Program List

Cast : Atsuro WATABE (渡部篤郎)
5 Titles

  • Action

  • Action



An underground group of special investigators, Avalanche tracks down criminals who conspire with government officials to break the law. After collecting evidence using tactics that border on the illegal, Avalanche kidnaps wrongdoers and forces them to confess in a court of their own making: social media livestreams, guaranteeing worldwide exposure over the internet.
The goal: social obliteration of the guilty.
Is Avalanche a group of terrorists, or heroes?
Has justice been served? You decide.
The leader of Avalanche is Yamamori. She knows well the tyranny of power, having been forced into a do-nothing job at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police department, relegated from her former role of investigator at the Cabinet Intelligence and Investigation Office for knowing too much.
On Yamamori’s Avalanche team are a former public security agent, an ex-detective well-versed in machinery and explosives, a legendary hacker, and a military veteran highly skilled in shooting and martial arts.
Each of these outcasts has reasons to resent the authorities in power. Each leverages his or her specialty to crack the cases that official channels not only couldn’t solve, but also covered up.
Avalanche’s ultimate goal — Yamamori’s ultimate goal — is to expose the tyrannical corruption of a man named Oyama. Though officially the ruling government’s deputy chief cabinet secretary, in reality he’s the true power broker behind the scenes.
As Yamamori hones in on Oyama’s inner circle, Oyama tries desperately to crush Avalanche. The two sides creep closer and closer together, each trying to take the other out.
Though Avalanche begins in obscurity, each time they take someone down, their message spreads. In the end, who will the public support — the powerful authorities, or the powerless outlaws?
Who will win—Oyama, or Avalanche?
The hunt is on.

  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance
2020.10 -2020.12
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance

Daughter of Lupin 2


A wacky, unprecedented, and unique drama that brings together the best of family-centered dramas, romantic comedies, action stories, and musicals.

After overcoming all sorts of obstacles, Hana and Kazuma now have the newlywed life they dreamed of. However, since Hana is a part of the "L Family"ーwho are all considered deadーthe two are only married informally. But their long-awaited life together as couple is short lived. Wataru, Hana's older brother, has discovered a new, big target for their heist, and the "L Family" has fully started back up. Hana wants to cut her ties with her family of thieves and live a peaceful life with her beloved Kazuma, but what will her fate be?!

2018 -2018



After the collapse of the bubble, in 1997, a foreign capital fund suddenly appeared in Japan still struggling in the middle of the “lost decade”. Masahiko Washizu, the president of the fund, is fiercely criticized, but promotes and wins takeovers on major banks and elite corporations suffering from bad loans. As the “Specialist of takeovers,” he probes deeper into a company than anyone else and challenges it. Called “the most eager corporate buyer”, Washizu scares Japanese companies, but carries out revolutions within corrupt corporations and Japanese business community by taking drastic and piquant measures that no one has dared to take.

Original: Jin Mayama

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
2017.4 -2017.6

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

Crime Syndrome


In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, there is a secret team that takes care of certain crimes that could not be handled by police official. Their duty is to investigate the tricky cases and seek the truths that cannot be dealt openly.
This is a suspenseful socially aware drama that depicts three issues, which are kidnapping, disappearance and murder in a profound manner. The common theme throughout this drama is “Revenge, if it is right or wrong”.
There are two men playing as leading principles, Muto and Kaburaki. A girl who had been so special for both of these men was killed. For Muto, the girl was his younger sister whom he loved like his daughter after the death of their parents in their youth. The other man, Kaburaki, who had been a lonely man with no family , for him, the girl was the only one he had ever loved in his life.
In the “Season 1,” it focuses on Muto who suffers conflicting feelings, wishing to make a revenge for his sister, yet chooses not to go for revenge and tries to track down the crime pledging that no such victims shall be claimed again.
In the “Season 2 “, the main character changes into Kaburaki who is getting trapped with his desire to go for revenge that goes over the line. There is also another key person, Tamaki, the commander of this special mission who is cold-blooded. He is a kind of man who would do whatever in order to break the case.
The drama develops peculiar and absorbing cases such as kidnapping and murder with the three men as main roles of the story. It depicts in-depths the question of “ Is revenge justifiable or not” through the point of totally different types of men.
Muto and Kaburaki, who are tied with deep mutual attachment, struggle, suffer, get enraged and undergo emotional turmoils with the different answers they finally found against “revenge.” Eventually, tragedy awaits them..
This is the first joint drama production between “Otona no Do dra,” literally Saturaday drama for the matured viewers, and Japan’s number-one premium pay-TV broadcaster WOWOW’s “Drama W series,”.
Both drama slots that feature human stories with a unique world view comes as an entertaining drama for adults.
The drama is based on the trilogy novel by Tokuro Nukui that sold over 450,000 copies as a total.
The novel comes from the very first time as drama series with the unique fashion in which the principles are replaced per cours.

深い友情で結ばれている武藤と鏑木は、復讐を巡って互いの決意の違いに葛藤し、怒り、苦しみ、そして悲劇的な結末を迎えることに…。 「オトナの土ドラ」と「連続ドラマW」。共に、独自の世界観のある人間ドラマを目指すドラマ枠が、大人が楽しめるエンターテイメントドラマを初の共同製作。

2016 -2016

The Unbrokwn


WOWOW brings acclaimed author Toyoko Yamasaki's 1999 literary tour de force to life on the small screen for the very first time. Audiences have already received television adaptations of Yamasaki's other works – The Ivory Tower (白い巨塔), The Grand Family (華麗なる一族), The Waste Land (不毛地帯), A Son of the Good Earth (大地の子), and My Destiny (運命の人) – and can now add The Unbroken (沈まぬ太陽) to that list with this long-awaited production.
Features a star-studded cast and additional filming on location in Africa and the Middle East.
