
2 Titles

  • Gameshow
  • For Children
2014 -2014
  • Gameshow
  • For Children

Team Syachihoko’s "YURUSYACHI"


“Team Syachihoko” is a Japanese female Idol group consisting of six schoolgirls from Nagoya City, Aichi and they are known as a sister group of two other girl groups called “Momoiro Clover Z” and “Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku” and, having been formed in 2011. This program is that they challenge a loose theme every time. The main theme is “Make”,”Play” and “Try”.Show the feeling like looking into their real face by a special camera work.

節目的另一個名稱是「ゆるチャレ」。基本主題是製作、遊戲、測試 三種。『做出好吃的料理….』『玩新開發的遊戲….』『把時下流行的東西拿來實際試用看看….』利用特殊的攝影技術來呈現她們私底下的生活方式,窺視她們素顏的樣子。

舞台はチームしゃちほこ達のプライベート基地。チームしゃちほこのメンバーの中から毎回シャッフルして3人が出演。毎回、ゆる~いテーマにチャレンジしていきます。 そう、番組の裏テーマは「ゆるチャレ」。その基本テーマの柱は、「作る」「遊ぶ」「試す」の3つ。 「美味しいご飯を作ってみたり…」「新しいゲームで遊んでみたり…」「流行モノを実際に取り寄せて試してみたり…」 独特のカメラワークで、彼女たちのプライベートを切り取ったような演出を施し、ゆる~くゆる~く、素顔の彼女たちを覗く感覚で見せていきます。

  • For Children
2008 -2012
  • For Children



Ryujin Juwara is a localized version of Ryujin Mabuyer, which is a top-rated TV series in Okinawa. This version imparts the essence of Malay tradition and culture to the young generation. Ryujin Juwara is a hit with young Malaysians.

“Ryujin Mabuyer” is a community-based live-action superhero TV series broadcasted in 2008 to 2012 that was inspired by the “Super Sentai” (Super squad, aka Power Rangers) series. Such shows typically advertise the localities in which they are set. In this series, the characters speak in Okinawa’s local dialect and have Okinawan names. The story is about the nine stones called ‘Mabui-stone’ scattered around in Okinawa area.
Each stones carry a unique magical power which is believed to be possessed by the soul of the Okinawa’s legendary dragon. Majimun- the villains- attempt to collect the nine stones and destroy Okinawa’s culture and tradition where Ryujin Mabuyer fights against and stop from doing so.