Format scripted

4 Titles

  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance
2020.10 -2020.12
  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance

A Warmed Up Love


Kiki Inoue has lost her bearings in life and works a part-time job in a convenience store. But thanks to an incredible passion for conveniences store sweets, she encounters the manager of a major convenience store with whom she forms a partnership to develop the next big convenience store dessert! The manager, however, is only concerned with winning and views Kiki as nothing more than a pawn for achieving his own success. Feigning to be an angel, he is in fact a devil in disguise preying upon Kiki’s dreams and using her. Against this cutthroat corporate backdrop, Kiki is a symbol for many despairing from life’s many disappointments and failures and asking themselves the question “What is most important in life? Here is a Cinderella love story for them and for everyone.

인생에 방황 중인 세상 그 누구보다도 디저트를 사랑하는 편의점 아르바이트생 이노우에 키키.
어느 날 만난 대기업 편의점 체인 경영자와 오리지널 편의점 디저트를 개발하게 된다!
프로 경영자로서 회사의 기대를 받고 있는 그는 경쟁에서 이기지 못하면 의미가 없었다. 그에게 있어 키키는 그야말로 장기의 말이었다.
「천사」의 모습으로 키키의 꿈을 이용하는「악마」와 같은 존재였다!
삶에서「실패」와「패배」를 경험한 인생의 벼랑 끝에 선 사람들이 대기업 편의점을 무대로「인생에서 소중한 것은 무엇인가?」라고 묻는다.
모든 사람들에게 선사하는 신데렐라 러브 스토리!


  • Food/Cooking
2019.10 -2019.12
  • Food/Cooking

La Grande Maison Tokyo


Natsuki Obana is a charismatic Japanese chef running a 2-star restaurant in Paris. Despite an extreme pride and confidence, he can’t seem to earn the 3 stars he covets. Feeling the pressure of a career slipping away, Obana’s troubles are compounded when his restaurant is caught in a scandal that forces its closure and the departure of his staff. Amid his despair, a glimmer of hope arrives when he encounters a female chef with whom he is encouraged to start anew. Assembling a staff of talented chefs, he launches his restaurant but is constantly clashing with personnel. Can a middle-aged man once knocked down recover the verve of youth necessary to achieve a lifelong dream?

요리에 인생을 걸고 파리에 자신의 가게를 가진 미슐랭 2스타를 획득한 카리스마 셰프. 자신감이 자만심으로 변하는 한편, 아무리 애써도 3스타를 가지지 못한 채 중압감에 괴로워하며 한계를 느낀다. 그러던 중 가게에서 중대한 사건이 일어나고 가게와 동료들을 모두 잃게 된다. 밑바닥으로 전락한 그는 어느 여성 셰프를 만나면서 다시 한번 셰프로서 살아갈 것을 결심하고 주위와 충돌하면서도 동료를 모아 기울어진 레스토랑의 재건을 위해 분투한다. 인생의 고난에 맞닥트려진 남자가 다시 한번 꿈을 향해 노력하는“어른의 청춘”을 그린 휴먼스토리.


  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
2017 -2017

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking

Solitary Gourmet Series (Season 10 Starting in October, 2022)

孤獨的美食家 系列劇

This drama features the art of eating alone. Goro Inogashira runs his own little imported goods business and visits many different towns from day to day. The places where he stops to eat are where this drama unfolds. In each episodes he discovers new and surprising gourmet food and we are treated to his unique and peculiar view on the art of eating alone. Though the drama is based on a popular comic book, the eateries he stops by are actual restaurants that are located by the crew beforehand

這是一部描述孤獨美食之藝術的劇集。 主人公井之頭五郎個人經營著一家進口雜貨店,他每次親自登門拜訪客戶時,都會尋找隱藏在城市各個角落的美食店。在每一集的故事裏,每當主人公結束拜訪後,饑腸轆轆的他放下一切,專心地尋找著街頭巷尾能勾起他食欲的小店。每當沈浸在一個人享受美食的過程中,主人公的內心除了美食心無旁騖,填飽肚子後煩惱也一掃而光。 本劇是根據同名漫畫改編而成,運用了紀錄片風格的描述方式,其中劇中登場的餐館也全部都是真實存在的,每集之後更有作者親自走訪劇中出現的餐館,采訪店主並品嘗其更多的特色美食。

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
2015 -2016

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

Wine, Dine and Woo Me


'Megumi Kanbayashi has been a freelance writer for five years. As a just-turned-30 single woman, she is beginning to feel the pangs of marriage anxiety. One day, Megumi’s editor brings her an idea for a series to be offered on the internet. It’s a novel premise - advertise for a single male looking for a relationship; then he picks a restaurant for a blind date during which “he woos her over a meal.” Megumi loves the idea of a free, delicious meal and seizes the opportunity. And so begins the search for candidates for “Wine, Dine and Woo Me” column series! Here is a delightful comedy-cum-food show which follows Megumi on various dinner dates as she searches for love and the ideal mate. Actual restaurants in Tokyo are featured in every episode and the latest news about them are posted on the series’ Website.
