
Movie “Flying Colors” is a hit in Hong Kong! Over 200 fans throng the airport to greet star Kasumi Arimura!

Based on a true story, “Flying Colors: How a Teen Girl Went from Academic Absurdity to an Elite University in One Amazing Year” is live-action motion picture about a girl who is dead last in her class but raises her GPA by a mega-huge amount in one year and enters prestigious Keio University! Within 45 days of release in Japan, it crossed the 2 million tickets sold mark, making it the No. 1 Japanese movie for the first half of 2015! It is now making its way into international markets, and it hit Hong Kong on October 22.

To promote the film, Arimura flew to Hong Kong on October 23 and received the above-mentioned tremendous support from fans at the airport! On the 24th, she visited a local college preparatory school, and on the 25th she did a meet and greet on the stage. When she said in Cantonese, “Good afternoon, I am Kasumi Arimura,” the crowd went wild! Included below are some links to reporting on this very well-received trip!