Program List

Cast : Haruka Igawa (井川遥)
5 Titles

2023.1 -

War of Traps

Parliamentary secretary Toru Washizu has devoted 20 years of his life to Kosuke Inukai, a member of parliament and cabinet minister. Toru works behind the scenes as Inukai's "shadow," deftly handling the petitions of Inukai's supporters and crushing any hint of scandal. Cool and collected, Toru rarely betrays emotion and would humble himself to anyone to get what Inukai needs.

But then a shocking event changes everything. Toru's only son, Taiki, is gravely injured in an accident that leaves him close to death. Toru is stricken with worry and fear for his son, but Inukai orders him to conduct a cover-up. Feeling betrayed, Toru, who once would have done anything for Inukai, begins to question everything.

Toru gets an idea: to set a reminder to the powerful, those who use their power to get whatever they want, no matter how unreasonable. A reminder of just how fragile the power they wield really is.

Using the knowledge, connections and information cultivated during his long career in politics, Toru pursues the truth behind the accident that left his son in critical condition. And for the politicians who have used their influence to cover it up, he concocts a spectacular revenge...

  • Family
  • Romance
2022.4 -2022.6
  • Family
  • Romance

Is Love Sustainable?


Kyoka is perfectly happy being single as is her father, Rintaro, a forlorn widower who lost his beloved wife, Yoko, to cancer. One day as the two clean house, they stumble upon a divorce form signed by Yoko. Shocked and reflecting on this revelation, Rintaro at age 63 decides it’s time to start over and find himself a life partner. And he challenges Kyoka to do the same. The race to wedding bells is on! in this love story about modern family growth and renewal.

“혼자라도 행복하게 살면 돼”라며 결혼 생각이 없는 요가 강사 쿄카.
쿄카의 아버지 린타로는 오랜 결혼생활을 함께 한 아내 요코의 갑작스러운 사망으로 완전히 의기소침한 상태였다.
두 사람은 어느 날 유품정리를 하다 사망한 엄마 요코의 이름이 적힌 이혼서류를 발견한다.
죽은 아내로부터의“이혼서류”라는 인생 최대의 충격을 받은 린타로는 63세에 제2의 인생 파트너 찾기를 도전하기로 결심한다!
「현대 가족의 성장과 재도전」을 그린 러브스토리!


2020.7 -



Naoki Hanzawa is a banker at the Tokyo Central Bank. Despite his having exposed many injustices inside the bank, the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double returns” for clients and their outlandish demands? Convention-busting banker hero, Naoki Hanzawa, underwrites a new legendary chapter in the financial world.

東京中央銀行のバンカー・半沢直樹。 銀行内で行われていた数々の不正を明らかにするも、まさかの出向を命じられ、東京セントラル証券に出向赴任するところから物語が始まる。 半沢はロスジェネ世代の部下達と立ち上がり、汚い手を使う卑劣な親会社に仕事を通じて逆襲する。果たして半沢直樹は、出向先で次々に発生するトラブルを乗り越え、理不尽な要求を突き付ける相手に「倍返し」出来るのか!? 型破りのバンカー、半沢直樹の新たな伝説が歴史に刻まれる!!

도쿄 중앙은행 뱅커 한자와 나오키.
은행 내에서 일어난 수많은 부정을 밝혀내지만 결국 좌천을 명령받고 도쿄 센트럴 증권으로 부임하면서 이야기가 시작된다.
한자와는 로스트 제너레이션 세대 부하들과 함께 교활한 방법을 사용하는 비열한 모회사에 업무를 통해 역습을 가한다. 과연 한자와 나오키는 전임지에서 차례로 발생하는 문제를 극복하고 불합리한 요구를 내세우는 상대에게「두배로 갚는다」를 실현할 수 있을까!?
파격적인 뱅커, 한자와 나오키의 새로운 전설이 역사에 새겨진다!!


My High School Business


With the future lying in the hands of our children, we teachers must revolutionize the way we think.
Kyomeikan Private High School has been deemed an "unprofitable business" by the company that runs it. Students score on the lower end of the national average range and are not particularly known to be strong in sports. With barely enough students to meet the minimum requirement to continue operating, Kyomeikan is a safety school for kids who didn't get in to their first and second choices.

One man is tasked with revitalizing the school's operations. Thirty-five-year-old Ryosuke Narumi (played by Sho Sakurai) is an elite corporate employee at Kashimatsu Bussan Co., Ltd., a large general trading company. He is suddenly assigned to the role of high school principal despite not having any experience as an educator. The realities of the academic world are so different from the rules in business that his days are filled with confusion.

"The job's too big for this young'un!" As expected, the teachers mock and resist Narumi. It's not as if they're passionate about the school's mission and values either. Mostly older and frustrated with their careers, the teachers have a jaded view of the educational system. Will Narumi succeed in turning Kyomeikan High School around? What lies ahead for him and the teachers?

This is not your typical academic drama that depicts the friendship and love between students and teachers. It's a human drama about the lives of the professionals who educate our children.

为了创建未来的孩子们, 身为教师,首先必须改变自己的观念——




  • School Drama
  • Sports

  • School Drama
  • Sports

Worst to First: A Teen Baseball Miracle


Nagumo is a social studies teacher at Mie Prefectural Koshiyama High School. A former baseball player in college who had to retire due to injury, he worked as a sports trainer before turning to his “other dream” of becoming a teacher at 32. When he is made advisor for the high school’s weak and disbanding baseball team, his life begins to come full circle, and strives to produce a miraculous turnaround for the team in this uplifting tale of love and baseball.

나구모는 미에 현립 코시야마 고등학교에 부임한지 3년차 사회과 교사.
대학시절까지 야구만 했지만 부상을 계기로 은퇴했다.
대학 중퇴후는 스포츠 트레이너로 일했지만 교사가 되는 꿈을 버리지 못하고 서른두 살에 대학에 재입학 후 교사가 되었다.
교원 생활을 하면서 지역 대지주의 손자가 입학한 것을 계기로 폐부 직전의 약소 야구부의 고문을 담당하게 되면서 생활이 완전히 뒤바뀐다.
어디에나 있을만한 지극히 평범한 사회과 교사가 낙오된 약소 고교 야구부를 재건하여 왕좌를 쟁취할 수 있을 것인가!?
고교 야구를 통해 다양한 사랑을 그린 드림 휴먼 엔터테인먼트!
