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Now sidelined due to injury and age, former pro-wrestling star Juichi Miyama was once groomed by his father, Jusaburo, an acclaimed Noh actor and “Living National Treasure,” to be his successor. But the young Juichi rebelled, left home, and cut off ties with his family. Now he’s just learned that his father, having miraculously survived a critical illness, intends to marry his young caregiver and leave all his money to her. So Juichi decides to return home to help with his father’s care, setting the stage for a showdown between Juichi’s family on one side and his father’s mysterious caregiver on the other.
미야마 쥬이치는 예전에는 인기 레슬러였지만 나이와 부상으로 지금은 간신히 시합에 나가고 있다.
쥬이치의 아버지는 일본 전통예능「노가쿠」에서 무형문화재인 소위「인간 국보」로 인정받은 미야마 쥬사부로. 가업을 이을 것으로 기대를 받던 쥬이치였지만 아버지의 지도에 반발하여 집을 나가 소식을 끊고 지낸다.
어느 날 아버지가 위독하다는 연락이 전해지고 기적적으로 목숨을 건진 쥬사부로는 자신의 간병인 여성과 약혼하여 모든 유산을 그 여성에게 물려준다고 선언한다.
쥬이치는 집으로 돌아가 아버지의 간호를 돕지만 가족과 수수께끼의 간병인 여성을 끌어들이며 간병과 유산상속을 둘러싼 격렬한 배틀 라운드의 공이 울린다!!
A new type of main character, who is both extremely ordinary and universally lovable.
Machida is unlike any protagonist you've seen before. He's dull, he wears glasses, and he has no distinguishing features.
His only talent is his ability to love everyone, unconditionally. However, as he gets to know his classmate Inohara, who says she hates people, he is forced to confront an emotion growing within himself that he has never felt before...
Suddenly, a series of unexpected events is set in motion, with unpredictable consequences. Before long, Machida drags more and more people into his orbit, which ultimately results in an amazing conclusion!
Staff:Directed by Yuya Ishii
Screenplay by Sho Kataoka and Yuya Ishii
Music by Takehiro Kono
Planning & Produced by Naoaki Kitazima
Based on Manga “Machida-kun no Sekai” by Yuki Ando (SHUEISHA Inc.)
Nao Kitazawa, 34, leads a busy but fulfilling life as a doctor at a women’s clinic and as fiancee to an elite psychiatric physician, Yuchi Ihara. With their wedding day a month off, Nao is preparing to move into a new home when she meets Shinji Mamiya, a struggling writer who works part-time as a mover and falls inexorably in love with him. The fateful encounter compels Nao to follow her heart and experience true love. Overwhelmed by Nao’s passion, Shinji soon falls for her as well, but their budding romance is threatened by the tragic discovery that Nao has early onset Alzheimer’s. What unfolds is a story of pure love. As Nao’s symptoms worsen, Shinji spends the next ten years giving Nao mental and health support even as she begins to lose the precious memories they both shared.
기타자와 나오는 여성 클리닉에서 일하는 34세 의사. 나오에게는 엘리트 정신과 의사 이하라 유이치라는 약혼자도 있고 매일 바쁘지만 충실한 나날을 보내고 있었다. 결혼식까지 한 달을 앞두고 새집으로 이사를 하는 날, 나오는 이삿짐 아르바이트를 하는 인기 없는 소설가 마미야 신지와의 운명적인 만남으로 사랑에 빠진다. 처음으로 진실한 사랑에 돌진하는 나오와 그녀의 박력에 압도당하면서도 차츰 마음이 끌리는 신지. 하지만 그런 두 사람의 사랑을 방해하는 듯 나오는 연소성 알츠하이머병에 걸린 것을 알게 된다. 점점 병이 진행되어 가는 나오와 자신을 잊어가는 연인을 씩씩하게 지키는 신지와의 10년간의 사랑을 그린 러브스토리.
Staffed by sketchy people, this rock-bottom hotel is on the brink of bankruptcy! Out of nowhere, the ultimate shady guest arrives. This is the story of a hotel's "miraculous" transformation.
"Welcome to Hotel on the Brink!"
Nestled in the suburbs are the remnants of what was, in the old days, a small-but-grandiose, classy hotel appreciated by people in the know. As the years went by, however, it found its way to rock bottom and on the brink of bankruptcy, staffed by people with zero motivation and skills. It's truly a gathering of sketchy losers!
Today, like any other day, the lifeless lobby is manned by yawning employees. Suddenly, into the classical ambiance enters an extremely casual-looking young man. He is out of place in the surroundings, and the unmotivated but overly-arrogant staff members turn their malicious eyes on him. Not one person has any inkling that he is about to turn this rock-bottom hotel upside down.
Drowning in debts totaling 300 million yen (3 million dollars), this classic hotel has morphed into a den infested with useless staff notorious for their shadiness and horrible service. It's so on the brink that moving one block will cause the whole thing to crumble, literally and figuratively.
If you're thinking there's not much you can do to change your current situation anyway, look no further. This Sunday evening comedy will help you laugh the blues away! Gathered in a single hotel armed with their own unique shadiness, the colorful characters will weave together an outrageous sitcom just for you. Just a one-hour "stay" every Sunday leaves you laughing and laughing until you suddenly realize you've been touched profoundly. That's the experience this hotel promises!
奇葩辈出的无能员工!濒临倒闭的底层酒店! 出现在这里的,是比任何人都更加奇葩的神秘顾客! 这是一家酒店的"奇迹"故事。
A compelling human drama about the growing social problems and public responsibilities regarding the welfare and ethical treatment of neglected dogs and cats at animal shelters.
The story is told through the eyes of tormented vets who are relentless in their efforts to change the system to serve these animals with dignity.