"Become the Landscape"

A Growth Diary of Young Craftman 90min ver.     やがて風景になる     若き木工職人の成長記 90分版

90min English version available

  • HD
  • Art
  • Nature

90min English version available

"Become the Landscape"

"Become the Landscape"

"Become the Landscape"



Nishi Awakura Village is a small village north of Okayama Prefecture with a population of about 1,500 people.
The forest occupies 96% of the village’s area, and half of it is made up of HINOKI (cypress).
This village once thrived on forestry, but recently it has been losing it’s vibrancy due to depopulation and aging.
But recently, a lot of young people have been moving to the village.
One of them is Mr. Masayuki Oshima, who also founded the carpentry workshop ''Mokkoubo-youbi''.
The stylish furniture they produce, made from HINOKI (cypress), is valued both in Japan and abroad, and the sales keep increasing.
The forests are reborn through forestry, creating richer scenery.
Mr. Oshima calls it "a craft that eventually shapes the landscape".
But suddenly, tragedy struck and the workshop was burnt to the ground during a fire.
How will Mr. Oshima and his team overcome these difficulties?
To find out, we followed the young, passionate carpenter and his team for ten years.

"Become the Landscape"

"Become the Landscape"

"Become the Landscape"

Nishi Awakura Village is a small village north of Okayama Prefecture with a population of about 1,500 people.
The forest occupies 96% of the village’s area, and half of it is made up of HINOKI (cypress).
This village once thrived on forestry, but recently it has been losing it’s vibrancy due to depopulation and aging.
But recently, a lot of young people have been moving to the village.
One of them is Mr. Masayuki Oshima, who also founded the carpentry workshop ''Mokkoubo-youbi''.
The stylish furniture they produce, made from HINOKI (cypress), is valued both in Japan and abroad, and the sales keep increasing.
The forests are reborn through forestry, creating richer scenery.
Mr. Oshima calls it "a craft that eventually shapes the landscape".
But suddenly, tragedy struck and the workshop was burnt to the ground during a fire.
How will Mr. Oshima and his team overcome these difficulties?
To find out, we followed the young, passionate carpenter and his team for ten years.

Production Year

2018 ~ 2018


  • Art
  • Nature

  • Art
  • Nature

"Become the Landscape"

A Growth Diary of Young Craftman 54min ver.

Nishi Awakura Village is a small village north of Okayama Prefecture with a population of about 1,500 people.
The forest occupies 96% of the village’s area, and half of it is made up of HINOKI (cypress).
This village once thrived on forestry, but recently it has been losing it’s vibrancy due to de...

  • Food/Cooking
  • Travel

  • Food/Cooking
  • Travel



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  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking



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  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Setouchi Biyori


"Seotuchi Biyori" is the perfect TV show for your trip to Setouchi. You can see the beautiful scenery, modern art and traditional crafts. Experience the shrines, temples and local cuisines. You can even take a peek at the local communities and their fascinating cultures!

【Season 1】#1~#38