Format scripted

2 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Sports

I Wanna Punch that Scumbag!


Hokomi Sato has hit rock bottom after being left at the altar on her wedding day. However, things start looking up when she meets the kind and compassionate Kairi Kuzuya. But in fact, he turns out to be the “worst womanizing scum of the earth!” Vowing never to be hurt again, Hokomi decides to change herself and takes up boxing, setting her life on a new course. Yet, she can’t seem to keep Kairi out of her life as she begins to learn of his eventful past. Follow Hokomi on her journey to mental and physical empowerment through this no-holds-barred boxing love story!

  • Sports
2022.7 -2022.9
  • Sports

The Old Dog,New Tricks?


Ryotaro is a cheerful professional soccer player devoted to the game he loves. He has risen to national team member, and come through with decisive goals when it counts… until injury begins to plague him. Facing retirement at 37, he realizes it is a little late for him to enter normal working society. Enter a sports management company called “Victory” which offers him a new lease on life. Yet somewhere in his heart, Ryotaro has not quite accepted his retirement, and he will need to reconcile with new challenges as an old rookie.

한없이 밝고 축구에 인생을 걸어온 프로 축구선수 신마치.
일본 대표까지 되면서 결정적인 장면에서 골도 성공시켰지만 그 후에는 부상의 영향으로 실력이 저조하다.
그야말로“기록보다 기억에 남은 남자”였지만 37살에 갑자기 현역 은퇴를 한다.
사회인으로 데뷔하기에는 너무 늦은 신마치였다.
이 최악의 시기에 스포츠 매니지먼트 회사「빅토리」를 만나게 된다.
다만 마음속 어딘가에는“은퇴”를 아직 받아들이지 못하는 자신이 있어 현실과의 사이에서 흔들린다.
그리고, 37살 사회 초년생의 길은 간단하지 않고 일에서도 큰 벽에 직면한다.
