Program List

Cast : Gitan Otsuru (大鶴義丹)
1 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Udo-chan’s Trip Special 2018

ウドちゃんの旅してゴメン!特別編 新春SP 2018

Popular comedian“Udo-chan”loved by people of all ages, goes on a carefree trip and encounters beautiful sceneries, local foods and local people. Udo-chan sheds a different light on even the most well-known tourist spots and brings a fresh perspective! The show delivers the charms of various places in Japan that the guidebooks do not mention.
At this time, he goes on a trip with an actor, scriptwriter and director “Gitan Otsuru” and a young actress “Rika Adachi”. They are heading to “Iga Ueno, Mie” which is a famous as Ninja town. They also visit a “Ninja Museum” and experience a Ninja performance. After they visit “Iga Ueno Castle”, they also go to a tea house that has a welcoming Ninja cat, etc.

俳優・小説家・映画監督と幅広く活動する、大鶴義丹さんとバラエティーで引っ張りだこの足立梨花さんをゲストに迎え、冬の伊賀上野を自由気ままな三人旅♪ 伊賀鉄道「上野市駅」からスタートし、「伊賀流忍者博物館」を訪れた3人!実際の忍者屋敷の狭い入り口を入ると、いたる所にカラクリが仕掛けられています!「伊賀上野城」、人気者の忍者ネコがお出迎えしてくれるお茶屋さん!さらには手作りのエールビールをいただける「エール工房 de 伊賀」へ!翻弄されながらも楽しい伊賀上野の旅に大満足の三人衆でした♪