Sentimental Blue Flag: Woodblock Artist Shuzo Ikeda's Heritage

センチメンタルの青い旗~木版画家 池田修三が遺したもの~

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Shuzo Ikeda (1922-2004) was born in Kisakata town, Akita. He worked on woodblock print, moku hanga, as his primary artistic pursuit.
The characteristics of his work are brilliant color usage, pop design, and emotionally rich, simple, and warm style. Distinctive depictions of girls are sometimes called "sentimental." Now, his works are becoming popular around Japan, particularly among young generation.
The girls that Ikeda drew have blue shadow around their eyes and slight sadness in expressions. Why did he add the essence of sadness on girls' face? We tried to reproduce Ikeda's work using the left woodblock. You would understand his techniques to express brilliant color, and his deep thoughts from the interview with people who are fascinated with his works.

Remarks: English subtitles are available.

Production Year


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  • Entertainment
  • Food/Cooking

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The Home of Namahage


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Tone of Hope: Teizo's Broken Shakuhachi

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  • Food/Cooking

What’s the Best Akita Food!?


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  • Food/Cooking

What’s the Best Akita Food!? vol.2

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  • Food/Cooking
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  • Food/Cooking

What’s the Best Akita Food!? vol.3


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Wooden Treasure in Akita


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