
9 Titles

  • Music
  • School Drama

  • Music
  • School Drama

Love Live! School Idol Musical


Hyogo and Osaka—two long-standing schools located in Kansai. Takizakura Girls’ Academy from Osaka, successfully makes a brand for themselves by selecting Idol Club members from its performing arts course. Tsubakisakuhana Girls' High School is a high-level preparatory school with a long history. Two girls—the daughters of these two opposing schools’ presidents—meet for the first time through their idol activities. This causes an extraordinary shift in the small world around them. They search for something even more precious than the precious promise they’ve made.

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Travel
2024.8 -2024.10

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music
  • Travel

What to eat today!


This is the first drama series co-produced by Korea's Busan MBC and TV Aichi.I produced 10 episodes (including making) at Busan MBC and 5 episodes at TV Aichi.Jinjin (ASTRO) and Yoshihara Masato (BOYS AND MEN) were used as the main characters.Filming took place in Busan for the Korean edition and in Ishikawa and Aichi for the Japanese edition.The two main characters experience different part-time jobs each time at tourist attractions and hot spots in both countries.We filmed under the common format,after finishing their work, they eat local rice.At the climax of the Japanese episode, they filmed a singing scene.It is a must-see scene where only two people who are active as artists can realize it.Please enjoy the drama full of "delicious" things to see in both countries.

  • Family
  • Music
  • Family
  • Music

Sayonara, Maestro!


Ever since gifted conductor Natsume’s wife and daughter left him five years ago, he has isolated himself from the music scene. Then one day, he decides to return to Japan for the first time in decades to conduct a small town orchestra and return to his estranged daughter, Hibiki, who loathes him and his music. Now he must try to thaw a relationship with his daughter frozen in time for five years, and learn to be a father.

천재 지휘자 나쓰메였지만 5년 전에 일어난 “어떤 사건”을 계기로 가족과 음악도 잃었다….
나쓰메는 음악업계를 떠나있었지만 일본의 지방 오케스트라에서 지휘를 하기 위해 수십 년 만에 귀국한다.
그런 아버지를 거절하고 음악을 싫어하는 딸 히비키는 아버지의 갑작스러운 귀국에 의해 어색한 동거 생활이 시작되는데…
세계적 천재 지휘자인 그가 어째서 사랑하는 음악 세계를 떠나게 된 것일까?
천재이기 때문에 딸의 마음을 알지 못하는 나쓰메가 아버지로서 다시 한번 딸과 마주하면서 5년 전부터 시간이 멈춰진 “딸의 인생”을 조금씩 움직여간다.


  • Music
2023.1 -
  • Music

Reversal Orchestra


No matter how dark the world gets, music touches our hearts and uplifts us. Get ready for the beginning of 2023!
A drama series full of powerful orchestra music is about to cheer Japan up!
Hatsune Tanioka is a painfully plain-looking city hall employee. It turns out, however, that she is a former violin prodigy who disappeared from the limelight.

Just when she thought she was living the peaceful life, she gets embroiled in the affairs of the overly pushy Asahi Tokiwa, an eccentric maestro.

Overhaul a shabby local orchestra and make it world class?! The two set out on their mission but are met with all sorts of obstacles and powerful enemies.

It’s a substandard orchestra and the members know their existence is in danger, but they give it their everything and hold on to their dreams, all for the love of music.

What an adorable sight.

A life spent chasing one’s dream… It’s tough, but fulfilling! You might be thinking, “Classical music? Doesn’t it seem stiff and uppity?” Worry not, it’s a world within reach.

This winter, treat yourself to an exhilarating drama that features music and a reversal of fortune that will set your heart aflame.

  • Music
  • Romance
2022.10 -2022.12
  • Music
  • Romance

I Will Be Your Bloom


Asuka had once realized her goal to become a teacher, but after a gutting failure, she gives up her dream profession and becomes extremely withdrawn. After a series of events, she finds herself becoming a live-in housemother for a dorm... where the boy band septet 8LOOM live together!
At the dorm, she is reunited with her former student Dan—as a teacher, Asuka used to encourage him to go for his dreams. Inspired by Dan’s leadership in the band and his passion for making his dream come true, Asuka, too, regains the passion she had in her teaching days and comes to terms with her own failure.
Don’t miss this adorable story about a woman’s journey to new heights in work, friendship, and romance!

교사가 되는 꿈을 이루지만 상처를 입고 마음의 문을 닫아버린 전직 고등학교 교사 아스카.
어떤 이유로 7명의 보이그룹 8LOOM이 공동생활을 하는 기숙사 사감으로 일하게 된다. 그곳에서 교사로서 꿈을 응원했었던 제자 단과 재회를 하게 되는데!
그룹의 리더로 꿈을 향해 열심히 도전하는 단의 모습에 아스카는 크게 감동하고, 어느덧 교사 시절의 정열을 되찾아 자신의 좌절과도 마주하게 된다.
사랑과 일, 우정도 새로운 무대로 향해가는 여성의 성장 & 심쿵 스토리.


  • Music
  • Factual
2020.4 -
  • Music
  • Factual

M -beloved one-

M 愛すべき人がいて

A story of how a top diva in Japan, Ayumi Hamasaki, was born, her meeting and partings. This is the first dramatization of the much-talked-about original book with adaptations specific to the drama.

In Japan, in the 1990s, Ayumi Hamasaki was called Ayu and had become a superstar known throughout Japan.

The story unfolds against the background of Velfarre in Roppongi, opened in 1994 as the “biggest disco in Asia”, the neon flooded scramble crossing in Shibuya and the dance music that dominated the music scene in Japan and the new music that came after. We will see the glamorous mainstream of the music scene, the hidden undercurrents behind the scenes and the overall light and shadow of the turbulent music scene depicted in overwhelming scale. This is the tumultuous story of the encounter and parting of Masa, a producer of all time who changed Japanese music history and still keeps on creating legends, and Ayu, who had become a top diva of Japan.

  • Romance
  • Music
2019.10 -
  • Romance
  • Music

You, Me and Bach


Yaeko Kogure’s marriage engagement is broken off by her fiancé just as she resigns from her job amid congratulations. Standing stunned in a shopping mall, she hears Bach’s “Air on the G String” playing nearby, and it moves her to overcome her setback by taking up the violin. She joins a class with a college student, Rihito Kase, and a homemaker, Yukie Kitagawa, and things are looking up again. But neither the violin nor human relations come smoothly. And she must get her priorities straight. Will it be romance? Love? Friendship? Discover with Yaeko how the trivial events of daily existence, when woven together, can produce a miraculous symphony of life.

고구레 야에코는 결혼을 앞두고 퇴사 직전에 약혼자로부터 파혼을 당한다.
멍한 상태로 들른 쇼핑몰에서「G선상의 아리아」의 라이브 연주를 듣게 된 것을 계기로 성인 바이올린 교실을 다니기 시작한다. 같은 클래스에서 만난 요즈음의 대학생 가세 리히토, 주부 기타가와 유키에, 인간관계도 바이올린도 그리 만만치 않은데…. 사랑일까, 애정일까, 아니면 우정일까? 일상에서 일어나는 아주 사소한 일들이 만들어내는 기적의 하모니.


小暮也映子は寿退社間近に婚約者から婚約破棄を告げられる。 放心状態で立ち寄ったショッピングモールで「G線上のアリア」の生演奏を耳にしたのをきっかけに、大人のバイオリン教室に通い始める。 教室で同じクラスになったのはイマドキの大学生・加瀬理人と主婦の北河幸恵。 人間関係もバイオリンも一筋縄ではいかない…。 恋か、愛か、はたまた友情か。 日常に起きるほんの些細な出来事が織りなす、奇跡のハーモニー。

  • Family
  • Music
  • Romance
2019 -2019

  • Family
  • Music
  • Romance

Love Stories From Fukuoka 14 Tenjin Love Song

福岡恋愛白書14 天神ラブソング

Miki is a senior in high school, living in a small town of Kasuya-machi (Fukuoka, Japan).
After being betrayed by her classmates and ex-boyfriend in the past, she no longer trusts people or goes on dates. The only thing that gave meaning in her life was music.
Singing with her guitar, she shares videos on her social media account SHINO.
One day, Miki gets a comment under one of her videos, saying, “My name is Naoto Yamashita and I live in Kitakyushu. I just wanted to tell you I was very moved by your singing.”
Naoto, who was dealing with frustrations as an emergency medical technician from a blame he was feeling, had gained strength after hearing Miki sing.
Miki is wary, but Naoto’s heartfelt words ultimately give her the courage to perform on the streets of Tenjin. After that, she talks to Naoto solely through social media. The two of them grow and become close without meeting in real life.
Miki starts to become an optimistic person, but her ex-boyfriend starts to threaten her again.
Miki expresses her feelings through her singing, and Naoto gives her words of encouragement.
Can a miraculous love story rise from music and social media?


  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music

  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music

Cooking for My Imaginary Girlfriends


Rising Star Mahiro Takasugi Cooks Popular Japanses Foods for 12 Ideal Girls

Masao works for a subsidiary of an electronics manufacturer, and on weekends he plays the bass guitar. He is serious and clumsy in his relationships. He is not popular with girls and has been without a girlfriend for 3000 days. Masao's daily routine is to cook delicious meals. He stands in the kitchen, preparing ingredients. As he cooks, he enjoys a conversation with his imaginary girlfriend.
Twelve beautiful women and secret recipes will appear throughout the 12 episodes!
This drama received one of the most prestigious awards in Japan.