Program List
How to Get a Divorce for the Whole Family!
Newlyweds Saki and husband Koichi have decided that getting married was a huge mistake. They met by chance and had a whirlwind romance, but their lifestyles and values couldn’t be more different. She’s a fashion editor raised in a modern, liberal home. He’s an ace air-rescue pilot from a strict, conservative upbringing. After their big wedding, they’re too embarrassed to tell their families, friends and colleagues that they’re already getting divorced! So they decide to do it in secret…It can even be a positive first step toward both partners’ future happiness. But when it comes to men and women, the more things change, the more they stay the same. This highly entertaining new series takes a hard look at today’s social values through the lens of divorce.
패션잡지 편집자 미즈구치 사키는 자유로운 가정에서 자란 자신에게 정직한 여성이다. 한편 엄격한 자위관 가정에서 자란 항공자위대 에이스 오바라 코이치.
마치 정반대인 두 사람은 운명적인 만남으로 교제0일에 스피드 결혼을 하고 함께 살기 시작하지만 생활습관과 결혼생활에 요구하는 가치관의 차이로 크게 싸운다.
신혼에 일찌감치 이혼을 결심하지만 주위에 말을 꺼내지 못하고 조용히 이혼을 준비하는“리코카츠”를 시작한다.
이혼 자체가 드물지 않게 된 시대, 이혼은 불행이 아닌 행복을 위한 포지티브한 첫발로 인식되기 시작했다.
현대의 가치관, 시대가 변해도 보편적인 남녀의 다툼을「리코카츠」라는 키워드를 통해 그렸다!
在這個時代,離婚本身已不再是一件稀奇的事情。離婚也不再被視為一件 “不幸”的事情,而是向幸福積極邁進的一步。
這部是通過“離婚活動”這個關鍵詞, 呈現現代人的價值觀和時代變化下也很普遍的男女鬥爭的愛情喜劇!
4 young men and women find real themselves through friendship, jealousy, betrayal, conflict.
A love story for all those that are bad at love!
Hana and Mizuki are best friends since elementary school.
Hana was cheated on by her ex-boyfriend and decided to go on a trip with Mizuki to heal her broken heart. There, they met 2 guys, Narita and Ayumu.
Right after they met, Narita scolds Hana with a fair argument. Hana repels at first but starts to realize that all the bad things that had happened to her are because she cannot tell people what she really feels. She starts trying to change herself.
Meanwhile, Mizuki has always been protecting Hana from the bullies. She has been Hana’s best friend for so long, but deep down, Mizuki is jealous of Hana. Whenever she has a crush on a guy, the guy always asks Mizuki to introduce Hana. Mizuki has a strong desire to be loved. She decides to get close to Ayumu and…!
This is a love story between 4 very different people who are clumsy about love.