Program List
La Grande Maison Tokyo SPECIAL
グランメゾン東京 スペシャル
Hayami became the first Asian female chef to earn a three-star Michelin rating within just a year of opening her restaurant. However, the spread of the new coronavirus caused a severe blow to her business. In a bid to survive, she returns to online sales of frozen dinners and recipes, which causes her dishes to focus more on appearance than taste, putting ‘Grand Maison Tokyo’ in danger of losing one of its Michelin stars. Meanwhile, the restaurant’s former top chef, Natsuki Obana, has disappeared somewhere in France. However, when Hayami visits a restaurant in Kyoto, rumored to soon be nominated as the world’s best French restaurant, she is convinced that Obana is there. Why has he mysteriously returned to Japan?!
하야미는 레스토랑 오픈 불과 1년만에 아시아인 여성 최초로 별 3개 레스토랑의 셰프가 되었지만 코로라 바이러스가 만연하여 큰 타격을 입는다.
살아남기 위해 통신판매용 냉동식품이나 레시피 사이트로 활로를 찾아보지만 보기에만 좋은 요리가 되어가고「그랑 메종 도쿄」가 미슐랭 별을 잃게 되는 위기적 상황에 처한다….
한편, 파리에 가 있어야 할 오바나는 자취를 감추고 연락이 두절되었다.
하야미와 쿠즈미는 세계 톱 레스토랑에 노미네이트된다고 소문이 난 프렌치 레스토랑을 찾아가고 그 가게에 오바나가 있을 것이라고 확신한다.
오바나가 일본으로 돌아온 목적은 무엇일까!?
為了繼續生存便開始進行冷凍食品網購、食譜網站等方式試圖找出活路,但卻因只能做出外表好看的餐點,讓「Grand Maison 東京」陷入了失去米其林星評價的危機中…。
Edomoiselle is an exhilarating, heart-warming comedy that takes place in Tokyo.
It is about a big-hearted Edo era courtesan looking for solace for her weary soul while getting wrapped up into trouble wherever she goes.
The story’s heroine is an ostentatiously cute and fabulous-looking woman who suddenly finds herself in the Reiwa era (2019~).
Modern, chic girls are bound to love her!
This Edo era woman will fall into the world of a meandering young man with uninspired career prospects and a stale love life!
Modern women will boldly seek out answers to their modern woes!
This is a romantic comedy full of heart that will transcend time itself and portray the painful love story between a woman and a man from two different eras.
Love Comes Crash Landing Beyond Time and Space...
Back after 13 years!
Undefeatable go-it-alone temp Haruko Ohmae is back after 13 years!
The dream of graduating from college and securing a stable future by becoming a permanent employee at a company ended as the Heisei era came to a close. Lifetime stability as a salaried corporate employee is now just an illusion. With the Work Style Reform Law, ageing population, side jobs, outsourcings, AI, deaths from overwork and what have you, the way Japanese people view work is changing.
In the current Reiwa era that is marked by chaos, how will the almighty temp Haruko Ohmae handle the workplace?
This is a drama that sheds light on what it takes to work with pride and dignity in the new era.
Natsuki Obana is a charismatic Japanese chef running a 2-star restaurant in Paris. Despite an extreme pride and confidence, he can’t seem to earn the 3 stars he covets. Feeling the pressure of a career slipping away, Obana’s troubles are compounded when his restaurant is caught in a scandal that forces its closure and the departure of his staff. Amid his despair, a glimmer of hope arrives when he encounters a female chef with whom he is encouraged to start anew. Assembling a staff of talented chefs, he launches his restaurant but is constantly clashing with personnel. Can a middle-aged man once knocked down recover the verve of youth necessary to achieve a lifelong dream?
요리에 인생을 걸고 파리에 자신의 가게를 가진 미슐랭 2스타를 획득한 카리스마 셰프. 자신감이 자만심으로 변하는 한편, 아무리 애써도 3스타를 가지지 못한 채 중압감에 괴로워하며 한계를 느낀다. 그러던 중 가게에서 중대한 사건이 일어나고 가게와 동료들을 모두 잃게 된다. 밑바닥으로 전락한 그는 어느 여성 셰프를 만나면서 다시 한번 셰프로서 살아갈 것을 결심하고 주위와 충돌하면서도 동료를 모아 기울어진 레스토랑의 재건을 위해 분투한다. 인생의 고난에 맞닥트려진 남자가 다시 한번 꿈을 향해 노력하는“어른의 청춘”을 그린 휴먼스토리.
Dramatization based on the novel “RIKUOH” by Jun Ikeido. Koichi Miyazawa is the CEO of the longstanding company which manufacture tabi(traditional Japanese socks). Due to a decrease of demand for tabi thesedays, the Company, Kohazeya, has fallen upon hard times. For the company's survival, Miyazawa strikes upon the idea of creating a new type of running shoe that utilizes “tabi” making techniques to make the user feel as if running in bare feet. But the road ahead for a cash-strapped local company with a small staff is steep, and Miyazawa runs into continuous roadblocks only to be saved time and time again by those around him. Will he succeed in launching his running shoe and saving his company? Follow Miyazawa in this uplifting tale of economic revitalization.
이케이도 준 원작의『육왕』의 드라마화. 전통 타비(일본 버선)업체「고하제야」의 4대째 사장 미야자와 코이치는 해마다 줄어드는 타비의 수요로 자금난에 고민하며 하루하루를 보낸다. 신규사업없이는 앞으로 회사의 존속자체가 위태로울것이라는 위기감에 신규사업참가를 검토하기 시작한다. 그 사업은 타비제조로 지금까지 쌓아온 기술을 살려“맨발감각”을 추구한 런닝슈즈의 개발이었다.
하지만, 종업원 수도 적은 지방영세기업에 있어 그것은 고난의 길이었다. 몇번이나 좌절하는 미야자와였지만 그때마다 주변의 도움을 받는다. 과연 런닝슈즈의 개발은 성공할 것인가? 거기에「고바세야」의 미래가 있을까!? 감동의 기업회생스토리.