小栗旬&岡田将生共演による実写版映画も公開される小山宙哉原作の『宇宙兄弟』が、満を持してのTVアニメ化。『あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。』で、芸術選奨新人賞メディア芸術部門を受賞したA-1 Pictures が制作を手がけ、監督は劇場版「ドラえもん」シリーズの渡辺歩。声の出演は、兄・六太に洋画吹き替えのベテラン、平田広明、弟・日々人にアーティスト兼俳優としても活躍するKENN。宇宙への夢と憧れに加え、綿密な科学考証、詳細な取材でSFファンのみならず幅広い層に愛されているリアリティに満ちた HOW to 宇宙飛行士物語。

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Science
  • For Children
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Science
  • For Children

21 Emon


Take a fascinating journey into space with the 21st Century kid, 21 Emon!

Tsuzure Inn has been running for more than 450 years, and a young lad named 21 Emon is next in line to take over the family business. However, Emon wants to take no part of it at all, but rather spend his time exploring the vast reaches of outer space. One day, he finally manages to find a spaceship to leave home behind. He decides to take his two friends from the inn. Monger (a space creature that can teleport) and Gonsuke (a potato digging robot). Now, let the space adventures begin!