帰ってきた あぶない刑事
First broadcast in 1986, “Dangerous Cops” series is a hard-boiled, comedy mixed buddy movie which continued in Japan for over 30 years. The legendary Taka and Yuji are back to the silver screen, 8 years since the previous movie!
Retired as a police detective, Taka and Yuji are back to a city of Yokohama, setting up their own private investigation office. The first client was a young lady requesting them to search for her missing mother. However, every place they search, the gunfights happen…
Japanese Theatrical Release : May 24th, 2024
Daiki, who works part-time as a bartender at joshidaikoji (meaning Women's college alley), discovers a junior high school student in cardiopulmonary arrest in a park while wearing a cosplay costume. Since it was three days after the dead body of a junior high school student was found at the same place, Daiki is brought in by the police as a suspect in a serial murder case. His sister Mio, who works at a club in Yanagase, saves him from this predicament. The two sisters always quarrel whenever they meet, but in order to prove their brother's innocence, they pursue the real culprit in the case.
A Love Story Bad Enough to Rot Your Ears
A dead body was found at an inn located on a deserted island. The body was identified as Suzukichi Suzuki, the leader of “the allegory club”. Takashi Makabe, a detective who was on vacation at the same inn, takes on the case! From the crime
scene, he suspects that Suzukichi was murdered by someone striking his head with a glass ashtray. With the island being complete isolated, Takashi assumes that one of the guests at the inn is the murderer. As he investigates, the statements of the female club members, who were on a trip with Suzukichi reveal his complicated relationship among these women. But this case gets even more bizarre with the appearance of Suzukichi’s stalker and the stalker of his stalker!
ALL ROUND APPRAISER Q - The Eyes of Mona Lisa -
万能鑑定士Q - モナ・リザの瞳 -
In 2014, after an absence of 40 years, the world’s greatest artistic treasure, the Mona Lisa, again pays a visit to Japan. Asahina, the museum’s Asia Director, is assigned the task of strengthening its guard against the constant threat that the famous painting will be stolen. He recommends the brilliant appraiser Riko Rinda for appointment as a curator. With magazine journalist Yuto Ogasawara in tow, Riko flies to Paris and easily passes the qualifying test. With Misa Ryusenji, who has also qualified, she sets to work studying her new field, but the more she learns about the Mona Lisa the less certain she becomes, and gradually her powers of judgment are affected. Ogasawara, trying to find out what is going on, learns something astonishing about how, 500 years ago, da Vinci painted a puzzle into the Mona Lisa’s eyes. Now a plot emerges around the painting, involving both France and Japan. Will Riko free herself from the Mona Lisa’s curse and bring the case to a happy end?
2014년, 40년만에 미술역사상 유일한 보물이라 불리는「모나리자」가 일본에 오게 된다.
루브르미술관 아시아권 대리인인 아시히나는「모나리자」의 일본도착에 앞서 어떤 사명을 루브르측으로부터 전달받는다. 그것은 끊임없이 노리는「모나리자」를 둘러싼 거대한 음모에 대한 경비강화였다. 아사히나는 천재감정사 린다 리코를 학예원후보로 추천한다. 잡지편집자 오가사와라 유토와 함께 파리로 향한 리코는 당당히 루브르미술관에서 열린 채용시험에 합격한다. 또 한명의 합격자가 된 류센지 미사와 함께 연수에 임하지만「모나리자」에 대해 알면 알수록 신체에 이변이 일어나고 점점 감정의 눈도 이상해지기 시작하는데…. 그 이유를 밝히려고 노력하는 유토는 500년전부터 다빈치가「모나리자」의 눈속에 숨겨놓은 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 그 무렵, 일본과 프랑스에서는「모나리자」를 둘러싸고 거대한 음모가 모습을 드러낸다. 과연 린코는「모나리자」의 저주에서 벗어나 어려운 사건을 해쳐나갈 수 있을까?
2014年,翘首期盼的40年美術史上唯一至寶 「蒙娜麗莎」終於登陸日本。
ルパン三世 vs 名探偵コナン THE MOVIE
The showdown of destiny! LUPIN THE 3RD and Conan once again face head to head over the legendary treasure “Cherry Sapphire”!