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“Rumi’s Phenomenon” centers around Rumi Ikuno, an extremely unusual high school girl. Rumi tries to do all the things an ordinary high school girl would do – have friends, fall in love, study, and work part-time. But somehow, her uniqueness explodes and things deviate in an utterly different direction. She’s definitely not what one calls commonplace, and she seems scatterbrained, but her classmates like her very much. Here is a hilarious high-school comedy about Rumi who warms the hearts of people around her.
瑠美的兴趣和特技是脱臼。喜欢的男子类型是【只要是洋介都喜欢】。从英文【My name is Nancy.】来的灵感翻译介绍自己【我的名字是明美】,唱卡拉OK的时候唱【千叶真一和千叶哲也的歌】,要是举例子来介绍她不可思议的生活态度的话,多得数不过来。所以说,瑠美酱有点儿那个…,嗯非常奇特的女子高中生,但是难以捉摸的生活态度中却又有那么可爱的部分存在。友情,恋爱,学习,打工------等这些女高中生青春生活中必不可少的经验,瑠美酱却和这些经验格格不入。这部描写离经叛道的瑠美酱日常生活的女子高中生剧.