Program List

Cast : Denden (でんでん)
3 Titles

Atom's Last Shot


Nayuta is a young genius video game developer who works independently. His anonymity had gained him the moniker “the Banksy of video games,” until a certain incident caused him to shy away from games and live quietly. Meanwhile, the long-standing toy company Atom decides to delve into the video game industry in order to overcome their financial crisis. With no funds or experience, the people at Atom make a desperate attempt to contact Nayuta, the Banksy of video games, but will they succeed? Can they write a new chapter in the cut-throat world of video games?

나유타는 혼자서 게임을 제작하는 젊은 천재 게임 개발자.
누구도 그의 본모습을 모르기 때문에 「게임업계의 뱅크시」라 불렸지만 어느 사건을 계기로 게임 개발에서 떠나 조용히 살고 있다.
한편 폐업의 위기를 맞게 된 노포 완구 메이커 「아톰」은 경영 재건을 위해 새로운 사업「게임제작」으로 경영의 방향을 돌린다
자금도 노하우도 없는 아톰은 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 「게임업계의 뱅크시」인 나유타와 연락을 취하려 분투하지만...
경쟁이 치열한 게임업계에 새로운 전설을 탄생시킬 수 있을까!?





The cocky main character, SHIMURA, works at the general information desk of DEATH HALL and is always courteous to his customers.
DEATH HALL is the first place people go after death, the city office for the afterlife…
This is the place where the deceased are judged whether they will go to heaven or hell and the preliminary procedure is carried out.
Various dead people visit him daily. From those who have accepted their death, to those who are just lost souls. SHIMURA questions them “How did you die today?” and guides them to the appropriate section for their death.
One day, a college girl, MICHIRU, who died of acute alcohol intoxication, comes to DEATH HALL. She is interested in SHIMURA and finds the surprising truth that all the staff members in DEATH HALL have one thing in common…

Emergency Interrogation Room


Yukiko Makabe was a senior officer on the Special Investigations Team, but was reassigned after she took responsibility for a failed bus hijacking case. She was transferred to the Department of Grill Room Investigation. Since the department is specialized in conducting important investigations, only the best made it into the group. Surrounded by veteran investigators with unique personalities, Yukiko starts her new career. Her job will be to uncover the hidden truths by interrogating suspects that are far from ordinary. This is a new police drama that focuses on the battlefront behind closed doors.