Program List

Cast : Haruka Ayase (綾瀬はるか)
10 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues FINAL(2024)

義母と娘のブルース FINAL~2024年謹賀新年SP~

Stepmom Akiko grows concerned when daughter Miyuki, who is about to graduate from college, seems content to work part-time at Bakery Mugita without looking for a “real” job. After Akiko lectures Miyuki about her tardiness to job-hunting, they begin researching companies together. But no sooner do they start when Miyuki drops a bombshell. “I want to get married!” sending Akiko and everyone including bakery owner Mugita into a frenzy.

어느 날, 아키코는「베이커리 무기타」에서 아르바이트를 하면서 대학을 다니는 딸 미유키가 졸업을 목전에 두고도 취업활동을 하지 않는 것을 눈치챈다.
「이대로 무기타의 아르바이트로 살지 그러니?」라고 내뱉고 완전히 뒤처져버린 것에 반성하지 않는 미유키에게 아키코는 단기간의 맹훈련과 이인삼각의 취업 준비를 개시한다.
외동딸의 독립시키고자 분투하는 아키코의 모습에 미유키도 자신의 장래를 진지하게 생각하기 시작한다.
취업활동을 개시한 미유키였지만, 갑자기「결혼하고 싶어!」라는 충격적인 한마디를 내뱉는다.
미유키의 결혼 선언으로 무기타 점장도 연류시키는 큰 소동이 일어나는데!


  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
2022.4 -2022.6
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

My Ex-Boyfriend's Last Will


The protagonist of this series is Reiko Kenmochi, who works at a major law firm in Japan. As a lady with an immaculate physical appearance, she’s also a talented lawyer who wears fancy suits and clicks her heels as she winds her way through the city.
Reiko has saved her clients from many difficult situations by using her overwhelming knowledge of the law and her ability to bluff her way through any opponent. She insists on "winning" for her clients, no matter how risky it may be. As a brilliant lawyer, she is so obsessed with winning and so as expected, has many enemies both inside and outside of the firm. However, she doesn’t care one bit about how she is being perceived by those around. Reiko always says boldly that she is just being honest with herself, and that the desirable emotion that everyone has about money, is simply just stronger than others. If one is to describe her, it would be that she's a rusher, brave, and a “power-kegged jack-knife.” Such a free-willed lawyer suddenly gets involved in an unimaginable incident by chance…

  • Comedy
  • Family
2022.1 -
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues SPECIAL(2022)

義母と娘のブルース 2022年謹賀新年スペシャル

Company worker Akiko finds that a business she helped to revive has been taken over by a vulture capitalist, Ryoji, who looks identical to her deceased husband. When Ryoji’s next acquisition turns out to be a beloved bakery, Akiko suspects an ulterior motive and vows to resist. Caught between hatred of vulture capitalists and budding feelings toward her new boss, Akiko finds support from her stepdaughter, Miyuki, who is dedicated to looking out for her stepmom in this heartwarming drama.

의붓 엄마 아키코의 수완에 의해 재건을 보이고 있던 기업 골딕이 기업사냥으로 인수를당한다.
그곳에 나타난 새로운 오너, 외국계 펀드의 보스 료지는 세상을 떠난 남편 료이치를너무나도 닮았다!
료지가 다음 매수의 표적으로 삼고 있는 것은 바로 베이커리 무기타.
영업부장인 아키코는 뭔가 내막이 있는듯한 료지의 제안을 거절하지만 남편을 쏙 빼닮은그를 보며 복잡한 감정과 함께 기업 인수를 당한 복수의 마음으로 흔들린다….
그런 의붓 엄마를 딸 미유키는 성장한 어른의 시선으로 지켜본다.
의붓 엄마와 딸, 두 사람을 지켜주는 사람들의 사랑이 담긴 이야기!


  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller
2021.1 -2021.3
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller

Heaven and Hell: Soul Exchange


This drama about what happens when fate and love collide is non-stop entertainment!
Ayako is a gung-ho young detective in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s violent crimes unit who’s eager to make her name. One day she gets her big break: the chance to arrest a murder suspect single-handed. But before she can slap on the cuffs their souls are switched! She finds herself in the body of Haruto, a brilliant and successful young entrepreneur with his own startup who’s secretly a psychopathic serial killer—and he in hers. This bizarre exchange of souls sets the stage for a thrilling story that turns everything you thought you knew about men and women and good and evil on its head. As Ayako and Haruto are drawn closer together, these two natural enemies stumble onto an unexpected truth.

모치즈키 아야코는 경시청에서 살인과 강도 등 흉악범죄를 담당하는 수사 1과 형사.
어느 날 살인사건의 용의자인 남자를 자신의 손으로 체포할 큰 기회를 눈앞에 두고 불운하게도 그 용의자와 영혼이 뒤바뀌어 버린다.
아야코와 영혼이 뒤바뀐 살인범 히다카 하루토는 겉으로는 벤처기업의 젊은 경영자이지만 진짜 모습은 유례없는 두뇌와 지식을 구사한 사이코패스 살인마였다.
「형사와 살인마」라는 상반된 두 사람의 영혼이 바뀌는 것을 시작으로「선과 악」「여자와 남자」가 복잡하게 교차하는 스토리는 흥미롭게 전개된다.
그리고 영혼이 뒤바뀐 두 사람에게는 예상치 못한 진실과“궁극의 사랑”이 기다리고 있었다.


2020.6 -

Caution, Hazardous Wife: The Movie


The mighty wife returns!

Haruka Ayase plays a newlywed wife who hides her past as a secret agent and beats up one bad guy after another like an action star. The identity of her husband (an agent of the Public Security Bureau) played by Hidetoshi Nishijima is gradually disclosed through a thrilling plot development. This story about a husband and wife who lie to each other but love each other nonetheless garnered attention.
At the end of the series, it is revealed that the husband works for the Public Security Bureau, and their marriage is a cover to keep her under surveillance. In spite of his mission, he falls in love with Nami and tries to convince her not to get involved in other people's affairs. She is being monitored as a state-level security risk, and the bureau is unwilling to tolerate any more trouble from her. However, to save a friend, Nami runs out of the house and risks everything she has to confront the enemy.
When she comes home, she finds her husband pointing a gun at her!
A gunshot echoes through the quiet, upscale neighborhood...
The movie picks up where the controversial ending of the drama series left off!!

"Who am I?" The wife loses her memory?!
After an incident during her escape, Nami wakes up with no memory of her past. She is told that her name is Kumi and finds herself as a newlywed living in a regional city with her husband, Yuji. Somewhere in his mind, Yuji (Yuhki) thinks that if her memory doesn't return, they could carry on their happy life together as they are, but he continues to monitor Kumi (Nami) as a part of his job with the Public Security Bureau. If her memory does return, she must cooperate with the Public Security Bureau or die.
However, Yuji (Yuhki) knows that Kumi (Nami) will never choose a life subjugated by the government. He realizes that once her memory returns, their life together will have to end.
In the regional city invigorated by the discovery of a new energy source, their life is simple, peaceful, and happy. But the city is divided over the construction of a research lab, and the hostility between the opposition mainly made up of citizens and the advocates including the mayor heats up day by day. There is a big evil scheme by the advocates and a state-level secret behind the new energy source. The members of the opposition who discover the truth die in suspicious circumstances. One of them is Kumi's (Nami) friend...
When her best friend is harmed, the wife's instincts awaken!!
Kumi (Nami) gets her memory back but tries not to let her husband catch on. Then one day, Yuji's (Yuhki) life is endangered right in front of her eyes. She can save him if she exercises her fighting abilities. But if she does, their life together is over.
Faced with the ultimate decision, what does the wife set out to do?

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues SPECIAL


Akiko's back! This special picks up a year after the series ended . When we l as t saw Akiko, an ambitious career woman, she 'd just started work ing again after a long hiatus , but out of the blue she’s been fired f rom her high-powered job. Her stepdaughter Miyuki is now a university student living in Tokyo. Akiko hasn't seen Miyuki for a while, and she's in for a big surprise! When Akiko arrives, Miyuki’s boss is there wearing only a towel, holding a baby! Have these two had a baby together?! It wasn't easy for Akiko as a working person to be a stepmom, but she gave it her all, and Miyuki loved her back.
Don’t miss the new adventures of this loveable family.

  • Comedy
  • Family
2018.7 -2018.9
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues


Miyuki Miyamoto is an 8-year-old girl who lost her mother few years ago and now lives with her father, Ryoichi. When one day a hard-working career woman, Akiko Iwamoto, appears and becomes Miyuki’s new stepmom, Miyuki resists, particularly seeing Akiko presents herself with a business card. But Akiko, determined to win over Miyuki’s heart, uses all of her business experience and acumen to the task. And yet, none of her efforts succeed. Ryoichi, too, tries desperately to persuade Miyuki to accept her new stepmom, but he is simply no match for his daughter’s intransigence. Nevertheless, Miyuki finds herself gradually thinking hard about whether to ultimately accept Akiko.
The show paints a vivid picture of the ordinary joys and tears of everyday life, punctuated by the occasional small miracles.

수년전 엄마를 잃고 아버지 료이치와 둘이서 사는 소녀・미야모토 미유키 앞에 새엄마 가 되겠다며 나타난 열정적인 캐리어우먼 이와키 아키코. 명함을 건내고 수상스런 봉투 를 두고 돌아간 아키코를 새엄마로 받아들이지 못하는 미유키는「나, 이 사람 싫어」라 며 단호하다.
아키코는 백전노장의 비지니스 경험을 살려 미유키의 마음을 사로잡고자 다양한 작전 을 짜보지만 실패의 연속이다. 료이치도 미유키를 필사적으로 설득해보지만 오히려 말 싸움에 지고 만다.
큰사건도 해프닝도 없지만 아키코를 의붓엄마로 받아들여야할지 진지하게 생각하는 딸, 그 딸을 최선을 다해 지키려는 아버지의 평범한 일상에는 보통의 행복과 슬픔, 그리고 기적이 넘친다.


  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art
2014 -2014
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art

ALL ROUND APPRAISER Q - The Eyes of Mona Lisa -

万能鑑定士Q - モナ・リザの瞳 -

In 2014, after an absence of 40 years, the world’s greatest artistic treasure, the Mona Lisa, again pays a visit to Japan. Asahina, the museum’s Asia Director, is assigned the task of strengthening its guard against the constant threat that the famous painting will be stolen. He recommends the brilliant appraiser Riko Rinda for appointment as a curator. With magazine journalist Yuto Ogasawara in tow, Riko flies to Paris and easily passes the qualifying test. With Misa Ryusenji, who has also qualified, she sets to work studying her new field, but the more she learns about the Mona Lisa the less certain she becomes, and gradually her powers of judgment are affected. Ogasawara, trying to find out what is going on, learns something astonishing about how, 500 years ago, da Vinci painted a puzzle into the Mona Lisa’s eyes. Now a plot emerges around the painting, involving both France and Japan. Will Riko free herself from the Mona Lisa’s curse and bring the case to a happy end?

2014년, 40년만에 미술역사상 유일한 보물이라 불리는「모나리자」가 일본에 오게 된다.
루브르미술관 아시아권 대리인인 아시히나는「모나리자」의 일본도착에 앞서 어떤 사명을 루브르측으로부터 전달받는다. 그것은 끊임없이 노리는「모나리자」를 둘러싼 거대한 음모에 대한 경비강화였다. 아사히나는 천재감정사 린다 리코를 학예원후보로 추천한다. 잡지편집자 오가사와라 유토와 함께 파리로 향한 리코는 당당히 루브르미술관에서 열린 채용시험에 합격한다. 또 한명의 합격자가 된 류센지 미사와 함께 연수에 임하지만「모나리자」에 대해 알면 알수록 신체에 이변이 일어나고 점점 감정의 눈도 이상해지기 시작하는데…. 그 이유를 밝히려고 노력하는 유토는 500년전부터 다빈치가「모나리자」의 눈속에 숨겨놓은 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 그 무렵, 일본과 프랑스에서는「모나리자」를 둘러싸고 거대한 음모가 모습을 드러낸다. 과연 린코는「모나리자」의 저주에서 벗어나 어려운 사건을 해쳐나갈 수 있을까?

2014年,翘首期盼的40年美術史上唯一至寶 「蒙娜麗莎」終於登陸日本。

  • Family
  • History
2013 -2013
  • Family
  • History

Yae's Sakura (Japanese Title : 大河ドラマ「八重の桜」)

Sometimes following her dreams means breaking the rules.

NHK's famed Taiga drama series continues with the historical tale of Japanese heroine, Yae Niijima (1845-1932). Since Yae was from the Aizu Domain, which included the present-day Fukushima Prefecture, it is hoped that this tale of triumph over hardship will inspire the people of Fukushima during their earthquake and tsunami recovery effort, and keep the nation focused on supporting them.

"Rules are rules" is what Yae Yamamoto (later Niijima) often hears in childhood, and it echoes throughout her life. But some rules don't accommodate an independent-minded woman. Always a tomboy at heart, the young gunslinger, Yae, leads 500 other women in the fight to defend the Aizu Domain during the Boshin War. While their efforts are in vain, her drive for success is undiminished, and she goes on to lead an unusual life for a woman of her time.

Calling on an inner strength after the destruction of her beloved Aizu, she starts the next chapter of her life with study in Kyoto. While there, she realizes the importance of women's education, and she and her husband, the famous educator Jo Niijima, establish a Christian university.

Finally, Yae feels the call to serve once again during the first Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War where she works as a front-line nurse -- until then, an unheard-of role for Japanese women. As Yae dedicates her life to assisting others, she blossoms into a role model for modern women everywhere.

  • Family
  • History
  • Science
  • Romance
2011 -2011
  • Family
  • History
  • Science
  • Romance



Two years have passed since Jin slipped through a time warp and landed in the Edo period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate’s reign. Worried about the state of depression into which Saki has fallen, Jin pays a visit to her native home when it is revealed that her mother, Ei has been stricken with beriberi disease. According to her elder brother Kyotaro, Saki had come home to urge her mother to see a doctor only to be sent away without even being allowed in the home as Ei had not yet forgiven Saki for previously breaking off an arranged marriage proposal. In hopes of somehow saving Ei, Jin comes up with a scheme to administer medicine-laced sweets, for which Ei has a weakness.

시대를 초월해 미나카타 진이 막부의 에도시대로 타임슬립한후 2년쯤 지난 어느날.
상심한 사키의 모습이 마음에 걸려 사키의 집을 찾아간 진은 사키의 오빠 쿄타로로 부터 사키의 어머니 에이가 각기병이란 사실을 듣게된다. 어머니를 걱정한 사키가 집으로 찾아와 의사에게 진찰을 받으라 권하지만 혼담을 깬 사키를 용서할 수 없었 던 에이는 사키가 집안으로 들어서는 것도 용납않은채 그녀를 내쫓았다. 어떻게해 서든지 에이를 치료하고 싶은 진은 단음식을 좋아한다는 에이를 위해 과자를 준비 해 각기병치료를 하려고 하지만….

穿越時空而迷失在幕府的江戶時代已經有兩年了的「南方仁」,這一天, 因為擔心失落的「咲」來到了她老家探訪,從其兄「恭太郎」那兒得知咲的母親榮患有腳氣病。根據恭太郎的敘述,數日前咲因為擔心母親的病情而去拜訪了橘家,建議請大夫過來診斷,但由於當初咲逕自取消婚事,至今榮未能原諒咲甚至連她擅自前來腳跨橘家的門檻都無法接受,最後把她逐出了門外。無論如何,想救治榮的仁,為了偏愛甜食的榮想出了用一種甜點作成的偏方,來治療她的腳氣病,但…。