
3 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Gameshow
  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Gameshow

Detective Team 4 for Local Gourmet in Center of Japan


This is the 14th Co-production program by 5 local TV stations. A mystery man “GORI” tries to keep all food in Japan to himself and held a gourmet competitive show. His subordinates who were dispatched from 5 local TV stations try to present a masterpiece to him. After receiving some information, foodies called “Detective Team ”try to avoid GORI’s scheme, so they get together in Nagano.
"GORI" the MC tries to interrupt a group of foodies during a gourmet competition quiz show in order to prevent them from answering correctly. If they are able to answer correctly he has to give them some delicious food. However, if they are incorrect, he can keep the food for himself. Therefore, the “Detective Team” also known as the foodies makes a collective effort to answer correctly to sample the delicious gourmet. These dishes are not special the local residents, but are exceptional to non- residents.

在日本中部地區美食爭奪戰,由搞笑藝人組合Garage Sale及旗下藝人還有各家電視台女主播們所組成美食探險團和對手一決高下。本次對決舞台在『御開帳』每七年才開放一次參拜有名的善光寺附近長野市。由當地出身的藝人峰龍太所領軍,品嘗當地特有的美食還有各種遊戲對決。只有獲勝的一方可以吃到絕品美食,女主播們和美食探險團員們都鬥志高昂。在對決的空檔全員也會在善光寺小旅行,充滿美食和旅遊的節目。


  • Comedy
  • History
  • Food/Cooking
  • Gameshow
  • Comedy
  • History
  • Food/Cooking
  • Gameshow

Samurai warrior ‘s Food Ranking ~Edo vs Kyoto~


Washoku(Japanese Foods), traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity! The root of Washoku is the foods that the Samurai warrior loved.
The main spot is Kyoto and Tokyo (EDO). Kyoto is the former capital of Japan. It was the center of politics and culture for 1100 years and is now famous worldwide for its temples and shrines.
Appreciating the delicacy of “Samurai warrior’s Foods” are very famous actors of costume drama and popular comedians who guide the viewers to the restaurants.This variety show has a good knowledge of history and is informative but it’s unique.The audience will definitely feel like travelling to these locations.

不管誰都喜愛日本引以為傲的世界遺產『和食』。和食的起源是日本武士所喜歡吃的飯?!現在不論是電影或者是日劇『日本武士』都很轟動,本次企劃風情萬種的日本武士料理東西軍。主要的旅遊地點是江戶和京都。本次演出的藝人是在日本古裝時代劇非常有名的明星 高橋英樹和京本正樹。


  • Gameshow
  • For Children
  • Gameshow
  • For Children

Team Syachihoko’s "YURUSYACHI"


“Team Syachihoko” is a Japanese female Idol group consisting of six schoolgirls from Nagoya City, Aichi and they are known as a sister group of two other girl groups called “Momoiro Clover Z” and “Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku” and, having been formed in 2011. This program is that they challenge a loose theme every time. The main theme is “Make”,”Play” and “Try”.Show the feeling like looking into their real face by a special camera work.

節目的另一個名稱是「ゆるチャレ」。基本主題是製作、遊戲、測試 三種。『做出好吃的料理….』『玩新開發的遊戲….』『把時下流行的東西拿來實際試用看看….』利用特殊的攝影技術來呈現她們私底下的生活方式,窺視她們素顏的樣子。

舞台はチームしゃちほこ達のプライベート基地。チームしゃちほこのメンバーの中から毎回シャッフルして3人が出演。毎回、ゆる~いテーマにチャレンジしていきます。 そう、番組の裏テーマは「ゆるチャレ」。その基本テーマの柱は、「作る」「遊ぶ」「試す」の3つ。 「美味しいご飯を作ってみたり…」「新しいゲームで遊んでみたり…」「流行モノを実際に取り寄せて試してみたり…」 独特のカメラワークで、彼女たちのプライベートを切り取ったような演出を施し、ゆる~くゆる~く、素顔の彼女たちを覗く感覚で見せていきます。