Format non-scripted

18 Titles

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  • Gameshow
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Japan's leading top skaters take on the challenge of a large outdoor set. Each episode consists of three rounds. The first stage is “Midoriyama Downhill,” a time attack in which skaters run down a 400-meter-long downhill. The second stage is “Uzushio,” where contestants must slide down a very narrow path built over a pond to reach a floating island. The final stage is “Tokyo Upside-down,” a three-story, 180-meter-long course with various difficult obstacles. The lower ranked skaters in each stage are eliminated, and if they can reach the goal within the time limit in the final stage, they win a big cash prize. While the participating skaters take the competition seriously to beat others to win a big cash prize, they also respect and support each other as they always do within the skateboarding community.

일본을 대표하는 톱 스케이트 선수들이 야외에 설치된 대규모 세트에 도전한다. 각 에피소드는 세 라운드로 구성된다.
첫 번째 스테이지는 “미도리야마 다운힐“이며, 선수들이 400m 길이의 내리막길을 타임 어택 형식으로 달려 내려간다.
두 번째 스테이지 “우즈시오”는 참가자들이 연못 위에 떠 있는 섬까지 이어지는 아주 좁은 통로를 미끄러져 내려간다.
마지막 스테이지는 “도쿄 업사이드다운”이며, 180m 높이의 3층으로 된 코스에 다양한 고난도의 장애물이 설치되어 있다. 각 스테이지에서 순위가 낮은 선수는 탈락하게 되며, 마지막 스테이지에서 제한 시간 이내에 골에 도달하는 선수에게는 큰 상금이 주어진다. 이 게임에 참가한 스케이트 선수들은 경쟁자를 이기고 큰 상금을 획득하기 위해 진지하게 대회에 임하지만, 스케이트 커뮤니티에서 항상 그래 왔듯이 서로를 존중하고 응원하기도 한다.

最後一關「東京倒影」,是一條大約三層樓高, 長達180公尺的高難度賽道,充滿各種極具挑戰性的障礙!

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  • NEW
  • Action
  • Family
  • For Children
  • Gameshow
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Light Away!

暗闇怪盗L 光に当たるな!

An unprecedented format spotlighting the studio spotlights! Light Away! is a never-before-seen game show format featuring studio spotlights. There is a huge diamond at the end of the “Hall of Lights,” and contestants, also known as the “Dark Phantom Thieves,” must sneak through the spotlights to nab it! However, there are a myriad of spotlights blocking the way, and if a contestant gets caught in the spotlight, it’s game over for them! Can the thieves successfully dodge all the spotlights and steal the diamond?

-Winner at BCWW International Format Pitch
-Nominated for Best Asian Original Game Show at the Content Asia Awards

  • NEW
  • Education
  • Nature
  • Reality
  • Sports


  • NEW
  • Education
  • Nature
  • Reality
  • Sports



Do you want to fly? This show gives you wings! Yomiuri TV’s flagship programme format, “Japan International Birdman Rally” successfully combines elements of documentary and educational programming with competition and pure entertainment. Human-powered aircraft manufactured by non-professionals such as engineering students compete to see who can achieve the longest flight distance. The current record is over 60 kilometers! As it provides a fascinating look into how people step up to the challenge, the annual programme has cultivated enthusiastic fans all over the country since the first edition in 1977 and has also expanded into other businesses, from online streaming to merchandising.

  • Sports
  • Gameshow

  • Sports
  • Gameshow

Battle of Brains and Muscles

Be prepared physically to win this unique quiz! “Battle of Brains and Muscles”, with great physical strength and highly trained minds, take on a set of grueling challenges only they can complete. Who will come out on top in this test of intelligence and strength?

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • For Children
  • Gameshow
  • Reality
  • Sports

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • For Children
  • Gameshow
  • Reality
  • Sports

Child’s Play


What happens when we take the games we played as children and tailor them for adults?
We get a thrilling and witty game!
In this game, 8 players with diverse backgrounds compete for cash prizes in a battle of wits fueled by their desires.
Let’s take a journey back to our childhood while still holding onto our adult sensibilities.
Ready? Rock-Paper-Scissors, GO! ✊ ✋ ♪

 Content Asia Awards 2024
 Bronze Award of Best Asian Original Game Show

  • Reality
  • Sports

  • Reality
  • Sports



THE MUSCLE DOOR is a social experiment reality show about ordinary young men desperate to acquire a strong, muscular physique. The show follows their two-month journey of physical transformation, culminating in a heroic attempt to heave open the three-ton MUSCLE DOOR.

Genre: Reality / Social Experiment

“머슬 도어”는 탄탄한 근육질 몸매를 얻기 위해 최선을 다하는 평범한 젊은이들의 모습을 담은 사회 실험적 리얼리티 쇼다. 이 쇼는 그들의 두 달에 걸친 물리적 변화를 관찰하며, 마지막에는 3톤 무게의 머슬 도어를 여는 영웅적인 도전을 한다.

「肌肉門」是一場社會實驗的真人實境秀,一般年輕男子為了擁有結實肌肉的體型,拼命鍛鍊體魄的努力過程,節目跟拍他們為期兩個月的集中訓練,和肌肉大改造的變化歷程。最後,他們嘗試英勇的打開重達三公噸的肌肉門 。

  • Sports
  • Gameshow
  • Sports
  • Gameshow


ゴルフ サバイバル

Once a month 10 junior female professional golfers take part in a “Shoot-Out”survival game. Over 9 holes the players compete to win ¥1,000,000!
As each hole is played, the player with the worst score drops out leaving only one winner...
Definitely this is a Must-See program!

  • Sports
  • Sports



A spin-off program from SASUKE. KUNOICHI (a word for a female ninja) puts professional and amateur athletes, celebrities and general participants on a challenging obstacle course. Who among these women has the skills and stamina to clear all areas and be crowned champion?

사스케의 스핀오프 프로그램. 쿠노이치는 프로와 아마추어 선수, 탤런트, 일반인등의 여성선수들이 도전한다. 그녀들 중에 전 구역을 돌파하고 완전제패하는 자가 나타날 것인 가!?


  • Sports
  • Sports

Athletic Fire


The world's greatest female athletes challenge Japan's top comedians in sports battles designed to amaze and entertain. World record holders, international stars and the nations best women from swimming, volleyball, soccer, golf and martial arts have their hands full as they battle funny men in real competitions.

남자라는 것만으로 미녀선수들을 이길 수 있을까!?
여자선수들과 남자코미디언들이 서로의 자존심을 걸고 스포츠 대결을 펼친다.


  • Sports
  • Gameshow
  • Sports
  • Gameshow

Beat the Champions (King of Sports)

A fun and fast-moving game show featuring celebrities and amateurs challenging world-class professional athletes at their very own sports! From golf, tennis, water sports and soccer, the challenges and fascination are endless.

But wait, it wouldn’t be easy to “Beat the Champions” on an equal playing field! So, the amateur challengers are given special advantages to up their game.

Can amateurs win against a tennis superstar by using an oversized racket? Can they beat professionals in a bowling game using a soccer ball? Can two kids defeat a table tennis pro restricted to playing with a spoon? With all these unique advantages, can the celebs and amateurs “Beat the Champions”?

With proven ratings for over 15 years, “Beat the Champions” is clearly a winner. A “must see” in Japan, it is now time for “Beat the Champions” to hit the international market!

  • Sports
  • Sports

Slice of TV

W hat if you could slice out a scene from a program and take a closer look at it?
Many things happen simultaneously in sports games. However, only part of the stories can be delivered to the audience on TV. The other stories remain out of the spotlight and are scarcely shared with the public.
This show focuses on those scenes that normally get little attention, and brings to light hidden stories and the extraordinary characters of top athletes.
What are the athletes talking about during a game? How do they pep themselves up before a game? What are they really like with their fans and staff behind the scenes?
After careful research of footage shot by multiple cameras, scenes that are revealing, full of discovery and heart-warming are selected and sliced out for the show.
After watching “Slice of TV,” you will simply love sports much more than before!

  • Family
  • Sports
  • Gameshow

  • Family
  • Sports
  • Gameshow



Would former top athletes be able to out-win the kid champions in the same sport?

"Of course, no sweat!", you'd think, right?

A Rio 2016 Olympic swimmer should be able to win a junior swimming champion; a professional bowler would beat the kid bowling champion in a match of splits; and a former Othello (Reversi) World Champion should win over the Youth World Champion...

But can the professional adults really win against the rising little stars...?

This program pits an ex-pro from a certain field against a current young star of the same field. See how the pros, who are the challengers, get dead serious to win the next generation stars. Superb skills and excellent techniques – the level of competition is surprisingly high... and the rivalry very close!

Whether the pros win or lose, “vs KIDS” is a fun watch and carries persuasive weight, that only comes from a serious challenge! You might even witness a future Olympic athlete proving their ability! Viewers will definitely be spellbound by never-seen-before dream matches.

  • Sports
  • Sports

Battle of the Super Boyz

究極の男は誰だ!? 最強スポーツ男子頂上決戦

Never before has a competition created such excitement on screen and among teens and young adults. A legendary competition is reborn with the hottest games and competitors.

스포츠만능의 미남 연예인 16명이 자신의 프라이드를 걸고 정상을 향한 6가지 종목에 도전한다. 대대적인 리뉴얼을 거쳐 전설적인 스포츠 프로그램이 부활했다.


* TREASURE BOX JAPAN|mipformats 2016

  • Sports
  • Gameshow
  • Sports
  • Gameshow

Human Racing 人力歸家競賽 人レース

Pigeon Racing is a sport of releasing trained pigeons from the same place at the same time, and let them compete the speed of flying back.
Pigeon Racing is a competition based on Pigeon's homing instinct, however for this program, we will do the same with Humans! How strong can the homing instinct of Human can be...
At the studio we will put play-by-play coverage to the racing as if it is an actual sports game.

信鴿比賽歸巢是壹種通過信鴿的歸家本能而進行的競賽形式。很多信鴿的飼養者集中在壹個地點,並同時在個地點放走自己飼養的信鴿,角逐哪個主人的信鴿最快回歸自己的巢。 信鴿比賽歸巢是角逐信鴿的本能的競賽,而本節目是角逐人的歸家本能的競賽,顧名思義節目名稱定為了《人力歸家競賽》

  • Sports
  • Gameshow
  • Sports
  • Gameshow

Muscle Ranking


Real athletic competition is on display in this sports game show. A field of competitors that ranges from unknown amateurs to world class professional athletes provides remarkable stories of human spirit and achievement. The competition features incredibly challenging games that have been specially designed for this show and include Super Rider, Handwalking, Kick Target and Service Ace.

  • Sports
  • Sports

American Ninja Warrior

아메리칸 닌자 워리어

American competitors try to do what few others have, conquer Mount Midoriyama.
Seasons 1, 2 and 3 each begin with hundreds of hopefuls who compete for a chance to travel to Japan to prove themselves on the world's most difficult obstacle course. The latest season takes place entirely in America, beginning with competitions in six different regions and culminating in Las Vegas where an exact duplicate of the four stage Mount Midoriyama has been constructed.

미국인에 의한 완전재패가 실현되지 못한 난공불락의 사스케 4번째 스테이지.
시즌1〜3에서는 수백명의 미국예선을 통과한 출연자가 사스케의 본고장 일본에서 세계최난관의 코스상에서 자신의 실력을 증명할 기회가 주어진다.
새로운 시즌4의 무대는 미국으로 옮겨진다. 6개 지역의 예선을 걸쳐 승자만이 라스베가스로 모인다. 일본과 같은 레벨로 재현된 난관코스에 임한다.


★ Nominated Outstanding Reality-Competition in 2016 Emmys
★ Aired on G4 and NBC in primetime in the same season
★ #1 rating in adults 18-49 steadily increased in its timeslot throughout the season

  • Sports
  • Sports

Ninja Warrior


Divided into four extreme stages, 100 competitors face the ultimate test of strength and will in their quest to become champion. Many are called. Few are chosen. Who’s tough enough to become the next Ninja Warrior! Produced by Monster 9 and airing on Japan’s Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), Ninja Warrior has become an international sensation.

★ Both on-air & clean video versions available to suit a licensee’s need
★ Sold in 157 countries and territories
★ Now available for all digital media

  • Sports

  • Sports


사스케 / 쿠노이치

SASUKE and KUNOICHI (all female version) are challenges of Olympic proportions that are designed to test the limits of human ability. Each program features 100 competitors who take on the enormous four stage course. The drama and tension are high as world class athletes struggle along side top amateur competitors attempting to pass the world’s ultimate test of physical ability.

★ Local SASUKE formats continue to increase popularity throughout Asia.
SASUKE MALAYSIA: Produced in 2011, aired on RTM2 in 2012
SASUKE SINGAPORE: Produced in 2012, aired on Mediacorp Ch. 5
SASUKE VIETNAM: Vietnamese version to be produced in 2015 and on air on VTV.
and more to come !!!!