Program List

Cast : Fumino Kimura (木村文乃)
10 Titles

  • Mystery
  • Mystery

Sky Castle


The protagonist, Sae Asami, is blessed with a career and appearance that everyone envies. Kyoko Nikaido, who is talented, beautiful, and modest, and Misaki Natsume, who is passionate and charming—these women, living in the upscale residential area "Sky Castle," are all extremely wealthy and seemingly happy celebrity wives with husbands who are doctors at the prestigious "Teito Hospital."
However, among these winners, there is an inevitable battle they must fight to achieve even greater happiness...!! Along with their husbands' career challenges, they are also fiercely competing with entrance exams, as mothers whose children are in the same grade, striving to reach the top.

Then, a new resident with an uncharacteristically simple nature, pure sense of justice, and an excellent husband and son, Izumi Minamisawa, appears, along with a mysterious entrance exam coordinator, Ayaka Kujo, who ensures that all her students get into their desired schools. The women's battle enters a new phase.

Moreover, each of the five women, including Sae, who hides a past that could be a fatal blow to her celebrity life, harbor unexpected secrets, darkness, and struggles…!

Amidst this, a series of mysterious accidents in Sky Castle trigger a chain of events far beyond imagination, swallowing them all into a storm of turmoil.

TIMESLOT : Prime Time

  • Comedy
  • Family
2021.7 -2021.9
  • Comedy
  • Family



Shunpei is a single father struggling to care for his five-year-old son. One day, he runs into childhood buddy Sosuke, who decides to help his old friend out. Sosuke’s plan involves renting out the apartment above his rundown okonomiyaki restaurant as a share house and using the money to rebuild. When Sosuke puts out a call on social media for single parents like Shunpei, his hashtag #bemyfamily attracts the attention of Rei, a straightlaced schoolteacher, and Meiku, an ambitious singer-songwriter, each with a child of her own. But can this motley assortment of two men, two women, and three children really become a “family” just by living under the same roof?

아카기 슌페이는 어떤 사정으로 3개월 전 싱글 파더가 되었다.
5살 아들의 육아에 고전하던 중 우연히 재회한 소꿉친구 오사나이 소스케가 오지랖으로 SNS에 올린「#가족 모집합니다」라는 엉뚱한 모집에 휘말린다. 소스케는 자신이 일하는 낡은 오코노미야키 가게 공사를 위해 가게 2층에서 공동생활을 하여 월세를 얻으려고 한다. 아무도 오지 않을 거라며 어이없어하는 슌페이지만SNS를 계기로 조금 고지식한 초등학교 교사인 싱글맘 모모타 레이, 꿈을 좇는 애 딸린 싱어송라이터 오코세 메이쿠를 만나 어른 4명 + 아이 3명이 한 지붕 아래에서 살게 된다.
성격도 가치관도 서로 다른 7명은 어떻게 가족이 되어갈까?


2020.10 -

Seven Secretaries


8x54’ 7 ladies working as secretary for the dignitaries, who are the top of bank, Metropolitan
Government and National Police Agency, are trying to help the weak in the society by
moving the dignitaries stealthily. They have a lot of confidential information and
network, so they work in the shadow to help people who are suffering from unfair
Concept of this drama: Leaderless time, Swelling unemployment, there is no promising
future, so we have to move our leaders as much as we can do.

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
2019.11 -

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller
  • Mystery

A BUTTERFLY EFFECT –The Murder Analysis Team-

蝶の力学 殺人分析班

What is the meaning behind the blue flower planted in the victims’ necks by the culprit? The Murder Analysis Team faces its most puzzling and brutal case ever!!

Hideaki Takano (MUNETAKA AOKI), who Detective Touko Kisaragi (FUMINO KIMURA) trusts more than anybody else, is being transferred to the Public Security Department from their Section 11 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s 1st Investigation Division. Three days before the senior detective’s transfer, millionaire Hideo Amano is brutally murdered in his home. A blue flower is planted in his neck that has been split open, and his wife, Mayumi, goes missing since the day of the crime. As the police investigate Mayumi as an important material witness, the press receives an email from “Cluster 16,” which claims responsibility for the murder and hints at Mayumi’s whereabouts.
The 1st Investigation Division, as well as the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police, is perplexed by a series of savage murders. As Takano’s transfer draws near, the pressure and expectation to solve the case weigh heavily on Touko. However, with little progress in the investigation, she is riddled with frustration and anxiety. Will Touko and her team be able to solve the ruthless killings?! The case comes to a shocking, unimaginable conclusion!




  • Comedy
  • Action
2019.6 -
  • Comedy
  • Action



Your slightly offbeat neighbor might actually be an assassin on vacation.

As his nickname implies, the Fable is an enigmatic assassin who terrorizes the underworld.
The overworked assassin gets an order from his boss.
"Live the life of a normal man for one year. Kill anyone during your vacation and I kill you." In incognito, the Fable is given the name, "Akira Sato" and his partner is "Yoko." They start their new lives as a regular brother and sister with a pet parakeet and part-time work, etc.
The assassin begins to enjoy a normal life with no body counts but troubles come looking for him. Other assassins are after him and others need his help.
The Fable must survive a life-or-death situation without killing anyone. Can he ever get his peaceful life back...?


Based on the original comic “THE FABLE” by Katsuhisa Minami (Kodansha Ltd., Young Magazine)
Screen Size:1:2.35
Japanese Theatrical Release:June 21st, 2019

  • History
  • History

Iwane: Sword of Serenity


This samurai has virtues that many of us have forgotten.
Iwane Sakazaki returns to his homeland and gets caught in the middle of an incident that results in the tragic death of two of his best friends from childhood. He decides to leave his domain, parting with his fiancée Nao who he was going to marry shortly after his return, and becomes a vagrant masterless samurai with nothing more to lose.
Iwane begins living in a row house in Edo, filleting eels during the day and working as a bodyguard at night for Imazuya, a reputable money exchanger.
He gradually wins the trust of the people around him - including his landlord Kinbe, who helped Iwane find work, and his daughter Okon, who starts to have feeling for him - because of his mellow nature, the chivalrous way he treats everyone with courtesy, and his skills of swords.
One day, he learns that Imazuya is being targeted in a conspiracy to sabotage a new monetary system implemented by the government. Though still trying to recover from the anguish he suffered back home, Iwane decides to protect the people who have given him support.


  • Mystery
2018 -2018
  • Mystery

99.9 Criminal Lawyer SEASON Ⅱ

99.9-刑事専門弁護士-SEASON II

Miyama is an unorthodox lawyer who loves to take on criminal cases with a 99.9% chance of verdict certainty, and search for that minuscule nugget of truth that can overturn it. The “99.9 Criminal Lawyer” returns for a second season after taking the television world by storm starting April 2016. Providing more of the high courtroom drama unique to the series, this second season delves into Miyama’s battle with a judge as he seeks to uncover that 0.1% shred of evidence that can win a case. A young woman visits his law office claiming her father has been wrongly accused of murder. She is accompanied by a friend and former judge who insists Miyama litigate for a reduced sentence since a guilty conviction seems a foregone conclusion. But a surprised Miyama and partner, Sada, take on the case instead to pursue the whole truth against the wishes of their client.

파격적인 변호사 미야마가 역전불가능하다고 여기는 형사사건에 도전하는 『99.9- 형사 전문 변호사 -』
2016년4월에 방송하여 큰화제를 불러일으킨 드라마의 속편이다.
“99.9월드”라고도 불리는 독특한 오락성은 그대로 살리면서 시즌2에서 는 재판관과의 공방도 그려진다. 사법세계를 무대로 0.1%에 숨겨진 사실에 어떻게 다가가는지 주목할 만하다.
미야마가 근무하는 마다라메 법률사무소에 살인사건으로 기소된 아버지의 무죄를 주장하는 딸의 의뢰가 찾아든다. 미야마와 동료인 사다가 담당을 맡게 되고 딸과 함께 온 친구이자 전재판관인 마이코는「의심할 여지가 없 는 유죄이니 정상참작으로 감형이 되도록 변호해달라」고 부탁한다.
무죄를 밝혀줄 의뢰를 예상하고 있던 사다는 놀라고 진실된 사실만을 추구 하는 미야마와 대립한다.


深山工作的斑目法律事務所裏,來了一個請求要救被控謀殺案的父親的女兒。深山和同事佐田兩個人應對的時候,陪伴女兒的好朋,前法官的舞子,告訴他們「一定是有罪,沒有任何懷疑的餘地,所以我要你們為她父親用量情變成減刑」。估計她們是要要求證明冤枉的佐田吃驚, 便與想追查真相的深山發生衝突。

  • Romance
2017 -2017
  • Romance

I'm Your Destiny


“Where in this world will I find the woman I’m destined to be with? Many people might laugh if I tell them I believe in such things, so I never talk about it. But…”
I'd like you to think about it for a moment.
If Beethoven's parents didn't meet, he, much less his famous fifth symphony "Destiny," would have never existed.
If the parents of Edison, Einstein, or Bill Gates didn't fall in love, what would the world today be like?
Yes, in reality, there is certainly that special someone you must absolutely fall in love with--the person of your destiny.

A strange man who claims to be "god" suddenly reveals himself to 29-year-old lead character Makoto Masaki and declares, "You haven't realized it yet, but only a wall separates you from the one you must fall in love with, no matter what. The woman you're destined to be with works in the office next door."
"Sounds like something out of a creepy dream. But..," wonders Makoto. Skeptical at first, he eventually decides to believe the prediction and just go for it.
"Please don't be shocked. I'm your destiny," he tells fellow 29-year-old Haruko Kogetsu.
"What?" she replies, before flat-out rejecting him. And that's where their love story begins.

Whether it's the beach they went to as children, their college entrance exam building, or the shrine where they offered prayers last New Year's, it's a miracle how the two have actually crossed paths countless times since they were little. Yet they don't know each other's name nor recognize each other's face. The greatest "destiny" story kicks off on the worst possible note.

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
2016 -2016
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery


水晶の鼓動 殺人分析班

From a gruesome murder to a series of bomb blasts, it's explosive storytelling from beginning to end!
This “Crystal's Beating” (Suishō no Kodō) is the sequel to the immensely popular crime suspense drama series “Cocoon of Stone” (Ishi no Mayu), and the long-awaited second instalment in the “Murder Analysis Team” (Satsujin Bunseki-han) series.


  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
  • Travel

  • Food/Cooking
  • Reality
  • Travel

A Taste of Life in Kyoto


Award-Winning Drama about Unknown Kyoto

This is a drama that allows you to enjoy Kyoto's restaurants that are not on tourist guides and that only Kyoto residents know about. Kana, a Tokyo resident, happens to stay in Kyoto for a short period of time. Kana visits real stores day after day and discovers the charms of Kyoto through conversations with store clerks. All parts of her interactions with shopkeepers were filmed using ad-libs. This popular drama has been highly acclaimed for its technique of blending scripted segment and non-scripted segment.
●Won the Grand Prix at the 8th ATP Kamigata Program Awards
●Won the 57th Galaxy Honors for programs recommended
●First place in the Japanese film category on the Chinese Douban website for 2020