
The number of (the)data : 363
  • Human
  • Factual

  • Human
  • Factual

Amazing Factory Ⅲ


The “factory” in the Tokai region of Japan is full of surprise!
The Tokai region is a major hub for manufacturing in Japan, but surprisingly little is known
About what, where, and how products are made. Therefore, the camera sneaks into the center of manufacturing, the "factory"! Why did they challenge the development of that product? How did they become the world's No. 1 market share? What kind of wisdom and ingenuity are hidden in the proud factory? We explore factories with special cameras for powerful pictures such as super slow motion and also watch super craftmen’s divine skills and deliver unknown secrets of product development.
Here is a wonderful “world of manufacturing” that can only be seen here.

  • Travel

  • Travel

Globe-Trotter Travel Guidebook The Drama Series

ドラマ 地球の歩き方

Celebrity writers are asked by the editorial department of "Globe-Trotter" to create a special feature page. They travel to places they have always wanted to visit and have been to before as their interests lead them. They encounter new foods, scenery and people and then complete original feature pages. Famous celebrities who love to travel will appear as themselves. Countries they visit are Korea, Thailand, Saipan, and New Zealand.

  • History
  • Human
  • Music
  • History
  • Human
  • Music

Tone of Hope: Teizo's Broken Shakuhachi

貞蔵さんの割れた尺八~シベリア抑留1000日 命を紡いだ尺八と民謡~

Minyo is the traditional Japanese folk song based on daily life of local people and nature. Akita is said to be the treasure trove of minyo because more than 1000 minyo songs have been born there. It flourished in 1970s, but after the boom, the number of performers and fans has been decreasing. Also, COVID-19 gave another blow.
Teizo Fujimaru, from Akita, was the legendary player of shakuhachi, the traditional Japanese bamboo flute used in minyo. He survived the battle of Shumushu island and Siberian internment in the end of the second World War. Under harsh condition in Siberia, he continued playing shakuhachi to encourage his fellows. Why did Teizo take good care of his shakuhachi for more than 1000 days of extremely severe life? Yu Takahashi, a singer-songwriter from Akita, traces Teizo's life and thoughts.

  • Nature
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Nature
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Fermentation Boys2 発酵男子2

This program conveyed the attraction and depth of fermented foods.
The cast includes actors Toshiki Tateishi and Eito Konishi.
In addition to enjoying the taste sensations brought about by fermentation, the two will also have the opportunity to experience the preparation process and talk with local people about the ingenuity and wisdom behind their food products.
Now, a journey to rediscover Japan through the land of fermentation.
Please join us!

  • Family
  • History
  • Human
  • Family
  • History
  • Human

Special Night of Nishimonai Bon Odori

幾月夜纏ひて 羽後町・西馬音内の盆踊

Nishimonai Bon Odori is the traditional festival of Bon dance held every August in Ugo town, Akita. For over 700 years, the festival has been the purpose of life for the local people. In 2022, Nishimonai Bon Odori was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list as a part of the "Furyu-odori, ritual dances imbued with people's hopes and prayers."
From 2020 to 2022, the festival was cancelled or held with no audience due to COVID-19. This program covers the festival in 2023 closely, held completely with audience for the first time in four years.
Through this program, you can learn deeply about four important elements of the festival: dance, instruments, songs, and costumes. Also, you can see how irreplaceable for the local people the festival has been.

This is the winning work of the 61st Galaxy Awards for programs highly recommended.

  • Food/Cooking

  • Food/Cooking


Hiroshima is counted as one of Japan's three major sake breweries. However, the sake industry is in a predicament due to COVID-19 pandemic and a series of natural disasters. The long-established sake brewery in Higashi-Hiroshima, led by Miho Imada, a female toji (master brewer) who was selected as one of “The BBC’s 100 Women of 2020”, is no exception. We followed the days of preparation of "new sake" that began in such adversity.

  • Food/Cooking

  • Food/Cooking

Moco's Travel Kitchen Season 2 

頂!キッチン Season2

Mocomichi Hayami, also known as Moco in his fast-selling cookbooks, is a prominent actor starring in “This Guy is the Biggest Mistake of My Life” and many other top-ranked Japanese dramas. The friendly hunk is also a serious chef, winning the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards' Japanese cooking category in 2013.

In this show, he drives his self-designed kitchen car to the gorgeous countryside of Japan to sample utterly fresh ingredients. He gets inspired by meeting happy locals and being surrounded by rich nature, all leading to creating original delicate recipes in front of the camera. Follow him around to enjoy the art of cooking.

  • Nature

  • Nature


Nature is rich in blessings but can also be harmful to human life. People across Japan have been resilient, learning their lessons and passing them on for generations. Their countless efforts to cope with the harsh environment eventually created a world of bounty -- a world that's sustained by a delicate balance between diverse plants and creatures. Satoyama is a living history of humans, animals and the natural environment that have survived together for centuries. This 8K documentary series captures the supreme beauty of the Japanese countryside -- a place where gentle slopes left by landslides have been carved into rice terraces, where meltwater from heavy snow is used to nurture colorful carp, and where lush grasslands have been created on volcanic ash. And it shows how people can rediscover traditional, sustainable agriculture and benefit from the unique satoyama ecosystem.
An international co-production between NHK and ARTE. Available in 8K/4K/HD.

  • Entertainment
  • Food/Cooking
  • Entertainment
  • Food/Cooking

Enjoy the Sweets of Akita!


Utano Aoi, 23 years old, works at a small design company in Akita as the new designer. She moved to Akita this spring from Tokyo.
She is struggling with her unaccustomed lifestyle since moving from the city to the countryside. But there is the reassuring presence for Aoi: Akita sweets! They are the only source of energy for Aoi.
This program is composed of two parts, drama and documentary. In the drama part, you can discover the attraction of Akita sweets through Aoi’s daily life at her unique workplace. The documentary part introduces the background story of famous Akita sweets.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Education

  • Family
  • Human
  • Education



Everyone’s first gift is from their mother. It is our "birthday" when we come into the world. However,some children do not know the date of their birth. The baby hatch anonymously accepts children whose parents are unable to care for them. It has been 15 years since it was opened at Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto City. Over these years, 159 children have been placed inside the hatch. Some of these children are conflicted because they have no information about their origins and no memories of their mothers. One of the children placed inside the hatch, Koichi Miyatsu, will turn 18 this spring. What kind of life awaited him beyond the hatch's door?

Kokkodesho The Treasure Ship Performance of Nagasaki

"Taikoyama Kokkodesho" is one of the most popular autumn events in Nagasaki City, "Nagasaki Kunchi". Forty strong men throw over 1ton of “Taikoyama” and catch it with hands. We closely interviewed the challenges of the men who carry.
It is impressed by the feelings of the townspeople in their hometown and the way the area became one through the festival and the bonds became stronger. The video of the festival is a breathtaking beauty.

Explore Japan

This series showcases a wide range of topics about Japan, from traditional craftsmanship to pop culture, modern technology, food, travel, lifestyle, and more.

It presents the audience with different aspects of Japan and its many well-known and lesser-known “Worlds” - from miniatures to space, aesthetic gardens to naked festivals, perpetual clock technology to quirky colorful bread - viewed and reflected from the unique perspective of Japanese and non-Japanese people alike.

All episodes are produced and broadcast for NHK WORLD-JAPAN, an international channel covering 160 regions and countries worldwide. This series aims to boost its global audience’s interest and understanding towards Japan and spark a desire to delve deeper to all things Japanese.

  • Travel

  • Travel


A popular Australian female talent will visit the blessings of the volcano, and experience various activities, food culture, and hot springs, centering on the national park areas where some of the volcanos of Kyushu are located. The first episode is Oita, the second episode is Kumamoto, the third episode is Kagoshima, and the fourth episode is Nagasaki. We will introduce Kyushu as a dynamic and attractive place through four episodes.

Tadao Ando Words for the Next Generation

安藤忠雄 次世代へ告ぐ

Internationally renowned, award winning, visionary, architect Tadao Ando needs little introduction. His unconventional designs shook off old orthodoxies and his iconic buildings can be seen in cities around the world. Shot in breath-taking 4K, this documentary allows Ando to speak directly to the next generation of architects and gives us a captivating close up examination of some of his masterpieces.

REGENERATION: From Bullets to Brotherhood

Cape Town is caught in the grip of endless turf wars between dozens of gangs. The police and government have been unable to break the cycle of murder, robbery, gun-running, and drug trafficking. One man making a difference is Andie Steele-Smith, a businessman and pastor who braves the dangers of the slums on a mission to rehabilitate the young men of the gangs. When the coronavirus hit the slums, Steele-Smith brought warring gangs into an unprecedented truce to deliver food to people under lockdown. And he found ways to bring change to the lives of young men who had turned to crime and become trapped in gang life because of poverty. But gang wars continue, and Steele-Smith finds himself on an ongoing mission. In this documentary, Steele-Smith gives a self-filmed, first-person account of the world of the gangs and his efforts to bring regeneration.

  • Art
  • Food/Cooking
  • Nature
  • Travel

  • Art
  • Food/Cooking
  • Nature
  • Travel

Shaved Ice Street


National Board of Regional Visual Industry Associations “Grand Prix 2022”

Okazaki City is located in the center of Aichi Prefecture. Okazaki City is famous for its unexplored and wonderful water.
Okazaki Shaved Ice Street is lined with stores where you can enjoy delicious shaved ice made with super soft water "Shinsui" and "Sensui". This documentary filmed shaved ice in high quality camera.
Shaved Ice Road - Revitalizing the town with the gift from the earth

This is an annual project held in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, to revitalize the town using shaved ice made from the famous local water.
The people involved in the event are introduced along with the beautiful and rich nature and its blessings.

The Nukata area stretches across the mountains in the eastern part of Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture.
In recent years, the area has been facing problems such as a declining population and an aging society, so the "Shaved Ice Project" was initiated by members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has been held since 2018.
Nukata is blessed with "Shinsui" (divine water) and "Sensui" (sacred water), both of which are famous for their pleasant taste, and the shaved ice made with local ingredients has been very popular.

The program depicts in 8K ultra high-definition how the town revitalization born from the "Shaved Ice Road" is spreading, involving people outside the local community.






I’d like to see you again in happiness

A Mongolian reporter knew “Detainment in Mongolia” when she started to work in Japan as a reporter in 2011. The reason she knew it is that she read an article which reported that the people who built National University of Mongolia, her alma mater, were Japanese detainees. Comparing to “Detainment in Siberia”, few people know “Detainment in Mongolia”.
To know “Detainment in Mongolia”, she covered a meeting which Japanese detainees gather once a year. At the meeting, she met a Japanese detainee who lost his both legs during detention. His name is Mr. Tomohiro (94).
In 2019, Mr. Tomohiro decided to visit Mongolia as a last journey of memorial and the reporter also accompanied his journey. Through the interview with Mr. Tomohiro and Mongolian who know the detention, the valuable historical materials, it made it possible to reveal the reality of detainment in Mongolia.
Why did they detain the Japanese? What do they think that approximately 2000 people died due to the hard labor? Who is the assailant and who is the victim? Who has the responsibility for that? Through the documentary program, we would like you to know and think of what happen at the time.

  • Art
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • For Women

  • Art
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • For Women

The Japanese Hospitality Challenge - Bride & Pride Spin off -

日本のおもてなしに挑戦 ~ドラマ「花嫁のれん」番外編 ~

Japan's Omotenashi culture is renowned as "the world’s best hospitality”. In 2020, the number of traditional inns (ryokan) and hotels in Japan exceeded 52,000. Of all the accommodations in Japan, there is one long-established ryokan in Ishikawa Prefecture that stands apart from the others, voted Japan’s number 1 for 36 consecutive years.
KAGAYA. Kagaya has attracted guests from all over Japan and the world for over 110 years, to enjoy the best Omotenashi hospitality in the world.

A project has been launched to have six foreign residents living in Japan, undergo the top class Nakai (staff at ryokan who welcome, serve and attend to the needs of their guests) training at Kagaya. Over 100 women applied and six women were chosen. They are from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Uzbekistan, the Philippines, and Taiwan. How will the Japanese spirit of hospitality, Omotenashi be understood by these women?

The ten days of Nakai training at Kagaya is challenging to say the least. Wearing a heavy kimono is a struggle in itself. The spirit of Omotenashi dwells in everything, not only in etiquette, but even in a single greeting. We journey with these women from six different cultures and value systems and witness the empathy and conflicts that arise. While learning about traditional Japanese culture through Nakai training the six women realize that Omotenashi holds a different meaning for each person.

"Good memories are treasures of the heart, and creating treasures of the heart for our guests is the heart of hospitality.” - Bride & Pride

The genesis of this project is the daytime drama series "Bride & Pride," broadcast nationwide by Tokai Television via Fuji Television Network and distributed in more than 20 countries and regions around the world. Set in a long-established ryokan in Ishikawa Prefecture, the series depicts Japan's world-class hospitality, and the famous line from the show "good memories are treasures of the heart" is now recognized globally. What these six women have in common is the desire to create "treasures of the heart," just like the spirit that inhabits this drama series. Six women take on the challenge of training as Nakai at Japan's oldest ryokan. Through laughter and tears what do they discover in their search for the essence of hospitality?

「良き思い出は心の宝 心の宝を作っていただくことこそ、おもてなしの心」

'Matsuri' - Festivals of Japan

“Matsuri”, festivals in Japan mean succession of tradition to posterity. The festivals have long history. People pray to “Kami”, God with all their heart at the festivals. Yamaguchi Broadcasting Company has been broadcasting this series of the local festivals by keeping up the close coverage of people who have a high regard for their old tradition.

Director: Noriaki Shiraish, Shinya Yamasaki

  • Reality

  • Reality

Lovely Shabby Lodges

Travelogue show to explore unique and eccentric accommodations located in far remote areas of Japan. These lodges are shabby and run-down looking but fully booked by tourists almost all the time. We explore why these odd lodges are loved so much. Three accommodations in different locations are featured. Aired in February 2020.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Art
  • Fashion
  • Fantasy

  • Family
  • Human
  • Art
  • Fashion
  • Fantasy

The Birth of a New Knit Brand

We followed the story of birth of new knit brand for 2 years.
What we sell is the most important thing…The director of new project fell in love with the high level of technology.

That day, the project members met for the first time to launch a new knit brand.
The project includes Yoshimasa Hoshiba, the editor-in-chief for a popular fashion website based in Tokyo.
He has been brought out as a brand adviser to help the Niigata project hit the market worldwide.

Niigata is famous place for knit. However knit business has been shrinking and now with the spread of Covid-19, the environment is rather depressing but there's something new happening. A new project has been born and is going well.
There are challenges for the company that has been providing high technology to leading brands.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue
  • Family
  • Human
  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue

The Natural Lifestyle Special


is a show for outdoor lovers!
The popular section
“The Natural Lifestyle” that is being broadcast
on Niigata's information program “Evening Wide Niigata Ichiban”
has been made into a series.
Introducing seasonal trekking, apprentices who live with nature,
apprenticeships, rice planting, harvesting rice, making herbs,
visiting famous waters, and so on

  • History
  • Art

  • History
  • Art

The Mysterious Japanese Sword

古伯耆 神秘の日本刀

Japanese swords have been held by the great military leaders of Japan. It was a symbol of power.
It is said that Japanese swords with beautiful curves were born in Hoki country (currently Tottori prefecture) during the Heian Period (794-1185). At the time, a swordsmith named "Yasutsuna" was said to have worked on many famous swords. Yasutsuna's swords have been loved by many rulers, including "Nobunaga Oda" who is one of the most famous warriors in the Warring States Period.

In this program, we explore the roots of "Yasutsuna" and introduce the appeals of Japanese swords, and also how Japanese swords refining technology is inherited in modern Japan. You will see why Japanese swords attract many people even today.

*** available in English subtitles

  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue

  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue

Wa! Journey! Discover JAPAN PRIDE

“Made in Japan” is Japan’s pride. On the background, the uniqueness of Japan such as the craftsman commitment, the blessings of nature and the technology have a worldwide reputation.
In this program, reporters set off on a journey to discover the JAPAN PRIDE. They find the charm of Japanese products while interacting with the people associated with it.
Moreover, they stroll around the areas where the products were born and the surrounding tourist spots. A photographer takes pictures of the charm and introduces them. This is a travel program that features knowing Japanese charm through Japanese products.

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

The Natural Lifestyle


This is a show for outdoor lovers!
The popular section “Natural” that is being broadcast on Niigata's information program “Evening Wide Niigata Ichiban” has been
made into a series.
Introducing seasonal trekking, apprentices who live with nature,
apprenticeships, rice planting, harvesting rice, making herbs,
visiting famous waters, and so on

  • History
  • Human
  • Science
  • History
  • Human
  • Science

Made in Hiroshima Spearheading Innovation

メイドインヒロシマSP 超域オンリーワン

Neuroscientist Kenichiro Mogi uses his unique perspective to uncover the appeal of industries unique to Hiroshima Prefecture. What is their secret to fostering innovation?
In the town of Saka in the Aki District, The DaikyoNishikawa Corporation is using tree resin to revolutionize plastic technology. Even Kenichiro Mogi was surprised at the amount of resin being used in car components! The Kitagawa Corporation in Fuchu City is a world-class maker of the machine components called "chucks"- a tool that aids in making precision parts. The development of the modern-day chuck comes from many years of cultivation by the hands of craftsmen. Next up is Hattendo in Mihara City. Their "cream bun" is popular in all parts of the country. What's the secret behind these hand-made desserts? What does Kenichiro Mogi find in this shop nestled near the airport in Mihara City? Satake Corporation is located in the eastern part of Hiroshima City; it is the top maker of processing machines for milling rice and grains. What is Satake's vision for the future of agriculture?

  • Human
  • Nature
  • Education

  • Human
  • Nature
  • Education

Koi Whisperer -NISHIKIGOI-


Yamakoshi, this is the place where nishikigoi originally came from.
This is a documentary of Koi farmers in Yamakoshi.
The rice paddies overflow with water from the freshly melted snow,
as do the wild ponds in which nishikigoi are raised.
The hills and valleys overflow with water and greenery.
May is an important month in the cultivation of nishikigoi.
It's when the koi are released into the ponds.
Shintarou Koi Farm has been raising nishikigoi for fifty years.
Even in summer, they'll feed them and check water quality every day.
"They'll also have busy days hatching and choosing from the young fish.
Yet it is fall they look forward to.
What people want from nishikigoi is to watch them slowly swimming around.
So the bigger they are, the more fun it is to watch them swimming through
a pond. Also making their bodies bigger makes their colors more vivid.

  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Entertainment
  • Food/Cooking
  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Entertainment
  • Food/Cooking



This is an outdoor document variety program about a famous voice actor “Shimba Tsuchiya”
climbing a mountain to the top and cooking a meal!
Before becoming a voice actor, he studied about acting, so he has strength and energy and
good athletic abilities. This is first time for him to climb a mountain and cooking.
After a good sweat, he can enjoy a combination of beautiful scenery with a delicious meal.



  • Family
  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue
  • For Women

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue
  • For Women

Hokkaido style

A female reporter goes out for a short trip in Hokkaido.
This program is good for adults who wants to make their travel special, slow, relaxing and comfortable.

  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Travelogue

Travelers insights @ Nagoya


A number of travelers are coming to Japan. We are discovering the attractiveness of Nagoya city by interviewing these travelers.
What the travelers saw in Nagoya?


  • Art
  • Education
  • For Women
  • Medical/Health
  • Art
  • Education
  • For Women
  • Medical/Health

Whole Again


A small factory in Nagoya makes artificial breasts and artificial appendages for patients who’ve succumbed to cancer or been involved in
horrific accidents. One woman was badly burnt in a fiery car crash and the documentary follows her progress as the lifelike epitheses
allow her to live an increasingly normal life. Kazumi Maeda, wife of the factory owner, is the driving force behind the new direction of
the former pottery mold-maker.


  • Science
  • Nature

  • Science
  • Nature

ICT Agriculture 2


This program will show you the latest Japanese
agricultural trends using cutting edge ICT!

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • For Children
  • Reality

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Education
  • For Children
  • Reality

Niigata Aquatics


TeNY’s announcer approaches the wonder of aquatic world and makes interesting discovery in the aquarium. Let’s enjoy a beautiful aquarium and unseen side of it!

  • Comedy
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Comedy
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Udo-chan’s Trip Special 2019

旅ゴメ特別編 冬の長良川鉄道 答エハナクトモ旅ハ流ルル

Udo-chan travels around Mino city in Gifu prefecture with a popular Japanese actor, Koji Yamamoto, and a former member of AKB48, Kayo Noro. They take a train on Nagara-gawa line and walk around wherever they wish.
Mino city is famous for some traditional craft; one of them is edged tools like “Katana” sword. At first, they visit a cutlery museum and try blade shaping there. After having lunch at a café they found on the way to a station, they go to a famous place –a group of traditional buildings preserved for over 400 years. In the Edo era, there was a unique construction style of roofs called “Udatsu.” They visit a sake-factory and a museum for lanterns made by “Washi” paper which is originally manufactured in Mino city. Then they visit a 1300-year-old shrine and find a strange sign on the map which marks a tree named “What tree?”

新春恒例!旅してゴメン特別編SP「冬の長良川鉄道」!ゲストに多芸多才な俳優・山本耕史さんと元AKB48メンバー野呂佳代さんを迎えガタンゴトンと自由気ままにぶっつけ本番!行き当たりばったりのリアル旅♪ 情緒あふれる町並みに癒されて思わず本音トーク!プライベート発言も満載!旅にはナゾがつきもの?果たして解明はできるのか?

  • Human
  • Science
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking

  • Human
  • Science
  • Nature
  • Education
  • Food/Cooking


A heartwarming documentary to show how people connect the hearts between rural and urban.
Tokachi, eastern Hokkaido, is known as Japan’s largest farming area producing wealthy agricultural, dairy, and husbandry items. In this decade, farmers in Tokachi have been hosting more than 20,000 high school students from all over Japan. Students stay a few days to challenge dairy and husbandry works. This “farm-stay” project has nurtured the connection of people’s hearts, and brought urban residents chances to admit the possibilities that rural holds. Young urban fellows spend a few days at farms, start having relation with rural, then they recognize Hokkaido as their second homes.
The program shows how they are impressed by the rural life, as well as what they do to contribute to Hokkaido when they grow up. Viewers will also be amazed by the fascinating pictures and sceneries of Hokkaido.

  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Travel

  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Travel

(4K) Soratabi 3000km - coastline of Hokkaido

This program is recorded by 3000km length of the coastline in Hokkaido. Only by watching the coastline, we can find the undiscovered fantastic scenery in Hokkaido. The coastline shows impressive shape, and is full of various discoveries and stories. Along the coastline, it’s thrilling and so easy to understand about Hokkaido .
For example, a mysterious “natural sand dune” on the beach at Noshappu Cape in Wakkanai. A “white waterfall” on the unspoiled precipitous cliffs in Ishikari. We guide you to the spectacular "Soratabi 3000km “ coastline in Hokkaido" by ultra high-definition video shooting with drone camera.