Format non-scripted
A single woman stays at Spec Hotel, where she meets a different man each day, all of whom have reviewed her profile and expressed interest. She must choose between “checking out” to settle with the current man or selecting the “next floor” to meet a new one with a higher income.
한 싱글 여성이 “스펙 호텔”에 머물며 매일 다른 남자를 만나는데, 사실 그녀가 만나는 남자들은 모두 사전에 그녀의 프로필을 보고 관심을 가지고 있다. 여성은 눈앞의 남자로 결정하고 호텔을 “체크아웃” 할지, 소득이 더 높은 다른 남자를 만나기 위해 “다음 층”을 선택할지 고민한다.
一位入住「SPEC HOTEL」的單身女性,每天都會與一位對她感興趣的男性見面並約會。
Love by A.I. is a dating reality show where couples who are selected by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) as the perfect match, go through dating completely assisted by A.I. and see if they can find true love. The A.I controls everything, from matching the couples, to choosing where the couples go for their first date, to who plans subsequent dates, to even detecting dopamine levels.
“Love by A.I.”는 인공지능(A.I)에 의해 찰떡궁합으로 뽑힌 커플들이 A.I의 도움을 받아 데이트를 하면서 진정한 사랑을 찾을 수 있을지 시험해 보는 연애 리얼리티 쇼이다. 커플 매칭부터 첫 데이트 장소 선택, 다음 데이트 계획, 도파민 수치 감지까지 모든 것들을 A.I가 제어한다.
《Love by A.I.》是一個約會實境節目。由人工智慧(AI) 配對完美情侶和全程協助約會,看看他們是否能找到真愛。AI包辦一切,從配對情侶、選擇初次約會地點、到規劃下一次約會,甚至還偵測約會時的多巴胺分泌量。
The casts are eight young promising actors and actresses waiting for their big break. In each episode, they are first given a script from a romantic series which includes kissing scene and after pairing was made, they have to practice the scene with the partner decided by the pairing.
The practice of the scene includes a role-playing date to understand the feelings of the role to be played. After each pair has completed one round of practice, an audition is held in the presence of the acting coach, and the pair that can best play the role is chosen to film the full drama.
The thing is, they will play the role of lovers with a different partner each time, so each time a different partner might become their love interest. Some cast members fall in love with the person paired with each time.
But the person you fell in love with might be paired with someone else the next day and start liking them and may not even look at you anymore!
Throughout the season, this process is repeated, creating various emotions among the cast. Love, jealousy, rivalry, frustration, and ambition that you should be able to play this role better than he/ she can....
This love reality show has gained overwhelming popularity among FemaleTeen + 20-34s, and has reached its 10th season. Let’s see what it will happen in Sweet Kiss Bitter Kiss.