Program List

Cast : Fumi Nikaido (二階堂ふみ)
7 Titles

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

Eye Love You

Eye Love You

An accident endows protagonist Yuri with the unwelcomed ability to see into people’s hears just by looking into their eyes. Such exposure to the true feelings of herself and others scares her into social reclusiveness. That is until the day she meets Teo, a Korean youth with a genuinely affable personality. Her telepathy being neutralized when with Teo, Yuri begins to harbor hopes of a romantic relationship she’d once thought impossible. But can this ray of sunshine melt the frozen wall that protects her?

주인공 유리는 어떤 사고를 계기로 눈을 보면 그 사람의 마음의 소리가 들리고 마는 “텔레패스” 능력을 가지고 있다.
“텔레패스” 능력을 가지게 되어 버린 유리는 타인의 본심이나 자신의 본심을 사람에게 보여주는 것도 두려워져 필요 이상으로 사람과의 관계를 멀리하게 된다.
그런 어느 날, 밝고 다정한 성격의 한국인 태오를 만난다.
마음의 소리를 알 수 없는 태오라면 포기했던 연애도 어쩌면 … 이라는 생각을 하게 되는데!
자신의 본심을 드러내지 못하는 유리의 닫힌 마음을 태양처럼 밝고 솔직한 태오의 존재가 어떻게 녹여갈 것인가!


  • Action
  • Adventure
2023.7 -2023.9

  • Action
  • Adventure



Yusuke Nogi of Marubishi Corp. is about to seal a solar energy plant deal when he is blamed for a remittance error that sends him to the central Asian republic of Balka to retrieve 13 billion yen or face dismissal. He then nearly dies in a terrorist explosion, but learns the local authorities are hunting him as the bomber suspect! He avoids capture with the help of a mysterious Japanese intelligence agent Nozaki and a female doctor Kaoru, but can Nogi get to safety and recover the money?

대기업 무역회사「마루비시 상사」에 근무하는 노기는 GFL사와 태양에너지 플랜트 사업의 계약을 본격적으로 진행하고 있었다.
그러나, 오송금이 일어나게 되면서 손실의 130억엔을 회수하기 위해 송금처인 발카공화국으로 향한다.
사내에서 노기는 오송금의 범인으로 의심받아 130억엔을 되찾지 못하면 징계해고될 위기에 처하고…!
그런 가운데 폭발에 연루된 노기는 폭파범으로 오인을 받고 발카경찰에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.
현지에서 만난 공안 형사 노자키와 의사 카오루와 함께 노기는 발카공화국을 탈출하기 위해 동분서주한다….
과연 노기는 130억엔을 되찾을 수 있을까?


  • Romance
2021.7 -2021.9
  • Romance

Promise Cinderella


Hayame’s peaceful existence is suddenly shattered one day when her husband announces he wants a divorce, and she runs away from home. Then all her money is stolen, and she finds herself with no place to live. That’s when she encounters high school student Issei, a rich, handsome rogue who offers to let her stay with him if she will agree to take part in a “real-life game.” And so, Hayame takes up residence in Issei’s family mansion where she is introduced to a world of excitement, thrills, and romance that she never could have imagined. This is one heart-pounding love story that you won’t want to miss! What’s more important, love or money—or maybe neither?

평온한 삶을 살고 있는 전업주부 가쓰라기 하야메는 남편에게 이혼 통보를 받는다. 충격으로 집을 뛰쳐나오지만 소매치기를 당하고 무일푼 노숙자 신세가 된다.
그런 하야메 앞에 나타난 성격은 나쁘지만 돈 많은 꽃미남 고교생 가타오카 잇세이.
「재워주는 대신 게임을 하자」라는 제안을 하고 어떤 사정으로 떠맡게 된 빚을 갚기 위해 “리얼 인생 게임”에 참가하게 된다.
이렇게 잇세이의 저택에서 동거 생활이 시작하는데….
게임 감각의 두근거림과 잇달아 나타나는 사랑의 장벽, 상상도 못한 연애 방식의 전개에 지금까지 없었던 스릴 있는 설렘을 느낄 수 있는 러브스토리!
인생에 필요한 것은「사랑」인가「돈」인가, 아니면?

為了還清背負著另有隱情的債務,早梅同意了片岡提出「可以來住我家,但要陪我玩遊戲」的條件,加入到“真實版大富翁” 的遊戲中。

  • Family
  • History
2018 -2018
  • Family
  • History

In This Corner Of The World


Suzu Urano is an innocent young woman who loves to draw pictures and lives in the seaside town called Eba district of Hiroshima. At the height of World War II in the Pacific with all the men off at the front, she finds herself as eldest daughter assisting with the family business of seaweed to make ends meet when an offer of marriage arises. The suitor is Shusaku Hojo, a young stenographer at the military court-martial who had fallen in love with her at first sight, but Suzu doesn’t remember ever having met him. Though uncomfortable with the idea of betrothing a man she doesn’t know, she gets swept along by the people and circumstances around her until marriage becomes a foregone conclusion. She finds the task of winning acceptance by Shusaku’s family hard going despite all of her pure and earnest efforts in this touching story of family love and survival amid the crucible of war.

히로시마시 에바에 사는 스즈는 조용한 성격에 그림 그리는 것을 좋아하는 젊은 여성 이다. 태평양전쟁이 한창일때, 김농사로 생계를 꾸리는 우라노 집안의 장녀 스즈에게 어느날 혼담이 오간다. 상대는 쿠레시에서 군법회의 서기를 하고 있다는 청년 호죠 슈 사쿠. 예전 스즈를 보고 첫눈에 반했다고 하는데 스즈는 슈사쿠를 만난 기억이 없다. 전혀 모르는 남자와의 결혼이 전혀 실감이 나지 않지만 주변의 성화에 우왕좌왕하는 사이 혼례가 결정된다. 결혼후에도 스즈는 슈사쿠의 집안에 쉽게 받아들여지지 못하고 순진무구한 스즈는 애를 먹는다. 점차 격화되는 전쟁속에서 열심히 살아가는 가족의 사랑을 그린 이야기.


  • Romance
2017 -2017
  • Romance

Frankenstein's Love


The “Frankenstein” that is known the world over comes back to modern day Japan as an original love story.
After numerous trials and errors experimenting with bringing a dead person back to life, Dr. Franken finally creates an ugly yet kindhearted monster who will never age and die.

A man who was given life as a monster, with a dangerous body that holds a secret.
Because he's not able to life alongside humans, this monster decided to vanish.
One hundred years later, in 2017, the monster continues to live in Japan.

Hiding deep in the forest, he lives a quiet and lonely life.
He will live forever with his powerful body that is unlike any human being.
Yet he has a heart that is more human than any human in existence.
Even though he knows it's impossible, he still continues to dream of one day living as a "human".
He listens to the "human world" on the radio and gathers things that people have thrown away as he reminisces on what it's like to live as a human.
He is a uniquely cute monster who longs to be human.

One fateful day, he meets a young woman. In despair, he no longer wants to meet humans. They scare him tremendously. He fears that they won't accept him. But he wants to meet, talk, and laugh with humans.

Until one day, the monster falls in love with a human.

It's a love that won't bear fruit, for his body holds a secret that prevents him from touching any human being.

This story is about a sorrowful monster who shows humans a love they've never known before. Moved by his unflinching love, the humans make the most out of their lives in moments bitter and sweet, in tears and in laughter. Through it all, there is much love.

  • Family
  • Reality

  • Family
  • Reality

The Memories of Happiness


Taro Miura, due to various conflicts, now makes his living by collecting garbage from companies. One day, Taro witnesses his ex-wife, Junko with a man he does not know. Taro ends up going back to the house he used to live in, which is the house currently resided by his ex-wife, the daughters Natsuha and Fuyuka. Taro shows his concerns about Junko’s new marriage at every opportunity. His behavior gradually escalates and he starts to intrude Natsuha and Fuyuka’s lives. Where is this “family” leading to?



Woman -My Life for My Children-

A heart-gripping story of a mother’s unconditional love for her children and her economic plight in a harsh reality. The story serves as an anthem for all people who have ever had or have ever been a child.

Koharu is widowed by her beloved husband, Shin, in an accident one day. Left with her two young children, Koharu is suddenly faced with a reality as a single mother. Determined to provide for her children, Koharu works day and night on multiple jobs, but it does not take long for her income and savings to fall into a downward spiral that leads the family into poverty. As a measure of last resort, Koharu pleadingly applies for public welfare, but there, she is notified that her own mother, who had deserted her family for another man twenty years ago, has agreed to offer financial support. Thus, she is told by the bureau that her application for welfare could not be accepted. To Koharu's knowledge, her mother was a heartless woman who never showed or had any maternal love for Koharu to the extent of being able to abandon her. Confused and skeptic that such a woman would even want to help her, the exhausted Koharu decides to confront her estranged mother to refuse any financial aid--as her mother was the last person on earth she wanted to seek help from--but upon doing so, Koharu learns an unforgivable truth about her husband's death...