Program List

Cast : Eita (瑛太)
3 Titles

2020.1 -

Family Bond


Kawasaki is a master carpenter who has a consummate skill. He looks scary but he is full of human warmth and has a weakness for women. Living with his wife and a daughter happily and as usual, he works hard, the sales woman of an insurance company passes by his work place . In fact, she is a single mother who has a son “Ryusei” who doesn’t know his real father . Kawasaki is concerned about him and thinks of building a house for them, however, his wife, daughter and his apprentice are not satisfied with his behavior. He can’t read the line around him.
While he devotes himself to build a house, the father of Ryusei appears in front of Kawasaki.
As the film portrays his care for the shy boy, the story reveals the truth about the daughter not being his biological daughter and the emotional challenge between him and his apprentice. There are some dramas with the man's family.

川崎慎吾(長渕)は神技的な腕を持つ大工の棟梁。強面風で、やんちゃな人情味厚い男だが、好みの女性には少々弱い。妻・美沙希(飯島)と娘の柑奈(山口)と幸せに暮らし、いつものように仕事に励んでいるところに保険会社の営業ウーマン・池田芽衣(広末)が通りかかる。実は彼女は、龍生(潤浩)という息子がいるシングルマザーで、父親を知らない彼を気にかける。この親子に家を作ろうと思い立つが、そんな慎吾の様子に納得がいかない、娘と妻と一番弟子の高史(瑛太)。周りの空気も気にせず、家づくりに没頭する中、龍生の父親と名乗る男が慎吾の 前に姿を現す。

2018 -2018


A precious, touching drama…

A girl who lost her family and became separated from society can no longer figure out a way to live. The story begins when she meets an old woman. Deception and betrayal have hardened them to the point of no longer being able to believe in people.

The two eventually realize that they feel the same way about many things, and the old woman shelters the girl. Theirs is a fake family and fake life, with fake memories. Suddenly, an incident occurs.

Delving into the meaning of life, this drama will grip your heart as it leaves you wondering, "What makes living truly worthwhile?" It's a story of search, one that has "fake" beginnings that evolve into true human love. The next legendary drama has been born.



  • Crime & Investigation
2017 -2017
  • Crime & Investigation

Hello, Detective Hedgehog


The “Akatsuka Detective Agency” sits nestled in a quiet residential district of Tokyo, Shimo-Akatsuka in Itabashi Ward. Goro and Gure are laid-back employees who are more often found kicking back in a snack bar downstairs called “Kirara”, fraternizing with its part-time barmaid, Moemi. One day, they hear a loud rapping on the ceiling above. By the third knock, they realize it’s the signal from agency chief, Kaoru Kaze, that there’s a new client! They rush upstairs to be cussed out by their boss who has been drinking since noon, but then turn their attention to the stranger in the room: a man named Kawada who is looking for his daughter whom he “lost” a month ago.

도쿄 이타바시구 시모아카쓰카에 조용히 자리잡은「아카쓰카 탐정사무소」
매사에 무사태평주의인 고로와 그레는 사무소 아랫층의 스낵바 키라라에서 오늘도 느긋하게 아르바이트생 모에미에게 작업을 걸고 있다. 그때 천장에서 쿵쿵하고 소리가 울린다. 또다시 세번의 소리가 울리고, 소장인 가제 카오루로부터 의뢰가 들어왔다는 신호를 눈치챈 고로와 그레는 서둘러 사무소로 돌아온다. 대낮부터 술을 들이키는 카오루는 욕설로 두사람을 맞이하고 고로와 그레는 사무소를 찾아온 의뢰인과 대면한다. 가와다라는 남자의 의뢰는 바로 한달전에 사라진 딸을 찾아달라는 것이었다.

安閑度日的所員五郎和鼓雷、毎天都在辦事處樓下的(酒吧"輝(kirara)"裏拿打工的萌美開玩笑取樂。今天也是老様子 就在這個時候、從天花板響了幾次的聲音。繼續的又響了三次聲音、那就是所長的風咖荷魯要他們工作時的信號、五郎和鼓雷趕緊返回了辦事處。