
193 Titles

  • NEW
  • Factual
  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel


  • NEW
  • Factual
  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

Welcome, First-timers! A hot winter tour in Oga

初見さん いらっしゃい!冬の男鹿でHOTなツアー

Even though locals are used to seeing, it may be an emotional experience for first-timers. This is a travel show that values first-time reactions of newcomers and rediscovers the "proud charms" of Oga, Akita. The guests, Gantulga from Mongolia and Alina from Ukraine visit some hot spots of Oga in winter. Through this tour, you will discover the charm of Oga's food, culture, and sightseeing including Namahage. After watching this program, you will want to visit Oga for sure. Let's enjoy the tour full of laughs and discoveries!

Note: This program has English subtitles.

  • NEW
  • Adventure
  • Travel
2025.1 -2025.3


  • NEW
  • Adventure
  • Travel

Just! Shin Japan Heritage

Travis JapanのJust!シン日本遺産

Travis Japan, an idol group with one of Japan’s top performance abilities, rediscovers the charm of Japan!

A location-based variety show where they personally verify “New Japan Heritage,” the true landmarks that Japan should be proud of, including hidden gems even Japanese people don’t know about!

Each time, two members go on location, travelling with a “New Japan Heritage MAP” provided by the staff. The map lists various sites along with attractive catchphrases, but among them are not only the unique “New Japan Heritage” sites but also the challenging experiences! They won’t know which one will be until they get there. Ultimately, they find the incredible “New Japan Heritage” that Japan should be proud of worldwide!

  • NEW
  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
2024.12 -2025.2


  • NEW
  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Thriller

Tokimeki bomb -Trapped With You-


The condition for survival is not to be excited
Six men are trapped in an unknown abandoned warehouse.
There's an unfamiliar collar around his neck...
In the midst of the confusion, the stuffed dog suddenly begins to speak.
The dog, calling itself an AI, wanted to study the incomprehensible human emotion of excitement,
so it began an experiment in which it would have these six people live as test subjects for several days, measure their "flutter", and drop out if the numbers went too far!
The six of them react in different ways - confused, impatient, irritated, angry, united, and calm –
but one by one they drop out as they encounter unexpected flutters, such as small actions and gestures, matters of family, and unforgettable pasts.
So, what will be the outcome of this experiment?
And what is the emotion that AI couldn't understand - "flutter"?

  • NEW
  • Adventure
  • Sports
  • Travel
1995.1 -2025


  • NEW
  • Adventure
  • Sports
  • Travel


Specialized programs on snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing for side riding fans.

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking

What’s the Best Akita Food!? vol.4


The theme of the 4th episode of What's the Best Akita Food!? is "meat." Chocolate Planet came to Akita for the first time in three years and visited restaurants in Akita city to enjoy Akita's proud beef, pork, and chicken. The fellow comedian "Impossible" bursts in and competes in quizzes and games with Chocopla to eat the best meat dish. Will Chocopla be able to enjoy Akita's meat? Also, they interact with Akita dogs and experience the famous traditional Akita Kanto festival. You can not only enjoy the funny conversation between Chocopla and guests but also learn deeply about Akita's culture.

  • Nature
  • Travel

  • Nature
  • Travel

Ayane Suzuki's Ogata Village Development Chronicle


Ogata village, which was created by reclaiming a lake, celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2024. To commemorate this, a special program will feature Ayane Suzuki, an actress from Ogata village who also serves as a village ambassador, exploring the village's charms. The village's mayor personally commissioned her to travel around the area and write comments about the village's highlights and her impressions. These handwritten messages will also be published on the tourist map. She will learn about the village's history at the Polder Museum and see the process of rice being shipped around the country at the prefecture's largest country elevator. She will also introduce the anniversary lunch at Hotel Sun Rural Ogata and interact with local children at a local shop that has been loved by villagers for many years.

  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

All Aboard! vol.2 Yuki Tokunaga's Gono Line Journey

鉄道大好き演歌歌手 徳永ゆうき「出発進行!五能線の旅」

Gono Line, the local railway line connecting Akita and Aomori, has been popular among tourists and train enthusiasts. You can enjoy the spectacular views of Japan Sea on Gono Line trains.
An enka singer Yuki Tokunaga comes to Akita again and travels on the Gono Line to visit tourist spots along the route. He enjoys eating fresh seafood bowls and takes a stroll around the foot of the Shirakami Mountains, a World Heritage Site. He witnesses the beautiful view of lake called "mysterious blue."

  • Adventure
  • Family
  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

  • Adventure
  • Family
  • Food/Cooking
  • History
  • Nature
  • Travel

Kumamon Map


Kumamon MAP! Join Kumamon, the beloved mascot of Kumamoto, as he takes you on an exciting journey through Kumamoto’s top attractions and local delicacies. Explore the stunning landscapes of Kumamoto, from its beautiful scenic views to the historical Kumamoto Castle, and much more! Kumamon will also dive into Kumamoto’s culinary delights! With Kumamon as your guide, you’ll discover the heart and soul of Kumamoto, full of fun, food, and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss the adventure on Kumamon MAP!

  • Comedy
  • Reality

  • Comedy
  • Reality

NAGASAKI fishing

Starting from on how to choose the perfect fishing spot and the correct lure, to the most delicious way of eating a fish, this program full of laugh will deliver all kind of useful information, even for beginners, related to fishing.
The absolute fishing beginner MC will be learning how to fish from other talents who enjoy fishing throughout daily life as well as sharing the beauty of Nagasaki as a fishing mecca.

  • Family
  • Gameshow

  • Family
  • Gameshow

VS School -The Ultimate HIDE and SEEK-

High School Hide & Seek: Unmask the Stars, Win the Fame!

A large scale hide and seek against a whole highshool!
Celebrities hide in real like props(e.g. piano, tree stumps, etc.) and students must find all the hiders in time, to win the prize.


Secrets of the Pros Revealed


“Professionals” from a variety of occupations voluntarily share the secrets of their trade in a new and unique job info variety program. Every “occupation” requires its own set of skills, knowledge and abilities with each harboring benefits and attractiveness unknown to the layperson. This program closes in on the secrets of professionals from the most basic questions about each occupation to rarely-known facts.

다양한 직업의 프로가 자신이 가진 직업의 비밀을 솔직하게 털어놓는 독자적인 스타일의 새로운 직업정보버라이어티 프로그램.「직업」에는 각각의 뛰어난 기술이나 지식, 능력이 있고 그 뒷면에는 알려지지 않은「매력」과「즐거움」이 존재한다. 이 프로그램에서는 소박한 의문부터 평소 물어볼 수 없었던 부분까지 프로들의 비밀에 대해 알아본다.


  • Gameshow

  • Gameshow

I've seen this!


A completely new quiz show with no knowledge required!
This studio quiz show, where four players work together to solve the problem. Ten days ago, their solving the quiz at the studio, the four of players took a walk around the streets of Tokyo. In fact, there are quiz hints scattered along the way, and the four of them are sure to see them somewhere. And what they see is also recorded by the eye camera.
Then, in the studio, the four players take on a quiz based on their memories and the images from the eye camera. In other words, it's a quiz show where "memory" and "vision" are the keys, as they solve the quizzes by relying on hints they must have seen somewhere!

  • Food/Cooking
  • Food/Cooking

Hokkaido for Wine-Lovers

Japan’s northernmost prefecture Hokkaido is gaining recognition as one of the country’s top wine-producing regions. This program focuses on the wineries of Yoichi, an area increasingly noted for its premium wines, which include a widely-coveted Pinot Noir from the Domaine Takahiko vineyard.

Besides following the winemaking process, the show savors the way these home-grown wines are finding their place in the local food culture. Elegant, classy and full-bodied, Hokkaido for Wine-Lovers is a delicious treat for wine lovers and foodies alike.

Consisting of two 25-minute episodes, this series was produced by Television Hokkaido Broadcasting Co. Ltd. in 2024.


Check It Out with Rei in FUKUOKA


Join bubbly host Rei Maruyama—a YouTube star with over 1.25 million subscribers—as she explores the vibrant city of Fukuoka, meeting locals and uncovering the best food, sights, and experiences the city has to offer. Check It Out with Rei is a lighthearted travel show filled with laughter, local culture, and spontaneous fun.

The series offers an engaging mix of food, culture, and lively conversation. Some episodes see Rei meeting up with fellow YouTubers: examples include an influencer from Korea, who joins her to sample popular Korean dishes and chat about favorite K-dramas. Perfect for those looking to discover Fukuoka’s unique charm with a dose of humor, the show is an easy, breezy watch with a youthful, zeitgeisty feel.

Launched by TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting Co., Ltd. in 2024, this is an ongoing series consisting of 23-minute episodes.

  • Education
  • Reality

  • Education
  • Reality


A show where U-18 changes the future with their research and presentation

The “Q-1” competition is an event where U-18 individuals pursue a “Quest” to change the future and the world, identify challenges they have discovered during their quest, formulate their “Questions”, and present their findings in a 9-minute presentation. Four exceptional groups, who have emerged victorious from a nationwide selection process, take the stage to present their unique research.

The panel of judges for each presentation comprises over 50 experts from various fields! As they attentively listen to the high-level presentations by high school students, the experts engage with serious expressions, leading to heated discussions during the “Q&A” session. At the end of the competition, the top innovator is selected and awarded! Who will be awarded in this competition?

<Criteria for Evaluation>
“Is it a Quest that has the potential to change the future and the world?”
More than 50 judges will score each team’s presentation.
The team with the highest total score will be awarded the title of Top Innovator!

<Four Key Points for Evaluation>

Why did you initially have this question? What sparked your curiosity? A research theme based on personal experiences tends to receive higher evaluations!

Does the Quest have originality, building upon past research or real-world examples as its foundation or background? It’s better to identify and articulate what makes your Quest interesting!

The most crucial point! Are the methods and approaches for Quest appropriate to the theme, and are they deepened logically and concretely through experiments and data analysis?

**Outreach Ability**
Are definitions and concepts explained clearly and without ambiguity? Your presentation must be easy to understand and accessible to those hearing it for the first time!

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

People Watching Variety Program: Monitoring

ニンゲン観察バラエティ モニタリング

"If I were xx, what would you do?” That’s the concept for a candid reaction program interviewing people on the street as well as celebrities. For example, what if a popular celebrity dressed up as a regular store clerk? Or what happens when a slightly tipsy husband decides to ask his wife if she loves him. What is her response? Will she reciprocate or not? Here is a show where people’s candid reactions repeatedly defy the imagination.

「만약○○라면 당신은 어떻게 할것인가?」라는 컨셉으로거리에서 만난 일반인이나 연예인들의 리액션을 촬영하는 프로그램. 만약 변장한 연예인이 가게점원이라면? 만약 술취한 남편이 「날 어떻게 생각해?」라고 부인에게묻는다면 「사랑한다」라고 말할까? 아니면…? 그런 여러가지 「만약」이 기획으로 등장한다. 순수한 리액션은우리들의 상상을 초월하는 놀라움의 연속이다!

這是在假設「如果…的話,你會怎麼做?」的情況下,拍攝在街頭巷尾偶遇的一般人和藝人真實反應的節目。如果商店裡的店員, 其實是藝人喬裝的呢?如果喝醉了的丈夫問妻子「你覺得我怎麼樣?」的話,妻子會不會說「我愛你」呢?各種有關「如果…?」的企畫將會登場。最真實的現場反應,將不斷帶給你異想天開的笑料!

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking

What’s the Best Akita Food!? vol.3


The 3rd episode of What's the Best Akita Food!? focuses on the traditional fermented food in Akita. The members of two idol groups research the various fermented foods of Akita like fish sauce, natto, sake, and so on, and give a presentation to Chocopla. A chef cooks new dishes using those ingredients to treat busy Chocopla.
Ayako Fuji, a famous enka singer from Akita, and the popular talent SHELLY liven up this program!

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Sports
  • Travel
2023.4 -2024
  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Sports
  • Travel

TAXI-meshi returns


No appointments! No planning! No prior negotiation!
Jun and Rei Saito, brothers from Kakuda City, Miyagi Prefecture, and wrestlers from All Japan Pro Wrestling, will set out on spontaneous visits to 'cheap and yummy' restaurants recommended by taxi drivers!

Who knows, you might just discover a hidden gem you never knew existed...?

  • Art
  • Travel

  • Art
  • Travel

Museum&Trip in KANAZAWA

It was 1598 when Toshiie Maeda,the first feudal lord of KAGA domain,arrived Kanazawa.
Since then,the Maeda clan ruled this land for14 generations and build a vast territory called HYAKUMANGOKU.

A historic city.A city with aesthetic sense inherited from the feudal era.
Numerous places where you can feel the refined beauty.That is What Kanazawa is.
The Maeda clan promoted [Craft works]=KOGEI
Cultural incentive project by Kaga domain made traditional craftworks Famous,such as KAGAYUZENandKANAZAWAHAKU gold.
You may experience gold foil pasting here.
Many master craftworks are in collection at the national crafts museum that opened in 2020.

Shall we walk around the traditional city of KANAZAWA and feel the beauty.

  • Food/Cooking
2023.2 -

  • Food/Cooking

'OMO UMA' Heartwarming Foodocumentary

There are outlandish restaurants all over Japan that are far beyond our imagination. This is a documentary program about human beings through food, which finds and introduces owners and services that over hospitality and over entertainment!

2023.2 -

We can answer your question!

This is a program that spares no time and effort in verifying old legends, urban legends, and overblown stories, and exposes them for what they really are!!!

  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
2023.1 -

  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality

Uprising Kitchen

An unprecedented uprising in the history of the kitchen is coming!
A battle between a first-class chef, a housewife celeb, and an amateur cooking celeb.
They cook a dish based on a theme and compete to see which is the tastier. However, the budget the three chefs can spend on food shopping is as follows:
The professional is given $5, the housewife $20, and the amateur $100.
In other words, the shopping budget of cooks with high and low cooking skills are inversely proportional.
Can the professional produce high quality food regardless of budget? Or does the amateur grab $100 and do the “Uprising Kitchen” with fantastic ingredients? Or will the housewife win by the wisdom and experience?
What's more, the three cooks can draw “special cards” from an “original lottery machine” to force the rivals to use strange cooking utensils and a variety of other unique ways to interfere with their cooking!
Can three chefs with different strengths turn the tables with money and luck?

  • Sports
2023 -

  • Sports

Cycle Around Japan

Due to Japan's immensely varied landscape and climate, this island nation developed unique cultural traditions. Many of these are world renowned, but many more remain hidden away deep in the countryside. The best way to discover these secret places—the real Japan—is to go exploring by bicycle.

The series includes locations such as the springtime lush greens of Mt. Fuji, flowers-filled Hokkaido, the deep mountain forests of Nikko, and the ancient city of Kyoto.
Join us on a journey to see a side of Japan you won't find in guidebooks.

  • Food/Cooking

  • Food/Cooking

Ramen with me in Nagoya

In the first episode, actress Kurumi Shimizu visits "Ganso Tai Paitan ramen Sakura" in Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City. She ordered a set of sea bream paitan ramen with sea bream Chazuke. Putting the soup of paitan ramen on the rice with sashimi of sea bream looks great.
It's so delicious.

  • Adventure
  • Food/Cooking
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Travel

  • Adventure
  • Food/Cooking
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Travel

Reboot in the sauna


A specially-made sauna truck drives through Kumamoto’s spectacular landscape in search of the ultimate sauna experience! Taka and Erica are looking to escape the stress of daily life, and what better way to do that in Japan than by taking a sauna! They will take to their sauna truck to find relaxation across Kumamoto prefecture, enjoying the beautiful nature around them while sampling the delicious food that Kumamoto has to offer!

  • Food/Cooking
  • Travel
2023 -2024

  • Food/Cooking
  • Travel

HKT48 Team Kumamoto Delicious Food Journey

Members of the popular Japanese female idol group "HKT48" will visit the sightseeing locations in Kumamoto while discovering delicious food. Miku and Saaya are from Kumamoto and rediscover the charm of their hometown. They also experience making Kumamoto's sweets and tasting local dishes!

  • Sports
2023 -2024
  • Sports


Welcome to the powdery paradise of Hokkaido, Japan’s top skiing destination. LOVE SKI HOKKAIDO introduces viewers to the breathtaking slopes of Tomamu, Furano, and beyond. Presented by top skiers like Keisuke Iyama, this show combines exhilarating skiing sequences with insider tips on where to stay, eat, and relax after a long day on the mountain.

Each episode showcases the best that winter sports in Hokkaido have to offer. The prefecture’s many world-class ski resorts are featured, with details from airport access to cozy lodges covered in detail. This is a must-watch for outdoor adventure seekers and winter sports enthusiasts.

Launched by Television Hokkaido Broadcasting Co. Ltd. in 2015, this ongoing series consists of 25-minute episodes. New episodes are being aired on a regular basis.

  • Comedy
  • Gameshow
2022.12 -2023.1

  • Comedy
  • Gameshow

Instant Faker


The Instant fake battle between the guys have a silver tongue about to begin!
That requires a word sense that goes beyond the truth and a rich imagination!
Four Skilled Liar make them improvise own fake story quiz or two-choice quiz, with cool face.
The prize money goes to the true faker who has the skills to make lie look real!!

2022.11 -

Ryoff Karma and Maids 呂布カルマとメイドたち

Maid café is a café or restaurant where women work wearing cosplay of maid, which is known as the head of otaku culture. The longest-established and most popular maid café "at-home cafe”seeks their expansion to Nagoya area besides Tokyo & Osaka. A rapper living in Nagoya, Ryoff Karma, will advise what approach to take to deliver "moe" to Nagoya, but of course, it is not a simple matter...

  • Music
2022.11 -
  • Music

BEST HITS Kayosai 2022

ベストヒット歌謡祭 2022

Since its first airing in 1968, Best Hits Kayosai boasts a history of 54 years.Last year, this program was held without an audience due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it will be held with an audience for the first time in three years this year in the Festival Hall in Osaka. Mega-hit artists that took the world by storm in 2022 gather in Osaka for the only large-scale music program in Kansai! This program delivers a variety of songs, from recent hits to nostalgic classics. This year's theme is “Create it together!” featuring intense performances “created” with the entire audience. Special one-night-only sing-alongs “created” with students in Kansai. Special projects “created” by television viewers and participants on social media. Together with everyone in Japan, let's build the Best Hits Kayosai!
Performing artists:
Hanna Ishikawa, STU48, NMB28, Kanjani∞, Kis-My-Ft2, Kobukuro, Sakurazaka46, THE RAMPAGE, JO1, Da-iCE, Aimi Tanaka, Tani Yuuki, DA PUMP, ToshI, Naniwa Danshi, Nogizaka 46, THE BEAT GARDEN, BE: FIRST, BiSH, Hinatazaka 46, Daichi Miura, Yuzu, Ryokuoushoku Shakai


Ariyoshi Fireworks

A famous entertainer Hiroiki Ariyoshi has never been emotionally moved by the sight of fireworks. So, a group of young entertainers decides to try and finally impress him. They put together the “Ariyoshi Fireworks Group” and enlist the guidance of seasoned fireworks makers from around the country. They’ll learn the fundamentals of pyrotechnics, everything from how fireworks are made to the preparations needed to launch them. A huge barge and a ship with a crane appear on the Setouchi Inland Sea in Ariyoshi’s home prefecture of Hiroshima. They’ll create a show from nothing and put on a massive fireworks display. But, will it be enough to impress Ariyoshi?

  • Food/Cooking
2022.9 -2023.3

  • Food/Cooking

Enjoy the Sweets of Akita!


Utano Aoi, 23 years old, works at a small design company in Akita as the new designer. She moved to Akita this spring from Tokyo.
She is struggling with her unaccustomed lifestyle since moving from the city to the countryside. But there is the reassuring presence for Aoi: Akita sweets! They are the only source of energy for Aoi.
This program is composed of two parts, drama and documentary. In the drama part, you can discover the attraction of Akita sweets through Aoi’s daily life at her unique workplace. The documentary part introduces the background story of famous Akita sweets.

  • History
  • Travel
  • History
  • Travel

All Aboard! Yuki Tokunaga's Akita Shinkansen Komachi Journey

鉄道大好き演歌歌手 徳永ゆうきと行く!みちのく秋田こまち旅~祝!秋田新幹線 開業25周年~

Akita Shinkansen Komachi, the bullet train of Akita, opened in 1997. Yuki Tokunaga, a famous enka singer and a train enthusiast, comes to Akita to celebrate its 25th anniversary. He visits the railway yard to learn about Komachi and experience the maintenance of it. Also, he travels by Komachi from Akita to Tokyo enjoying special bento. Let's explore the history and the attractions of Komachi with Mr. Tokunaga!

  • Food/Cooking
2022.4 -2024.12

  • Food/Cooking

Moco's Travel Kitchen Season1-4 

頂!キッチン Season1-4

Mocomichi Hayami, also known as Moco in his best-selling cookbooks, is a prominent actor who has starred in many top-ranked Japanese dramas, including "This Guy is the Biggest Mistake of My Life". Not only he is a charming figure, but also a talented chef, having won the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards' Japanese cooking category in 2013.

In this show, Moco travels across Japan's beautiful countryside in his self-designed kitchen car to source fresh ingredients. He gets inspired by meeting cheerful locals and the rich natural surroundings, leading him to create unique and delicate recipes in front of the camera.
In the third season, Moco visits Taiwan, expanding his culinary journey.

In the fourth season, the adventure moves to South Korea!
Moco visits three areas in Jeollado, often referred to as a "treasure trove of food" in South Korea. He highlights three different locally sourced ingredients and creates original dishes based on the concept of local production for local consumption.
While exploring the culinary scene, Moco also visits various attractions in South Korea, showcasing the region's charm.
Join him on this journey to experience the artistry of cooking!

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Gameshow
2022.3 -2022.3

  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Gameshow

The Winner Beats It All


This is a " head-to-head" battle between five challengers and a champion of various genres.
The challenger will challenge with a striking skill he or she is good at, and the champion must take all fight.
In short, the champion must fight with the five specialists, regardless of his or her own strengths or weaknesses.
The point is, Champion must win whenever!
Champions will feel unshakable confidence and ecstasy if they win their fifth consecutive championship!
On the other hand, if the Champion loses even once, the challenger achieves "Giant-Killing" and earns prize.
In this game, you can see an interesting battle whether the weak defeat the strong or the strong will continue to be the strong.


Kokkodesho The Treasure Ship Performance of Nagasaki

"Taikoyama Kokkodesho" is one of the most popular autumn events in Nagasaki City, "Nagasaki Kunchi". Forty strong men throw over 1ton of “Taikoyama” and catch it with hands. We closely interviewed the challenges of the men who carry.
It is impressed by the feelings of the townspeople in their hometown and the way the area became one through the festival and the bonds became stronger. The video of the festival is a breathtaking beauty.