Are you conveying your thoughts clearly to others?
By imposing your ideas, you might hurt people, or even put yourself in a precarious situation.
What's more, getting angry at others won’t benefit for you at all.
With these in mind, many out there probably think that it's better to keep quiet and not get involved,
even if they actually have something to say.
But is that really the right thing to do?
Being honest and clashing with others could be a huge risk.
Get ready for this new school drama series that is perfect for today's world!
With her mother’s remarriage, Matsuri Amamiyabecomes the younger stepsister of Haruka, Azusa, and Ritsuto, triplets who make up the wildly popular group, Terzetto. She had always dreamed of having brothers and being close to them, but is disappointed to learn that the siblings don’t get along at all.
The truth is, Azusa the second son wishes he and his brothers were closer. So Matsuri decides to help him make his wish come true. In appreciation for Matsuri’s efforts to bring the two families together, a welcome party is planned. The triplets join in the preparations, but as usual, end up fighting. When Matsuri suddenly collapses, the worried triplets call a truce.
A family that gets along is more fun than one that argues, so Matsuri is determined to intervene each and every time. While not ideal, things seem to be progressing well, when one day, she receives a confession of love from Azusa...!
Takashi Mikami joins Japan’s elite bureaucracy in the Ministry of Education hoping to strengthen critical thinking skills among students, but soon learns that his ministry is more interested in the goals of self-preservation. When Mikami gets “exiled” to a private high school on a ministry program, he represents both the bureaucrats who helped create the system and the teachers suffering from it. So Mikami leads a group of high school seniors to battle power and reform the education system.
미카미 타카시는 어느 일을 계기로「일본의 교육을 바꾸겠다」고 다짐하고 문부과학성 엘리트 관료가 된다.
하지만, 현실은 많은 차이가 있다는 것을 알게 되었다.
「사고 능력」을 익히기 위해서라는 교육개혁도 이름뿐이었으며 개혁은커녕 일본의 중추들은 자신들의 처신만을 생각하고 있었다.
그런 가운데 새롭게 설립된 관료 파견 제도에 의해 미카미는 사립 고교로의 파견을 명령받게 된다. 그것은 실질적으로는 좌천인사였다.
제도를 만드는 입장의 관료와 제도에 고통받는 교사의 양쪽을 겸하는 “관료 교사”가 18살 고등학생들을 지도하면서 권력과 맞서가는 대역전 교육재생 스토리!
Aoba Suzuki is a gloomy high school freshman who has always been a social outcast, and he leads a fulfilling student life in which he continues to get beat up by his classmate, Sannosuke Iwase, in what he calls “pretend fights.”
One day, Kenshin Akazawa, a student in the class next door who also happens to be a superstar in the martial arts world, saves Aoba from a “pretend fight.” But when Kenshin tells Aoba, “You really are empty, huh?” Aoba can’t let it go. He declares that he wants to punch Kenshin.
Aoba joins the Shark Gym, which looks like it’s on the brink of shutting down, and enters the MMA Koshie n, a competition to determine the strongest high school
martial artist. Aoba has his eyes on winning the championship, using the techniques he learned from Aochi, a grappler.
A social outcast attempts Mixed Martial Arts
A New Sports related Life Story
Jin Minase was an exemplary high school student who hated Haruki Hirukawa, a delinquent who led the troublemakers in school. Deciding not to get involved with the delinquents, Jin lived his life as a spectator. However, after finding out about Haruki’s secret, the two quickly get intimate.
Love Live! School Idol Musical
Hyogo and Osaka—two long-standing schools located in Kansai. Takizakura Girls’ Academy from Osaka, successfully makes a brand for themselves by selecting Idol Club members from its performing arts course. Tsubakisakuhana Girls' High School is a high-level preparatory school with a long history. Two girls—the daughters of these two opposing schools’ presidents—meet for the first time through their idol activities. This causes an extraordinary shift in the small world around them. They search for something even more precious than the precious promise they’ve made.
Wakana Gojo is a high school boy currently training to paint hina doll faces as a hina doll craftsman.
His hobbies and interests aren’t typical for his age group, so he has trouble fitting in at school. But one day, he unexpectedly connects with Marin Kitagawa, a popular girl who’s always at the center of her friend group.
An outrageous doctor arrives at the clinic of an elementary school.
His hair disheveled and constantly looking sullen, Dr. Makino is a “physician” by profession.
“Don’t get on the bed without permission!” “As much as possible, try not to come to the clinic.” “What a hassle! Is this even my job?!”
Blunt and always complaining, Dr. Makino is a scary school physician who glares at everyone, be it the teachers or the children.
But with his exceptional observation skills, he detects anomalies in the students and saves them, as well as their families and at times, the teachers.
Set in an elementary school, this human drama features Dr. Makino, a mouthy pediatrician with a big attitude.
Follow him as he uses his observation skills to detect the children’s unspoken cries for help and offers them encouragement.
Mishima, a student in the rural countryside, is being bullied by his classmates because “he seems gay.“
In actuality, Mishima likes men, so he doesn’t resist. His only solace is cross-dressing in secret.
One day, Mishima goes to the rooftop and sees the leader of the bullies, Kirino, holding the lipstick he had lost.
He was about to put on Mishima’s lipstick...
Superstar Minami is my Boyfriend!?
Chiyomi is a high school girl who was born and raised in a Showa-era retro shopping district in Shonan. She is a kind-hearted girl who, despite having a slightly complicated family structure, spends her days cheerfully and is a member of the basketball club. Chiyomi has a cool older "brother" figure, Minami, who has been like a childhood friend to her, almost like a sibling since they were little. They have now officially become a couple. However, her beloved Minami suddenly appears before her, shrunk to a palm-sized 15 cm!
What kind of love story will Chiyomi and Minami weave as they face this unexpected turn of events?
The classic masterpiece "Minami's Lover," which has been adapted for Television numerous times, is now being revisualized with Minami who turns tiny!
His public face is that of a teacher, but he’s secretly a CEO?!
A comedic school drama that smashes modern common sense is born!
At Eto Private School, Class 3-0 is where the school dumps students with “zero motivation, zero talent, and zero potential for the future.” They are called the Zero Class, and mocked fiercely, but now these bottom-of-the-barrel students have a new homeroom teacher. He is Rei Kagami, a handsome but somewhat unique educator. The common thinking at the school holds no sway with him. This teacher’s financial assets and motivation are off the charts, and that’s because, incredibly, he is the billionaire CEO who inherited of one of Japan’s leading corporate empires. Rei Kagami has been curious and caring from a young age, and that curiosity stayed with him as he matured, even as a more self-centered personality became apparent. He has come to Eto Private School without revealing his identity in order to achieve “a certain objective.” Although he is a superb manager, Kagami Rei’s lack of understanding of what is normal for the common people makes him useless as a teacher, and this leads to friction with his students and the rest of the faculty. How will someone like him, who might as well have come from an entirely different dimension, take on the troubles ailing the Zero Class? What can the students learn from him? And why has he come to the school?
Recently, people have lamented “Do we even need teachers in an age of AI?” Now, a new hero is here to smash that kind of common sense!
Hikaru and Chika, second-year high school students, are ordered to clean the old warehouse behind the gym as punishment for their frequent tardiness. They try to appraise an item to sell on an auction website, when they find inside of it an 8-mm film strip in a canister. Chika puts it on a projector, which shows a brightly shining girl. Her beauty was obvious, even behind the coarse, grainy film, and Hikaru is captivated.
Hikaru declares to his best friend, Ryo, “I want to meet the girl in that film." They don't even know what time period this film was from, and Ryo makes a snide remark about Hikaru liking older women. But Hikaru drags Ryo and Chika into finding clues about the mystery of this girl. The next day, transfer student Minami appears before them, and she looks just like the girl in the film.
Hikaru chases after the old girl's image. Ryo is worried about Hikaru.
Chika has feelings for Ryo. And Minami is the mysterious transfer student.
The four are constantly at odds and misunderstanding one another.
A story of youth sewn together by the feelings of four students and the secrets hidden in that film.
A heartfelt school drama about a new high school teacher who struggles to maintain challenging relationships with students, their parents, and colleagues in an unreasonable educational environment. While constantly looking for the right time to quit, she somehow strives for the sake of her students. She openly expresses her emotions by laughing heartily and venting her frustrations on a secret social media account, gradually developing trust and respect with her students.
Rio Sasaoka is a high school teacher from Generation Z who jumped into the education field with dreams and hopes. However, the harsh reality is beyond imagination, and she is living such a stressful daily life that she is considering quitting in her second year. She deals with students who interpret “freedom” too broadly and behave recklessly, parents and local residents with excessive expectations of the school, and senior teachers who push trouble-handling onto younger staffs. Rio vents her daily complaints on a secret SNS account, talks to her kind boyfriend, and maintains her balance with her inherent energy and brightness by occasionally saying, “Teachers are human too!”
However, her patience finally reaches its limit. She decides to resign, but simultaneously, a sudden vacancy for a homeroom teacher arises, and for some reason, the responsibility falls on Rio. She finds herself in charge of third-year students as a homeroom teacher for the first time, leading her teaching career into an even more challenging path! What is waiting for Rio then?
理不尽な教育環境の中で、生徒やその親、同僚たちとの難しい人間関係に奮闘する新任高校教師の姿を描いた心温まる学園ドラマ。 常に退職のタイミングをうかがいながらも、生徒たちのために何とか奮闘する。 主人公・笹岡りおは、泣きも笑いも感情に素直で、大笑いもすれば裏アカで愚痴も吐くような人間らしさ全開で、生徒たちとの間に徐々に信頼と尊敬の念を育んでいく。笹岡りお(生田絵梨花)は、夢と希望を胸に教育現場に飛び込んだZ世代の高校教師。しかし、その過酷さは想像を絶し、2年目にして退職を考えるほどストレスフルな毎日を送っている。「自由」を拡大解釈し奔放に振る舞う生徒たち、学校に過度な期待を寄せる保護者や近隣住民、トラブル処理を若手に押し付けてくる年配教師…。りおはそんな毎日の愚痴をSNSの裏アカウントに吐き出したり、優しい彼氏に聞いてもらったり、「先生だって人間だ!」と適度に発散しながら持ち前の元気と明るさでどうにかバランスを保っている。
High school delinquent Toki always lives through a cycle. He skips class, gets into fights, and is scolded by adults. At some point, Toki began going to school properly for one reason... He wants to see Sahara, his PE and homeroom teacher. Sahara is the only one who meets him head-on: “I want to get to know him more! I want to get his attention!”
Toki's pure and earnest crush now begins!!
Distractions are strictly forbidden for the student body leader of a super prep school where 95% successfully get into Japan’s most prestigious University of Tokyo. But then he falls in love for the first time. Turning his back on studies and defying school rules, he now stakes his life on the most difficult challenge of all: winning a person’s heart! But he is so undaunted by repeated failure that his quest soon takes on a life of its own, engulfing the hearts and minds of the entire school! Super elite boys in glasses take on forbidden "love” in this over-the top, no holds barred rom-com!
Sayako is approaching 30 and has begun to mourn a life devoid of money and an education. “It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this,” she sighs, lamenting her past failed college entrance exams. That’s when she meets college student, Taku, whose words of encouragement rekindle her desire to chase a once abandoned dream of becoming an architect. As a 30-year-old office worker, Sayako joins with Gen-Z college students to embark upon a new chapter and second youth in life.
사야코는 학력도 돈도 없는 사회인. 예전 건축에 대해 배우고 싶어 대입시험에 도전하지만 실패한다. 이후「아, 이게 아니야.」라는 생각을 품으면서 서른 살을 맞게 된다. 그런 가운데 사야코는 대학생 타쿠를 만난다.
「그때 대학에 갔더라면 다른 인생이었을까?」라고 털어놓는 사야코에게 타쿠의 한마디가 계기가 되어 운명이 크게 움직이기 시작한다…!
한차례 포기했던 건축가의 꿈을 이루기 위해 다시 배우기로 결심하고 별 볼일 없는 회사원에서 서른 살 대학생이 된다!
인생 제2막을 시작한 사야코가 현재를 살아가는 대학생들과 함께 펼치는 세컨드 청춘 러브 코미디!
最高の教師 1年後、私は生徒に■された
Passionate teachers who will do anything for their students have gone extinct. Unless their life is at stake.
With the spread of social media, it has become impossible to track what students are doing in their private lives. People are sensitive to gender and LGBTQ issues, and denounce all forms of harassment and abuse. It is absurd to think that teachers and students can have a close relationship. Both parties are simply not interested.
“One of the students in front of me will kill me a year from now. There will be 30 suspects.”
After the ceremony on graduation day, teacher Rina Kujo is pushed off the 4th floor. The last things she sees is the sleeve of someone’s uniform.
“Why?! No! Who would do this to me?! I don’t want to die!” Just as these thoughts flash through her mind, she finds herself back at the assembly on the first day of school one year ago.
In this school drama for the new era, Rina faces her students squarely to unveil the truth.
風間公親 -教場0-
How did that most fearsome instructor come to being?
The popular SP series “Kyojo” starring Takuya Kimura has been adapted into a drama series on the renowned Monday Night 9 p.m. Broadcast Slot.
In the last scene of “Kyojo 2” it was revealed that the artificial right eye was due to a wound that Kazama sustained during an attack while investigating as a detective. The identity of his attacker and the reasons for his intense resentment he has toward the police organization were never revealed…
In this series, the mystery of how Kazama became so ruthless and unmatched will be revealed. The story depicts the time before he was assigned to the police academy, when he was working as an instructor in charge of training new detectives…
Falling high school girl and Irresponsible teacher
A high school girl, Mikoto Ochiai with excellent grades but a pessimistic attitude, is about to commit suicide by jumping off the roof of her school because of heartbreak, when her physics teacher, Jin Haiba stops her.
Haiba, who came to the rooftop to smoke cigarettes in the middle of his class, making the students have self-study class, is looked down on by his students and nicknamed “Haijin”(cripple). Mikoto, who was about to commit suicide, also feels sorry for him. “Love me before you die,” says Haijin to Mikoto. Is it only to stop her from committing suicide or a sincere confession? Unable to judge from Haiba's demeanor, Mikoto, who decided not to commit suicide, is somewhat attracted to Haiba, even though she despises him for other reasons.
Haijin then starts talking to Mikoto more and visits her home every chance he gets. And then the arrival of the handsome and highly competitive, freshman idol Takamine stirs up their romance.
“I'm the only one who can follow you around, JK.”
The story takes place at a law school where students aspire to become judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and other legal professions. Shizuku Hiiragi, a judge, is sent to law school as a Practitioner-Teacher. She arrives at Seinan Law School and meets faculty member Jin Aoi and five students. However, she finds that the students there are only focusing on passing the bar exams in their immediate future. The faculty members seem to be only interested in teaching the know-hows of these exams, and the students are only keen on preparing with classes that are easy to earn credits with. When she was working as a judge, she had spent a lot of time and effort on each case and fulfilled her duties with the belief that “you need to know people to make it in the legal industry.” In her classes, she begins to focus on “why behind people’s behavior” so that she can support them to become successful pioneers of the future in Japan’s legal industry…
New Nobunaga Chronicle: High School is a Battlefield
A history buff mad scientist cloned warlords of Japanese civil war period out of his curiosity and released them to the world.
And 15 years later... The cloned warlords grew up as highschoolers gathered in Ginnan High School. To be the ruler of the school, they were expected to be fighting each other with bloodshed... However. Without being noticed, the student who is very unlike the warlord known in the history has been keeping the peace and order of the school.
This very low-spirited, least greedy young man is the cloned Nobunaga Oda.
The peace of Ginnan High School is broken by Ieyasu Tokugawa, a violent and merciless transfer student!
Ieyasu’s autocratic behavior and evil ambition to be the ruler finally puts Nobunaga in action! Who will conquer the school in the end?!
The story takes place in a certain high school. Masaki Nitta arrives as a new music teacher, but the school is greatly disturbed by the disappearance of the previous teacher.
While playing the piano in the music room the night before work, Masaki meets Sae Izumi, a student who is running away from one issue. Sae is a student in the class in which he is an assistant teacher. The two of them, gradually develop a bond through the disappearance.
Masaki one day begins to realize the special feelings he has for her.
He never wants to admit that it is love, but Sae on the other hand believes otherwise…
The protagonist Hiroshi Kokusho was an ace rugby player in his high school days attracting national attention, but his forceful play led to an injury. Condemned by his teammates and becoming isolated, he retires. After graduation, he lives on his own but fails to get a regular job, living a dizzying, carefree, day-to-day life.
One day, after getting involved in a fight leads to the point of getting the police involved, he is fired from his job at a construction site and is evicted from the apartment he lives in for nonpayment of rent, leaving him at complete loss. Then a man comes to him and says, “let me introduce a job that's perfect for you!”
“A dormitory and three meals included! So perfect for your physical strength which you are so proud of!” The job is in fact at a “Ground Self-Defense Force” which protects the peace and security of the country…
Which is more important, friendship or money?
Yuichi Katagiri, a high school student, is abducted with four of his friends and forced to participate in a "Friends Game" to pay off a debt he was suddenly saddled with.
The game is supposed to be easy to beat as long as you have friendship, but for some reason Yuichi and his friends are unable to beat the game. They suspect the existence of a traitor, and their friendship gradually begins to crumble.
The ultimate mind game show is about to begin!
A high school teacher is dubbed “Tetsuko the Iron Mask Lady” for adamantly refusing to meddle in her students’ lives or socialize with her colleagues. But she is actually a closet computer in love with a character in a dating sim game. Spending her days divorced from real-life romance, she is one day confronted by a bright but hard-to-figure out, long-haired male student named Murai who confesses his love for her. It is a non-stop romantic comedy pitting a female teacher blindly in love with a fictional character against a male student who will stop at nothing to pursue his teacher’s affections.
"Before you ask me out, fix your appearance first."
Shion, a 17-year-old high school girl who had her first love confession cut short by the merciless words of her first lover, has grown up to be a beauty salon employee with a sophisticated appearance and solid skills and is now living a fulfilling life, using her humiliating heartbreak as a springboard 12 years later.
However, despite her beautiful transformation, she has no luck finding love. Concerned, her best friend from high school arranges a blind date. Shion's innocent presence immediately attracts the attention of the men, but all she can do is smile awkwardly. Then she hears a man making fun of a woman's appearance, and suddenly, she loses her self-control, and her mind is taken over by the trauma of a long time ago!
12 years have passed, and nothing has changed... Shion is shocked to see a photo from her high school days of her first love and herself, a 17-year-old with a dull appearance. She unintentionally tears up the picture, and at that moment, she travels back in time to 2010! She is reunited with her first love.
During confusion over whether it is a dream or reality, Shion, unable to accept her reflection in the mirror, undergoes a complete makeover using the makeup techniques she has cultivated over the past 12 years.
She looks 17 years old but is 29 years old on the inside. Shion has undergone a complete makeover and begins her second high school life.
Koharu is a quiet high school student who can’t find her place in this world.
One day, she buys a plastic model gun and a figure called “Alice” from a mysterious model shop. When she puts them together, she is sucked into a parallel world.
In this parallel world, an empty school has become a battlefield.
Nearby is Alice, the model that Koharu put together and she speaks to Koharu like a human.
People calling themselves team mates come closer and the survival game begins.
It is called “Girl Gun Fight.”
Koharu participates in the battle against the enemy team without knowing whether it’s real or a dream. When she finishes a battle, she finds herself in bed and it’s morning.
Koharu thinks it was just a bad dream, but when she goes to school, she finds out that the parallel world is held once a week and the invited members are all high school girls who have been to the strange model shop.
Who’s doing this? What’s their aim? Koharu wonders, but the survival game begins without providing any answers.
After participating in several battles, Koharu discovers the shocking truth that if you die three times in the parallel world, you die in real life. She rejects combat, but ironically finds her talent for it blossoming.
Meanwhile, a powerful warrior who is “absolute perfection” appears in the parallel world.
In real life, it’s Matsuko, the student council president and former friend of Koharu.
Koharu and Matsuko hatch a plan to escape from the parallel world.
Can the two escape from this nightmare?
Our favorite gung-ho teacher is back! A few years ago, a group of struggling students at a low-ranked high school made it into Japan’s top college, Tokyo University – thanks to Kenji Sakuragi, a down-on-his-luck lawyer-turned-teacher. But soon afterward, he left the school and disappeared. Now another school has tracked him down and hired him, in hopes he can turn things around. So, Sakuragi makes his comeback, this time with the motto: “Times are tough! So get a move on!” Students are overwhelmed with choices and desperate for something to hold onto. With his profound belief in their ability, Kenji offers a ray of hope. But it won’t be easy! This gripping series depicts the anxieties of today’s youth and the problems faced by parents, and provides insights on how to get ahead professionally. You’ll understand why Kenji Sakuragi is still repeating his famous line, “Suck it up! Just get into Tokyo University!”
The silly and asinine daily lives of high school boys thoughtfully portrayed.
It’s a detailed view of boys who go to a school that combines junior high and high school – a fleeting surreal page of youth. When you read, “I’m crazy, about you,” the slackness of the main characters comes through in a fresh and youthful way and makes us nostalgic for the moratorium of school life when we didn’t think about anything.
“It feels good...to have so much free time that we can do useless things.” As bystanders, it’s fun for us to peer into the exchanges between the boys and their friends. Central to this work are Hayashi and Nikaido. The episodes unfold with these two as the main characters.
No great events, moving friendships, or dramas happen here, but the atmosphere is somehow surreal and awkward. This was our view before we went out into society.
Hugely popular on Twitter and Pixiv and turned into a comic, this is the live film version of the original manga.
The Last Train Bound For Nagoya ~Mikawa line~
名古屋行き最終列車 ~三河線編~
The latest stories take place in three cities of Aichi prefecture ―Kariya, Chiryu and Takahama.
The first night is a story of Takahama.
This story tells about a high-school-boy, Shin Mizoguchi humorously.
He has moved to Takahama city from Tokyo beause of his father's work, and wants to become a movie director. He wasn't familiar in the new city, and felt into the illusion that he wandered into an adventure movie.
The second night is a story of Chiryu.
Shin enters a high school in Chiryu city. After 1 month later, he met a girl, Anri Todaiji who is the perfect fit for the heroine of his movie.
The last night is a story of Kariya.
Anri Todaiji is chosen as a heroine of the Culture Festival's movie at the high school, but there is a problem one after another.
Story setting is at prestigious high school that most students enter Tokyo University. Hikaru Kitano is a new teacher assigned at a class with scientific students with high IQ. Those smart students in the class enjoy to drive their teachers into the corner, destroying teachers` mental state, like a game.
Hikaru is always smiling in the class, but once students try to attack him, he can tear their argument completely to shreds like a prosecutor.Those humiliated students plan to kill Hikaru as revenge...
O Maidens in Your Savage Season
騷亂時節的少女們 / 骚动时节的少女们啊
"Best Manga/Anime of 2019"
— Thrillist, The Verge, Geek Girl Authority, Anime UK & more!
From the writer of the hit Netflix film A Whisker Away, anohana, and Maquia
As a teen, how do you start thinking about sex? This debut manga from anime legend Mari Okada follows five girls and their five moving, funny, and mortifying answers. Join their bittersweet (and a little spicy) journey from girlhood to... whatever comes next!
When Kazusa enters high school, she joins the Literature Club, where she leaps from reading innocent fiction to diving into the literary classics. But these novels are a bit more...adult than she was prepared for. Between euphemisms like fresh dewy grass and pork stew, crushing on the boy next door, and knowing you want to do that one thing before you die--discovering your budding sexuality is no easy feat! As if puberty wasn't awkward enough, the club consists of a brooding writer, the prettiest girl in school, an agreeable comrade, and an outspoken prude.
Fumbling over their own discomforts, these five teens get thrown into chaos over three little letters: S...E...X...!
High school girls have the massive almighty weapon, “youth.” But...
The reality of Japanese high school girls is portrayed through refreshingly “Stupid” Nozomu, Anime and Manga nerd “Otaku” Akane, and a smart but emotionless genius “Robot” Shiori. Their ephemeral beauty of adolescence are utterly wasted and that is the true figures of Japanese high school girls!
This is a drama you cannot miss. The original manga was serialized in a comic distribution site, adapted to TV animation, and now it is dramatized for the first time!.
The super challenging comedy is here to reveal the ephemeral lives of high school girls that is pathetic and yet filled with wasteful fun and excitements!
The new Japanese language teacher is gay, middle-aged and is a crossdresser! Outspoken, always on the go and overflowing with love, he overcomes all sorts of struggles in this exciting school-life drama.
Mr. Nobuo Harada is a 52-year-old gay crossdresser who teaches high school.
Gorinkan Academy, a private high school, just announced their Diversity Policy and recently hired Mr. Harada. Having experienced the bitter and sweet sides of life, there are many things that only he can explain to his students. Rumors of his blunt stories spread like wildfire throughout campus. Outrageous and daring, Mr. Harada uses every ounce of his courage to fight back against the gigantic establishment and opens up the minds of his students.
This spring, a rare type of teacher comes to life. Mr. Harada's powerful human touch just might be what our new era needs. Join him through the laughter and the tears in this never-before-seen school-life drama that is sure to leave a lasting imprint in your heart.
The main character is an unassuming art teacher who came to the school two years ago. It is ten days before graduation and the students' high school days are about to come to an end uneventfully--or so it seemed.
The teacher gathers his 29 students and says,
"From this moment, you are my hostages."
A blast rips through the campus and the kids are flustered. In an instant, the teacher-student relationship turns into a criminal-hostage relationship. This is the beginning of their "final class," which is about the truth behind the suicide of their classmate a few months ago. With no suicide note or last words, the school's star student suddenly left this world. One teacher holds 29 students hostage and makes them face the truth about something they all put a lid and turned their backs on. Why did their classmate suddenly commit suicide? Why did the teacher decide to take such a sensational approach to conducting his final class?
A teacher's final class becomes the stage for a chain reaction between the mysterious details surrounding the incident. Depicted within ten days, this time-limited drama series highlights people who are dying to live. A shocking school mystery beyond anyone's expectations! Until the truth is unveiled, nobody can graduate.
School for Nighttime Entertainment
The first of its kind in Japan let alone the world, a public high school specializing in nighttime entertainment, “Toritsu Mizushogyo High School,” (Nighttime Entertainment Public High School) is now open for business!Become a hostess, work in the sex industry, become a manager, a host or work at a gay bar...
All types of classes are offered ensuring that the future of nighttime entertainment will be alive and well.The popular novel and manga “Toritsu Mizusho!” While maintaining the concept of the original story, fresh stories and characters have been added to create a new type of school-life drama!