Format scripted

20 Titles

  • NEW
  • Comedy
2024.1 -2024.3


  • NEW
  • Comedy

Shady Job Family


Each facing their own struggles with poverty, five people decides to break into a house, driven by the promise of substantial financial gain from a shady part-time job.
This group of amateur thieves, clearly inexperienced, fails to crack a safe and in a desperate escape, accidentally commits a hit-and-run. Subsequently, they are blackmailed by a man with black glasses over the incident, forcing them to live together as a faux family. Their new mission: to infiltrate and rob the neighbor’s house when they are away...
After their first mission, the fake family of five is thrust into an array of clandestine jobs by the man, from undercover work at a dumpling shop to carrying enigmatic parcels. Little do they know, in fact, he is an adept police detective, and their actions have unknowingly been resolving various incidents…
Can this fabricated family find a path back to glory in their lives?

  • NEW
  • Comedy


  • NEW
  • Comedy

Kotaki Brothers


The protagonists are the Kotaki brothers, both middle-aged and unemployed, with polar opposite personalities.
One day, the younger brother causes a bicycle accident but the injured man has no intention of seeking compensation. Instead, he asks the brothers to take on a job for his “Rent A Human” business, where he is the president. Having no choice, the brothers agree, and this marks the beginning of their journey as a “rent a human”, handling various customer’s requests.

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports

I Wanna Punch that Scumbag!


Hokomi Sato has hit rock bottom after being left at the altar on her wedding day. However, things start looking up when she meets the kind and compassionate Kairi Kuzuya. But in fact, he turns out to be the “worst womanizing scum of the earth!” Vowing never to be hurt again, Hokomi decides to change herself and takes up boxing, setting her life on a new course. Yet, she can’t seem to keep Kairi out of her life as she begins to learn of his eventful past. Follow Hokomi on her journey to mental and physical empowerment through this no-holds-barred boxing love story!

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Extremely Inappropriate!


Ichiro is a PE teacher in 1986 feared by his students for a "tough love" approach, harsh tongue and frequently “inappropriate” behavior. He’s also a dad trying to raise a rebellious daughter after having lost his wife to illness. When he gets transported in time to 2024, he encounters modern sensibilities that teach him about empathy, but also gives people of today reason to rethink their own political correctness in this time traversing comedy about change.

1986년. 이치로는 “사랑의 매”라 불린 엄격한 지도를 하는 것이 당연시되던 쇼와시대의 체육교사. 거친 말투에 부적절한 언동을 되풀이하며 학생들로부터도 무서움의 대상이었다. 그런 이치로였지만 아내를 병으로 잃고 집에서는 외동딸의 비행에 애를 태우는 보통의 아버지이기도 하다. 어느 날, 이상하게도 1986년에서 2024년 현재로 타임 슬립해 버린다! 이치로의 극론이 법률 준수에 얽매어진 현시대의 사람들에게 생각할 계기를 주게 되는데…? 쇼와시대에서 레이와 시대로의 타임슬립으로 다시 한번 느끼는 사람들의 차이나 공감을 그린 타임슬립 코미디.




  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama

My Second AOHARU


Sayako is approaching 30 and has begun to mourn a life devoid of money and an education. “It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this,” she sighs, lamenting her past failed college entrance exams. That’s when she meets college student, Taku, whose words of encouragement rekindle her desire to chase a once abandoned dream of becoming an architect. As a 30-year-old office worker, Sayako joins with Gen-Z college students to embark upon a new chapter and second youth in life.

사야코는 학력도 돈도 없는 사회인. 예전 건축에 대해 배우고 싶어 대입시험에 도전하지만 실패한다. 이후「아, 이게 아니야.」라는 생각을 품으면서 서른 살을 맞게 된다. 그런 가운데 사야코는 대학생 타쿠를 만난다.
「그때 대학에 갔더라면 다른 인생이었을까?」라고 털어놓는 사야코에게 타쿠의 한마디가 계기가 되어 운명이 크게 움직이기 시작한다…!
한차례 포기했던 건축가의 꿈을 이루기 위해 다시 배우기로 결심하고 별 볼일 없는 회사원에서 서른 살 대학생이 된다!
인생 제2막을 시작한 사야코가 현재를 살아가는 대학생들과 함께 펼치는 세컨드 청춘 러브 코미디!


  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Hana Is Beyond Your Reach

Hana, a heroine, is a super excellent and beautiful business woman who works at a traditional confectionary company and every single her idea becomes a hit and popular series.
Thus, Hana is admired by all of her colleagues and they think that Hana dates celebrities like professional baseball players and billionaires because she is such a brilliant beauty.
However, in fact, Hana falls in love with Tsuyoshi Yowaki , her junior who is hopelessly incompetent and she always blames for his mistakes!
Hana is not sophisticated in terms of loving someone so she always acts like a strict boss in front of Yowaki although she does not want to do. Therefore, Hana thinks that Yowaki dislikes her (but he does not) and Yowaki also thinks that Hana hates him (but she does not).
Do Hana and Yowaki become a couple in the end? Also, their co workers, Genki Sarada Yowaki’s playboy senior) and Ichigo Amai (the idol at their office) creates a “love squre ”!?

  • Comedy
2022.7 -2022.9
  • Comedy

ISHIKO and HANEO: You're Suing Me?


Personalities and complexes collide between a Tokyo University-educated paralegal, Shoko (“Miss Compliance”) and a young lawyer with only a high school degree, Yoshio (“Mr. Bohemian”). Nevertheless, they somehow manage to help clients in a small town through the “Ushio Legal Counseling Office” in this off-color legal drama! With Shoko’s sharp wit and stubbornly single-minded passion, and Yoshio’s penchant for acting cool, the two are more similar than they would admit despite constant bickering as they fight for the rights of their clients.

미스 컴플라이언스 “도쿄대 졸업”의 법률사무 보조원 이시다와 미스터 보헤미안 “고졸” 변호사 하네오의 “트러블 콤비”가 콤플렉스와 콤플렉스를 부딪혀가며 마을의 법률사무소「이시다 법률사무소」를 찾아오는 사람들을 도와주며 성장해가는 이색 법률 드라마!
두뇌가 명석하지만 고집이 세고 한 곳으로 만 내달리는 이시코와 거만하고 뻔뻔스러운 태도로 문제를 일으키기도 하는 하네오는 어딘가 닮은 부분도 있다….
정반대인 것 같은 두 사람은 불꽃 튀기는 배틀을 이어가며 다양한 트러블에 맞서 의뢰인을 구해간다.

凡事重視法規的”東大畢業”律師助理・石子小姐vs凡事放浪輕浮的”高中畢業”律師・羽男先生,這兩人的“凹凸拍檔”以各自抱持的自卑情結相互碰撞,在為區域居民提供法律服務的[A1] 「石田法律事務所」替人們解決疑難雜症的同時,亦開始有所成長,為前所未有的法律娛樂喜劇!

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2022.1 -2022.3
  • Comedy
  • Romance



Hanae dreamed of representing Japan in karate until misfortune deprived her of everything. She mopes about until she encounters Haruki, composer of the song that once motivated her before karate matches. Romance blooms but is complicated by Shingo, a flashy childhood friend long in love with Hanae. Meanwhile, Hanae harbors a secret” that she can’t tell anybody, and determines to experience “the last romance of her life.” Will this slightly awkward but unclouded heroine get her wish?

가라테 일본 대표를 목표로 살아가는 하나에.
갑자기 가라테 선수의 꿈을 접고 만다.
모든 것을 잃고 밑바닥 인생이라 느끼며 무기력한 일상을 보내고 있던 하나에는 시합 전에 언제나 듣던 승부곡의 뮤지션 하루키와 운명적으로 만난다.
가볍지만 한결같이 하나에를 짝사랑하는 소꿉친구 신고까지 끌어들이며 이윽고 삼각관 계의 사랑으로 발전해가는데….
하나에는 누구에게도 말 못 하는 어느 “비밀” 을 지닌 채「이것이 인생 최후의 사랑」 이라 다짐한다. 서투르지만 솔직한 하나에가 만들어가는 “처음이자 마지막 사랑” 의 행 방은!?


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2021.10 -2021.12
  • Comedy
  • Romance



Akiha extols the virtues of the single life and has no desire for marriage. But then she encounters a sudden proposal from Shu, a handsome company man whom she just met. Shu has an urgent need to be officially designated as “married” when he floats the fake marriage proposal. For her part, Akiha is hurting for the money to care for her sick grandmother and keep her family business afloat. So a bargain is struck. Shu agrees to take over her debts if she will marry him. After a rocky start, however, Akiha gradually finds herself drawn to Shu’s kind and gentle nature. But then she learns the true reason behind their marriage in this disarmingly poignant romantic comedy about love built on a lie.

결혼할 생각이 전혀 없이 독신을 즐기는 오오카도 아키하.
어느 날 처음 만난 잘생긴 회사원 모모세 슈로부터 갑자기 프러포즈를 받는다.
모모세는 어떤 이유로 “기혼자”라는 타이틀을 손에 넣기 위해 위장결혼을 하고 싶다고 말한다.
할머니의 병과 집안의 가게를 지키기 위해 무슨 일이 있어도 돈이 필요한 아키하는 모모세로부터 돈을 빌리는 조건으로 위장결혼을 하게 된다!
공동생활이 시작되고 처음에는 충돌하는 두 사람이지만 아키하는 모모세가 보이는 따뜻함에 마음이 끌리게 되고….
하지만 모모세가 위장결혼을 한 진짜 이유가 조금씩 밝혀지게 되는데…?
즉석에서 위장결혼을 한 부부가 만들어내는 뜻밖의 심쿵 러브 코미디


  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance
2021.4 -2021.6
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance

How to Get a Divorce for the Whole Family!


Newlyweds Saki and husband Koichi have decided that getting married was a huge mistake. They met by chance and had a whirlwind romance, but their lifestyles and values couldn’t be more different. She’s a fashion editor raised in a modern, liberal home. He’s an ace air-rescue pilot from a strict, conservative upbringing. After their big wedding, they’re too embarrassed to tell their families, friends and colleagues that they’re already getting divorced! So they decide to do it in secret…It can even be a positive first step toward both partners’ future happiness. But when it comes to men and women, the more things change, the more they stay the same. This highly entertaining new series takes a hard look at today’s social values through the lens of divorce.

패션잡지 편집자 미즈구치 사키는 자유로운 가정에서 자란 자신에게 정직한 여성이다. 한편 엄격한 자위관 가정에서 자란 항공자위대 에이스 오바라 코이치.
마치 정반대인 두 사람은 운명적인 만남으로 교제0일에 스피드 결혼을 하고 함께 살기 시작하지만 생활습관과 결혼생활에 요구하는 가치관의 차이로 크게 싸운다.
신혼에 일찌감치 이혼을 결심하지만 주위에 말을 꺼내지 못하고 조용히 이혼을 준비하는“리코카츠”를 시작한다.
이혼 자체가 드물지 않게 된 시대, 이혼은 불행이 아닌 행복을 위한 포지티브한 첫발로 인식되기 시작했다.
현대의 가치관, 시대가 변해도 보편적인 남녀의 다툼을「리코카츠」라는 키워드를 통해 그렸다!

在這個時代,離婚本身已不再是一件稀奇的事情。離婚也不再被視為一件 “不幸”的事情,而是向幸福積極邁進的一步。
這部是通過“離婚活動”這個關鍵詞, 呈現現代人的價值觀和時代變化下也很普遍的男女鬥爭的愛情喜劇!

  • Comedy
  • Family
2021.1 -2021.3
  • Comedy
  • Family

Story of My Family!!!


Now sidelined due to injury and age, former pro-wrestling star Juichi Miyama was once groomed by his father, Jusaburo, an acclaimed Noh actor and “Living National Treasure,” to be his successor. But the young Juichi rebelled, left home, and cut off ties with his family. Now he’s just learned that his father, having miraculously survived a critical illness, intends to marry his young caregiver and leave all his money to her. So Juichi decides to return home to help with his father’s care, setting the stage for a showdown between Juichi’s family on one side and his father’s mysterious caregiver on the other.

미야마 쥬이치는 예전에는 인기 레슬러였지만 나이와 부상으로 지금은 간신히 시합에 나가고 있다.
쥬이치의 아버지는 일본 전통예능「노가쿠」에서 무형문화재인 소위「인간 국보」로 인정받은 미야마 쥬사부로. 가업을 이을 것으로 기대를 받던 쥬이치였지만 아버지의 지도에 반발하여 집을 나가 소식을 끊고 지낸다.
어느 날 아버지가 위독하다는 연락이 전해지고 기적적으로 목숨을 건진 쥬사부로는 자신의 간병인 여성과 약혼하여 모든 유산을 그 여성에게 물려준다고 선언한다.
쥬이치는 집으로 돌아가 아버지의 간호를 돕지만 가족과 수수께끼의 간병인 여성을 끌어들이며 간병과 유산상속을 둘러싼 격렬한 배틀 라운드의 공이 울린다!!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.9 -2020.10
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Love begins when the money ends


Owing to a certain incident in her past, Reiko Kuki knows the value of money better than anyone. Thrifty with her spending, this poor, “around-thirty company woman meets Keita Saruwatari, the moronic president’s son and profligate spendthrift with no memory at all of how he spends his dough. When these two polar opposites spend a summer learning about money management with a bunch of other financially-quirky people, personalities and values clash to produce some unexpected comedy and romance.


구키 레이코는 어떤 과거의 원인으로 누구보다도 돈의 가치를 감사히 여기고 소중히 사용하는 서른즈음의“청빈녀”이다. 그녀가 근무하는 회사의 멍청한 사장 아들 사루와타리 케이타는 돈을 쓰는 것에 아무런 망설임이 없고 자신이 얼마나 지출하고 있는지도 파악하지 않는“낭비남”이다. 금전 감각이 전혀 다른 두 사람이 만나 한 여름 동안의 금전 수행을 펼친다. 돈을 쓰는 것에 버릇?이 있는 다양한 남녀가 가치관이 다른 상대와 예측불능의 사랑 이야기를 펼치는 러브 코미디!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.4 -2020.6

  • Comedy
  • Romance

My Housekeeper Nagisa-san


In an office, she can perform better than anyone, but when it comes household chores, she’s totally useless. She’s a single woman pushing 30 named Mei Aihara, and her room is a mess. Appearing one day at her doorstep is Nagisa Shigino, a much-in-demand “super domestic helper” who can do the cooking, cleaning and washing with masterful perfection. And Shigino is… a middle-aged man. For Mei, a woman who lives for her career, the encounter with Nagisa plants in her first-time thoughts of “marriage,” “family” and “future.” Gradually, something resembling feelings of “love” begin to germinate.

仕事は誰よりもできるのに、家のことは何にもできないアラサー独身女子・相原メイの汚い部屋にある日突然やってきたのは、予約の取れないスーパー家政夫・・・鴫野ナギサ! その正体は料理、洗濯、掃除まで何でも完璧にこなす「おじさん」だった… 私には仕事しかない!そんなバリバリキャリアウーマンのメイだったが、ナギサさんとの出会いにより初めて「結婚」「家族」「将来」という、人生について考えるようになる。 そしていつしかナギサさんに対して、「恋」に似た初めての気持ちが芽生える!?

업무능력은 누구보다 뛰어나지만 집안일은 아무것도 못하는 서른 즈음의 싱글 여성 아이하라 메이. 어느 날 그녀의 지저분한 집에 느닷없이 찾아온 것은 예약도 좀처럼 잡기 힘든 슈퍼가정부 시기노 나기사였다! 요리와 빨래, 청소까지 모든 것을 완벽하게 해내는「아저씨」인데…
나한테는 일밖에 없어! 유능한 커리어 우먼 메이지만 나기사와의 만남으로 인해 처음으로「결혼」「가족」「장래」라는 인생에 대해 생각하게 된다.
그리고 어느덧 나기사를 향한「사랑」을 닮은 마음이 싹트기 시작하는데!?


  • Comedy

  • Comedy

Fictitious girl's diary The Movie


The 2017 drama series, Kaku OL Nikki (Fictitious girl's diary), will return in 2020 as a movie! Comedian Bakarhythm, both writing and starring in the original, will be returning to once again write and star in the movie. Set in a fictional bank featuring a female office worker who works, drinks, falls in love and complains, this slice-of-life drama quickly won the hearts of many female viewers. The fact that Bakarhythm himself starred as a female office worker also stirred much buzz. The show was highly rated, having gone on to receive awards like an honorable mention at the 55th Galaxy Awards, an award celebrating excellency in broadcasting, individuals and organizations. Based on the original novel “Fictitious girl’s diary” by BAKARHYTHM published by Shogakukan Inc.

  • Comedy
  • Family
2018.7 -2018.9
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues


Miyuki Miyamoto is an 8-year-old girl who lost her mother few years ago and now lives with her father, Ryoichi. When one day a hard-working career woman, Akiko Iwamoto, appears and becomes Miyuki’s new stepmom, Miyuki resists, particularly seeing Akiko presents herself with a business card. But Akiko, determined to win over Miyuki’s heart, uses all of her business experience and acumen to the task. And yet, none of her efforts succeed. Ryoichi, too, tries desperately to persuade Miyuki to accept her new stepmom, but he is simply no match for his daughter’s intransigence. Nevertheless, Miyuki finds herself gradually thinking hard about whether to ultimately accept Akiko.
The show paints a vivid picture of the ordinary joys and tears of everyday life, punctuated by the occasional small miracles.

수년전 엄마를 잃고 아버지 료이치와 둘이서 사는 소녀・미야모토 미유키 앞에 새엄마 가 되겠다며 나타난 열정적인 캐리어우먼 이와키 아키코. 명함을 건내고 수상스런 봉투 를 두고 돌아간 아키코를 새엄마로 받아들이지 못하는 미유키는「나, 이 사람 싫어」라 며 단호하다.
아키코는 백전노장의 비지니스 경험을 살려 미유키의 마음을 사로잡고자 다양한 작전 을 짜보지만 실패의 연속이다. 료이치도 미유키를 필사적으로 설득해보지만 오히려 말 싸움에 지고 만다.
큰사건도 해프닝도 없지만 아키코를 의붓엄마로 받아들여야할지 진지하게 생각하는 딸, 그 딸을 최선을 다해 지키려는 아버지의 평범한 일상에는 보통의 행복과 슬픔, 그리고 기적이 넘친다.


  • Comedy

  • Comedy

Good Bye


A 30 years old woman BESSHO coincidently meets her junior TAJIMAGE in the same high school. Having dinner together, TAJIMAGE confesses that he lives away from his family now, they will be back soon, but he has an affair with four women. BESSHO thinks he is the similar situation with an uncompleted novel Good Bye and advises him to say good-bye to his mistresses early.
Then, TAJIMAGE comes up with an idea to break up with his affairs following the method of the novel and asks BESSHO to play a fake wife.
She is such a caring person that she helps him in order for him to terminate his affairs peacefully,…

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
2017 -2017

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking

Solitary Gourmet Series (Season 10 Starting in October, 2022)

孤獨的美食家 系列劇

This drama features the art of eating alone. Goro Inogashira runs his own little imported goods business and visits many different towns from day to day. The places where he stops to eat are where this drama unfolds. In each episodes he discovers new and surprising gourmet food and we are treated to his unique and peculiar view on the art of eating alone. Though the drama is based on a popular comic book, the eateries he stops by are actual restaurants that are located by the crew beforehand

這是一部描述孤獨美食之藝術的劇集。 主人公井之頭五郎個人經營著一家進口雜貨店,他每次親自登門拜訪客戶時,都會尋找隱藏在城市各個角落的美食店。在每一集的故事裏,每當主人公結束拜訪後,饑腸轆轆的他放下一切,專心地尋找著街頭巷尾能勾起他食欲的小店。每當沈浸在一個人享受美食的過程中,主人公的內心除了美食心無旁騖,填飽肚子後煩惱也一掃而光。 本劇是根據同名漫畫改編而成,運用了紀錄片風格的描述方式,其中劇中登場的餐館也全部都是真實存在的,每集之後更有作者親自走訪劇中出現的餐館,采訪店主並品嘗其更多的特色美食。

  • Comedy

  • Comedy

Fictitious girl's diary


ork, drink, and love… Life of women in the working society are more than it seems. A popular blog Bakarhythm has been secretly writing as a working lady, is finally out as a drama! Life at work, hanging out with friends, falling in love, and self-improvements; though being a man himself, Bakarhythm’s imaginary blog is highly rated among working women as “fully understating the women’s mind”. Bakarhythm become’s a woman himself and lives the life of a woman working as a bank teller. The drama is filled with scenes that you’ll be able to relate and laugh out loud! With a surprising grand finale, the sky’s the limit for the fictitious world of Bakarhytm. Based on the original novel “Fictitious girl’s diary” by BAKARHYTHM published by Shogakukan Inc.

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
2015 -2016

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

Wine, Dine and Woo Me


'Megumi Kanbayashi has been a freelance writer for five years. As a just-turned-30 single woman, she is beginning to feel the pangs of marriage anxiety. One day, Megumi’s editor brings her an idea for a series to be offered on the internet. It’s a novel premise - advertise for a single male looking for a relationship; then he picks a restaurant for a blind date during which “he woos her over a meal.” Megumi loves the idea of a free, delicious meal and seizes the opportunity. And so begins the search for candidates for “Wine, Dine and Woo Me” column series! Here is a delightful comedy-cum-food show which follows Megumi on various dinner dates as she searches for love and the ideal mate. Actual restaurants in Tokyo are featured in every episode and the latest news about them are posted on the series’ Website.


  • Comedy

  • Comedy


“I’m on rent.” “There is nothing I can do but a simple conversation.”

What an odd service?! Who’d need him?!

What he does is sort of like a handyman but he has no skills. His existence is the only thing he can offer. And yet there are loads of clients wanting him “to just be there”.

Requests from clients are such as “I want you to wait at the goal while I run the marathon” “Join me as I take my divorce papers to the ward office.” “I want you to go to my workplace with me as I am scared.” He has become famous throughout Japan via the media.
A heartwarming drama as the clients open up their hearts to the “Can’ t Do Anything Rental-man.”