
15 Titles

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation

Dangerous Cops - Homecoming

帰ってきた あぶない刑事

First broadcast in 1986, “Dangerous Cops” series is a hard-boiled, comedy mixed buddy movie which continued in Japan for over 30 years. The legendary Taka and Yuji are back to the silver screen, 8 years since the previous movie!
Retired as a police detective, Taka and Yuji are back to a city of Yokohama, setting up their own private investigation office. The first client was a young lady requesting them to search for her missing mother. However, every place they search, the gunfights happen…

Japanese Theatrical Release : May 24th, 2024

  • Action
  • Science

  • Action
  • Science

TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room - THE MOVIE

劇場版『TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~』

The 70th floor of a Yokohama skyscraper is ablaze with 193 lives trapped inside. MER rolls into action determined to save everyone.

Winning “Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022” and “Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards”, TV series “TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room" first aired in 2021 on TBS.
The protagonist is MER ("Mobile Emergency Room"), a team of emergency professionals on wheels formed by the Tokyo governor with one mission only: to prevent a single death. Tasked with rushing to the scene of major accidents, disasters, and crimes, MER is armed with state-of-the-art medical equipment, a mobile operating room, and an elite staff ready to risk all to save lives.

★Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022 (“TOKYO MER” TV series)

★Ryohei Suzuki / Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards (“TOKYO MER” TV series)

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance
2022.3 -

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance



July 1999. The world is in turmoil. Nostradamus prophecies are on everybody’s lips. Chaos, violence and fear rule the day. In crazy times, a band of special men prepare to rise to the challenge and rescue mankind from the coming Armageddon.
Flash forward to 2022. Well, the end of the world did not come. And there are no signs that it will. With no opportunity to test their highly lethal fists, the downtrodden band of specially-trained men break off their ascetic training as their master gathers them to forlornly announce: “You are dismissed.”
A slightly different kind of coming-of-age tale unfolds about would-be world saviors rendered irrelevant by the times.

  • Comedy
  • Action
2019.6 -
  • Comedy
  • Action



Your slightly offbeat neighbor might actually be an assassin on vacation.

As his nickname implies, the Fable is an enigmatic assassin who terrorizes the underworld.
The overworked assassin gets an order from his boss.
"Live the life of a normal man for one year. Kill anyone during your vacation and I kill you." In incognito, the Fable is given the name, "Akira Sato" and his partner is "Yoko." They start their new lives as a regular brother and sister with a pet parakeet and part-time work, etc.
The assassin begins to enjoy a normal life with no body counts but troubles come looking for him. Other assassins are after him and others need his help.
The Fable must survive a life-or-death situation without killing anyone. Can he ever get his peaceful life back...?


Based on the original comic “THE FABLE” by Katsuhisa Minami (Kodansha Ltd., Young Magazine)
Screen Size:1:2.35
Japanese Theatrical Release:June 21st, 2019

  • Action
  • Fantasy
2017 -2017
  • Action
  • Fantasy

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章

There’s something bizarre about this town...

Morioh, a picturesque seaside town.
In this deceptively peaceful-looking locale, strange deaths and other peculiar incidents begin occurring one after another...
Morioh is home to high school student Josuke Higashikata. Although he has the outward appearance of a delinquent, he is actually kind at heart. He possesses a special power called “Stand,” and his unique ability can heal the wounds of others and fix broken objects just by touching them. When he learns that the unsettling events happening around him are the handiwork of other stand users, Josuke rises up to protect his beloved town!

이 마을 뭔가 이상해
아름다운 해안가의 모리오마을.
평화롭게 보이는 이 마을에서 변사사건등 차츰 기묘한 사건이 일어나기 시작한다.
이 마을에 사는 고등학생 히가시카타 죠스케. 겉보기엔 불량스럽지만 마음씨 착한 성격의 소유자. 그는 스탠드라 불리는 특수능력을 가지고 있다. 죠스케의 스탠드는 만지기만 하면 타인의 상처나 부서진 것들을 고치는 것이다. 일련의 사건이 다른 스탠드를 사용하는 자들의 소행임을 알게 된 죠스케는 사랑하는 마을을 지키기 위해 일어선다.



  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Comedy

Samurai Rock


Masami is a guitarist who dreams of his band “Rhythm Head” winning the Grand Prix at the Japan Music Carnival. History, and the warlords of 16th century feudal Japan are the very last thing on his mind. But when Rhythm Head are performing in Nagoya, a mysterious lightning strike causes not only a power blackout, but also a “time slip”, in which two of Japan’s preeminent samurai-era figures, Nobunaga Oda and Hideyoshi Toyotomi are transported to present day Japan. To Rhythm Head’s manager, the duo are the perfect vehicle for the band to transition to an idol group, increase their chances of becoming famous, winning accolades and taking away the Japan Music Carnival top prize. Could this be the beginning of a new type of music, courtesy of a brand new band Samurai Rock?

  • Action
2014 -2014
  • Action



In 48 B.C., Julius Caesar gave Cleopatra a diamond necklace as proof of his love for her. Over the centuries, this necklace became a legendary and highly-coveted treasure and symbol of ultimate beauty dubbed the Crimson Heart of Cleopatra (C.H.C). Inlaid with a ruby Red Diamond, the necklace was complete. But since ancient times, nobody has owned the two pieces together.
In possession of the Red Diamond is the Navarone Security Company, Asia’s largest security firm, under its shady CEO Pramuk. Meanwhile, the necklace is owned by Thomas Dawson, who rose to notoriety as former partner of the Lupin the Phantom Thief, Lupin III’s grandfather. After the death of Dawson, as inheritor of Dawson’s last will, Lupin III recruits Daisuke Jigen, Fujiko Mine and Goemon Ishikawa to help him penetrate the Arc of Navarone and steal back the treasure.

기원전48년. 유리우스 카에사르가 크레오파트라7세에게 사랑의 선물로 보낸 목걸이인 「미의 상징」으로 불리우는 역사적보물「크림존하트 오브 크레오파트라」. C・H・C 는 보물 레드다이아몬드와 이것을 끼워넣는 목걸이를 합치는 것으로 완성되지만 이 두개를 소유한 사람은 아직도 존재하지 않는다고 한다.
레드다이아몬드의 소유자는 아시아 최대의 경비회사 나바론 세큐리티사의 CEO이며 태국의 암흑사회를 뒤흔드는 거물해결사라는 두얼굴을 가진 미스터 프라묵.
목걸이의 소유자는 루팡3세의 할아버지인 괴도둑 루팡의 파트너로 이름이 익숙한 늙은 도적 토마스 도슨. 도슨이 죽은후 그의 뜻을 이은 루팡3세는 지겐 다이스케, 미네 후지코, 이시카와 고에몬과 함께 희귀한 보물을 되찾기 위해「방주」공략을 펼친다. 보물에 숨겨진 슬픈 숙명, 그리고 이들의 앞에 놓여진 비정한 덫은 과연?

紀元前48年凱撒向全世界宣言對埃及艷后克麗奧佩脫拉的示愛首飾,被譽為終極之美象徵的歷史秘寶「克麗奧佩脫拉之深紅之心」英文簡稱Crimson Heart Of Cleopatra C.H.C是以紅寶石和鑲嵌的首飾所組而成,但至今都沒有任何人看過兩者同時出現過。
門打算用方舟攻略將秘寶奪回。 纏繞在秘寶中的悲慘宿命,等待他們的到底是喜還是悲?

  • Action
  • School Drama
2014 -2014
  • Action
  • School Drama



A month after Crows ZERO II, a new school year is beginning at Suzuran High. That means the start of another long uphill battle among new seniors for supremacy of the school. Gora seems closest to king of the hill, but his closely contested by rivals, Tetsuji Takagi, Satoshi Terajima and his 5-man gang, and the plucky Kenichi Ogisu. But the arrival of 2 new boys threatens to completely alter the power balance at Suzuran: 3rd year transfer student, Kazeo Kaburagi, who lives as he pleases and shows no interest in the top spot, and freshman, Ryohei Kagami, who likes to fight with instinctive abandon. Gradually, these two unconnected and opposite characters are drawn toward each other and into the center of Suzuran's most epic battle ever.

클로우즈 제로II로부터 한달후. 신학기를 맞은 스즈란고교에서는 공석이 된 정점의 자리를 노리고 3학년생들이 자신의 이름을 건다. 정점의 자리에 가장 가까운 남자 고라 토오루, 그와 라이벌이 될 다카기 테쓰지, 5명을 통솔하는 데라시마 사토시, 경박하고 이성을 잃곤 하는 오기스 켄이치. 하지만 두남자의 등장으로 스즈란 세력은 크게 변한다.「자유롭게 살기 위해」라며 정점싸움에 관심을 보이지 않는 3학
년 전학생 가부라기 센푸오와 본능에 충실하며 날뛰는 1학년 가가미 료헤이. 전혀 대조적인 두사람이 드디어 스즈란사상최대의 싸움의 중심인물이 되어 간다.


  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
  • For Children
  • Mystery

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
  • For Children
  • Mystery


ルパン三世 vs 名探偵コナン THE MOVIE

The showdown of destiny! LUPIN THE 3RD and Conan once again face head to head over the legendary treasure “Cherry Sapphire”!

  • Action

  • Action


琉神マブヤーTHE MOVIE 七つのマブイ

New Superhero from Okinawa!! “Ryujin Mabuyer,” a live-action superhero TV series that has aired in Okinawa island prefecture since 2008, makes its big-screen debut in 2011. On the surface, the islands of Okinawa are at peace. But in the shadows, the evil army “Majimun” has appeared, and is searching for the nine legendary Mabui Stones. In the hour of Okinawa’s greatest peril, the Mabui (soul) of the protector God of the Mabui stones, Ryujin Mabuyer will draw to itself one man, and revive to stop the ambitions of evil. ”Ryujin Mabuyer” is a community-based live-action superhero TV series that was inspired by the “Super Sentai” (Super squad, aka Power Rangers) series. Such shows typically advertise the localities in which they are set. In the series, the characters speak in Okinawa’s local dialect and have Okinawan names. Unlike other superhero series, the villains in ‘Ryujin Mabuyer,’ collectively known as ‘Majimun’, are not depicted as totally evil. They even bury the hatchet with Mabuyer in the end, which is unprecedented among superhero series. The story focuses on the Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper, a.k.a. the seven Mabui (soul) = study, health, appetite, courage, loyalty, patience, and mercy. Each seven Mabui is the indispensable heart and soul which resides deeply among Uchinanchu, the people of Okinawa. Mabuyer, together with his partner Ganasea, strives to save Uchinanchu from Majimun by bringing the stolen Mabui back. However, the real message behind Majimun’s attempt was to alert people about the ongoing environmental destruction caused by the humans. And here, the true superhero responds…. Starring actor/singer Shintaro Yamada as the main character Uruma and his alter ego Ryujin Mabuyer, along with singer ISSA (from DA PUMP) as Saion/ Ryujin Ganasea. Both Yamada and ISSA are from Okinawa prefecture. Also available: Ryujin Mabuyer live-action TV series spanned 3 seasons and a spin-off. The popularity of the show’s characters continues to grow along with their appearances at local events held constantly throughout the year.

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • For Children

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • For Children

INUYASHA the movie:Fire on the Mystic Island

犬夜叉 紅蓮の蓬莱島

Behold the terrible secrets of the island!

Fifty years ago, demons and humans lived together in peace on Horai island. When demons from the outside world invaded the island, that peace was shattered and the island lost. Fifty years later, the island reappears, giving Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Kikyo a chance to explore the island and discover their secrets. What they don’t know, however, is that the four war gods are waiting for them.

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • For Children

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • For Children

INUYASHA the movie:Swords of an Honorable Ruler

犬夜叉 天下覇道の剣

Only one sword to dominate the Earth! The battle between brothers is about to begin!

Long ago, two swords were forged from the fangs of Inuyasha's legendary father, Tetsusaiga, and wielded by Inuyasha, and Tenseiga, wielded by his half-brother Sesshomaru. Now a third sword, Sounga, appears, with the power to dominate the three worlds: the heavens, Earth, and the underworld. The complicated wheels of destiny begin to turn, and an epic battle between the brothers ensues.

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • For Children

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • For Children

INUYASHA the movie:Affections Touching Across Time

犬夜叉 時代を越える想い

Inuyasha is locked in a desperate struggle against his greatest foe ever!

In their quest to regain the sacred jewel, the companions now find themselves faced with a fearsome foe: Menomaru! Joined by his beautiful servants Ruri and Hari, Menomaru seeks to wrest from Inuyasha the powerful sword handed down by his father. Released in Japan, Reflections Across Time drew in 1.3 million moviegoers at the box office. Featuring both familiar faces from the series and new enemies with the appearance of Menomaru, a thrilling adventure unfolds!

  • Action
  • Fantasy

  • Action
  • Fantasy


グリザイア:ファントムトリガー THE ANIMATION

Mihama Academy: A school set up by the government organization CIRS to train a new generation of special agents. Lost girls, torn from ordinary life by the myriad vicissitudes of fate, gather here to be trained in the art of the gun. Among them are four members of SORD, a special force set up to do the jobs the police and the Self-Defence Forces dare not touch: the pistol sharpshooter Rena; the sniper Tohka; the explosives and computer expert Chris; and the ninja spy Murasaki. U__ Harbor, K__ Prefecture. A VIP being transported into Japan suddenly disappears from custody. With the help (or perhaps hindrance) of Choco and Vanilla, twin SORD members from sister school Kyousen Sakuragaoka, the Mihama girls are dispatched to get to the bottom of the disappearance; but every time the 'package' seems within their grasp, he slips through their fingers. What's more, a dangerous enemy lurks in the shadows: 'Soul Speed' Maki, a mysterious black-clad biker terrorizing the highways by night, and now hot on the trail of SORD's quarry. The chase becomes a fight to the death that threatens to leave the girls bloodied and broken, and pulls Rena back into the darkest depths of her past..

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Action


極主夫道 ザ・シネマ

The most(notorious)househusband in history appears!!
The sinister Yakuza who left behind many legends in the underworld, “The Immortal Dragon”
He washed his hands of the Yakuza lifestyle, and the new path he chose...was “househusband”!
Up to now, in Japan ‘househusbands’ were a rare breed, but they have been increasing, and now there are over 130,000 men who work as househusbands. Especially in the younger generation, it’s a job that over one third of them have chosen-the path of ‘stay-at-home’ husband!
In the drama, Tatsu handled many things such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare and more. Among all that, the small things known as「Unnamed Housework」became a hot topic.
In the never-before-seen narrative, ‘Tacchan’ charmed living rooms everywhere.
And now the “ultimate spokesman for [housewives(and househusbands)] everywhere”, the Yakuza Househusband, returns!