Program List

Cast : Ayako Imoto (イモトアヤコ)
4 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama

My Second AOHARU


Sayako is approaching 30 and has begun to mourn a life devoid of money and an education. “It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this,” she sighs, lamenting her past failed college entrance exams. That’s when she meets college student, Taku, whose words of encouragement rekindle her desire to chase a once abandoned dream of becoming an architect. As a 30-year-old office worker, Sayako joins with Gen-Z college students to embark upon a new chapter and second youth in life.

사야코는 학력도 돈도 없는 사회인. 예전 건축에 대해 배우고 싶어 대입시험에 도전하지만 실패한다. 이후「아, 이게 아니야.」라는 생각을 품으면서 서른 살을 맞게 된다. 그런 가운데 사야코는 대학생 타쿠를 만난다.
「그때 대학에 갔더라면 다른 인생이었을까?」라고 털어놓는 사야코에게 타쿠의 한마디가 계기가 되어 운명이 크게 움직이기 시작한다…!
한차례 포기했던 건축가의 꿈을 이루기 위해 다시 배우기로 결심하고 별 볼일 없는 회사원에서 서른 살 대학생이 된다!
인생 제2막을 시작한 사야코가 현재를 살아가는 대학생들과 함께 펼치는 세컨드 청춘 러브 코미디!


  • Comedy
2019 -
  • Comedy

Your Home is My Business! -2nd Attack-


Her biggest rival emerges!

It was the summer of 2016 when legendary real estate agent Machi Sangenya suddenly appeared out of the blue and sold tons of homes in ways that were at times heartwarming and at times shocking.

Two years after she disappeared, Machi resurfaces and takes her act to the max in 2019 to convince problem-riddled difficult clients to buy homes at unprecedented levels! Her marriage with manager Dai Yashiro remains shrouded in mystery. What's more, just when everyone thought she was unbeatable, a super closer suddenly shows up!

Known as the prince of real estate, drop-dead gorgeous Kenji Rusudo seems to be hiding a secret and prefers not to work for any particular company. His entrance into the picture feels like a recipe for disaster, both professionally and romantically!

"Your Home is My Business! -2nd Attack-" is fiercer on all fronts and is sure bring any era to a close with a bang. You can count on all your favorite characters to come back in 2019 bigger, better, and stronger!

  • Family
2018.10 -2018.12
  • Family

Downtown Rocket


Following its smash hit debut in 2015, Downtown Rocket returns for a second season in 2018 furthering the struggles and challenges of Kohei Tsukuda, a former rocket scientist and leader of the Tsukuda Manufacturig Co., a cozy factory in the old part of Tokyo. Having lost his father, Kohei had taken over the firm’s development of a purely domestically-made rocket for a major industrial concern, Teikoku Heavy Industries and their Stardust Project. But when news arrives of a sudden replacement of the Teikoku president, the Stardust Project appears in jeopardy, further compounded by Tsukuda’s loss of a major client, a farm machinery maker, who decides to cancel engine orders. Having just shifted from rocket engines to farm equipment, Kohei and his factory must once again face a series of make-or-break challenges in order to survive.

2015년 대히트한 TV 드라마의 속편.
전 우주과학 개발 기구의 연구원으로 현재는 아버지가 남긴 변두리의 공장「쓰쿠다 제작소」에서 경영자로서의 삶을 살아가는 쓰쿠다 고헤이. 일본을 대표하는 대기업 데이코쿠 중공의 순국산 로켓 개발계획「스타더스트 계획」에 참가하고 있었다. 어느 날, 데이코쿠 중공의 사장 교체로 스타더스트 계획이 다음으로 끝날지도 모른다는 소식을 듣고 고헤이는 충격을 받는다. 동시에 큰 거래처인 농기구 회사로부터 소형엔진의 거래 삭감을 통고받고 고헤이는 강한 위기감을 품게 된다. 로켓 개발에서 농경기 개발로 방향을 전환한 고헤이와「쓰쿠다 제작소」의 새로운 도전을 그렸다.


  • Romance
2017 -2017
  • Romance

My Loser Husband


My hubby… so sweet but so pathetic.

Good looks, good education, good income! No doubt the ideal husband! Or at least that's how it was supposed to be, until the day she discovers a secret about her husband. He turns out to be the weakest link at work and drags everyone down.

He's torn apart. His wife still believes he's a star in the office and he doesn't want her to know that he's actually excess baggage. But as the blunders, humiliation, and scornful glares from the younger colleagues pile up, he finally reaches a breaking point. Just when he decides, "I want to quit," he finds out his wife is pregnant!

As the breadwinner of the family, there's no way he can quit his job. He doesn't want his pregnant wife to feel any anxiety, so he sets out to become a competent employee.

He sends out a distress call to his better half, and she agrees to throw her full support behind him. Thus begins their "two heads are better than one" office survival challenge.

What does it mean to be a capable corporate employee? What is happiness anyway? Does your career determine the worth of your family or you as a person?

Much laughter and tears are in store as a corporate loser husband hangs on to his wife's hand while he navigates the corporate jungle. This drama offers a whole new perspective on how a man-and-wife relationship can be. You've never seen a career/home drama like this one!




