Program List

Cast : Akira Takano (高野洸)
4 Titles

  • School Drama
  • School Drama

After School Doctor


An outrageous doctor arrives at the clinic of an elementary school.
His hair disheveled and constantly looking sullen, Dr. Makino is a “physician” by profession.
“Don’t get on the bed without permission!” “As much as possible, try not to come to the clinic.” “What a hassle! Is this even my job?!”
Blunt and always complaining, Dr. Makino is a scary school physician who glares at everyone, be it the teachers or the children.
But with his exceptional observation skills, he detects anomalies in the students and saves them, as well as their families and at times, the teachers.
Set in an elementary school, this human drama features Dr. Makino, a mouthy pediatrician with a big attitude.
Follow him as he uses his observation skills to detect the children’s unspoken cries for help and offers them encouragement.

  • Romance
  • Thriller
  • Romance
  • Thriller

Make up with mud


Miku Yuzuhara, who works at a department store reception, lacks self-confidence and constantly considerte of others. Every day, she wears minimal makeup to meet the expectations of her elite lawyer boyfriend, Haru, who wants her to be demure. One day, she has a fateful encounter with Eve Takakura, a makeup enthusiast who lives freely and boldly with his dazzling makeup. When Eve applies the red lipstick that Miku has always admired, for the first time in her life, Miku feels beautiful.

Miku thought her boyfriend Haru would be happy with her new look, but his reaction was completely unexpected! Triggered by Miku's makeup, Haru, who had always been kind, starts revealing a terrifying side.A dramatic love story of personal empowerment and reversal, where the girl, who gains confidence and starts to look forward thanks to makeup, confronts her boyfriend who has transformed into an emotional abuser and fights to reclaim her own life!

  • Sports
2020 -2020
  • Sports


Now is the golden era of dance performances in Japan and everyone's taking to the floor. All the dancers are aiming for one thing – to be crowned the KING OF DANCE. Skilled dancers from across the country are gathering to take part in an event that's being held for the first time in 5 years...

Sora is the leading character who has disappeared from the dance scene due to an unfortunate accident. There's also Kaito, another dancer who's quit dancing after death of his father, a globally renowned dancer. Despite being talented dancers, the two had distanced themselves from the art due to their internal struggles. But with the K.O.D. contest approaching, they once again resume their passion for dancing.

Who will overcome their difficult past, resolve issues with their teammates, and finally be crowned the K.O.D.?! This story of friendship and rivalry, featuring a colourful cast of characters, is no doubt going to be the hottest dance drama this year!

  • Comedy
2019.4 -
  • Comedy

I will Not Work Overtime, Period!


A satisfyingly heart-warming comedy in support of all people struggling to make their way in an age of revolutionary changes to the workplace. First tackling the issue of overtime work, the drama spotlights not only systemic reforms taking place, but the change in mindset occurring among working people as they re-envision the shape of future society and the balance between life and work.

Currently, Japanese society encompasses widening views on overtime including those who regard it as a necessary evil and others who still see it as a virtue. The protagonist in this story, however, does not. As is a new-age working girl with the personal motto: “Go home at the appointed time,” her working life is a constant battle with High-maintenance r colleagues and ethically-questionable superiors. And yet she still manages to discover small miracles every day, imparting pithy yet inspirational messages about Why we work, the importance of self-love and the value of friendship.

일하는 방식 개혁”의 시대를 살아가는 모든 이들을 응원하는 통쾌한 마음이 따뜻해지는 코미디.
「잔업 문제」를 전면으로 내세워 단순한 제도 개혁이 아닌 일 하는 사람들의 의식개혁=사회인이 지녀야 할“라이프 워크 밸런스”에 대하여 다룬 작품이다.
「이상과 현실은 다르다. 야근은 어쩔 수 없다」며 포기한 사람들, 「야근 하는 미학」을 가진 사람들 등 많은 의견들이 존재하는 지금의 일본 사회.
주인공은 현대의 일본에서“정시 퇴근”을 좌우명으로 살아가는 신세대 워킹걸이다.
특이한 갑질 상사와 동료들 사이에서 분투하면서 매일 작은 기적을 일으킨다.
그리고, 「무엇을 위해 일하는가?」「자신을 소중히」「동료를 소중히」등의 심플한 메시지를 전한다.

爲了加油活在“工作意識改革”時代的每個人的痛快温馨喜劇。該劇以很多公司的“加班問題” 作為切入點,不僅只是制度改革,而重新審視關于勞動人民的意識改革=社會應該擁有的“工作與生活的平衡”。
劇中女主角是一個在現代日本以“絕對準時下班” 模式生活的新一代工作女孩。