Program List
His public face is that of a teacher, but he’s secretly a CEO?!
A comedic school drama that smashes modern common sense is born!
At Eto Private School, Class 3-0 is where the school dumps students with “zero motivation, zero talent, and zero potential for the future.” They are called the Zero Class, and mocked fiercely, but now these bottom-of-the-barrel students have a new homeroom teacher. He is Rei Kagami, a handsome but somewhat unique educator. The common thinking at the school holds no sway with him. This teacher’s financial assets and motivation are off the charts, and that’s because, incredibly, he is the billionaire CEO who inherited of one of Japan’s leading corporate empires. Rei Kagami has been curious and caring from a young age, and that curiosity stayed with him as he matured, even as a more self-centered personality became apparent. He has come to Eto Private School without revealing his identity in order to achieve “a certain objective.” Although he is a superb manager, Kagami Rei’s lack of understanding of what is normal for the common people makes him useless as a teacher, and this leads to friction with his students and the rest of the faculty. How will someone like him, who might as well have come from an entirely different dimension, take on the troubles ailing the Zero Class? What can the students learn from him? And why has he come to the school?
Recently, people have lamented “Do we even need teachers in an age of AI?” Now, a new hero is here to smash that kind of common sense!
A woman’s teens, 20s and 30s - each decade brings its own level of expectations and anxieties. These watershed life moments tend to highlight issues of employment, love, marriage, childbirth, and parenting, with the added pressure of perceived time limits. Three so-called “9-border” sisters - aged 19, 29, and 39 - gather under one roof after their father's sudden disappearance struggle with love, life, and time issues in this melodrama about finding happiness and moving forward in life.
10대, 20대, 30대… 나이를 먹어가며 누구나가 직면하는 나이의 앞자리 숫자가 바뀌는 것에 대한 기대와 불안. 특히 여성의 인생에는 취직, 연애, 결혼, 출산, 육아 등 과제가 차례차례 찾아오고 여러 가지로 제약과 제한 시간이 설정되기도 한다.
19세, 29세, 39세, 이른바「새로운 연령대」를 맞이하기 전 라스트 이어=「9보더」중의 세 자매가 아버지의 갑작스러운 실종을 계기로 한 지붕 아래로 모인다.
「LOVE」「LIFE」「LIMIT」를 테마로 답답함과 초초함을 안고 행복해지기 위해 고군분투하며 적극적으로 인생을 살아가는 휴먼 러브스토리.
正值19歲、29歲、39歲,前往下個人生階段前的最後一年=「9 border」的三姐妹,由於父親突然失蹤而來到同一個屋簷下。
Plain-looking Tanaka-san from the accounting department is around 40 years old.
She has no friends and no love life, but she does have a secret side... a super sexy belly dancer!
Akari, a temporary employee, appears to be a lovable lady at first glance.
Truth be told, she is increasingly anxious about marriage as she believes her “market value” depends on her youth and cuteness.
Life is starting to become a struggle for Akari, who feels empty despite the slew of matchmaking parties she attends.
One day, Akari learns of her colleague Tanaka-san’s true identity, which inspires her to live life in her own way.
They are polar opposites, but their chemistry empowers them to blow off those who judge them. In the process, they discover their new selves.
Don’t miss this romcom that is guaranteed to leave you in stitches constantly, with an occasional dash of tears.
A mundane woman about to redo her banal life.
Asami Kondo, age 33, is single, lives with her parents, and works at the local city hall. Suddenly, she has to start her life all over again. She finds herself lying on an Ob-Gyn bed. Next to her are her parents, both young. Asami’s second go at life has just begun. Brace yourselves for this time leap human comedy that depicts bizarre daily occurrences at a spectacular scale.
A slapstick that could happen in any family...with a deep, abiding love at its heart!
Stubborn Gentaro Ito lives with his wife, Chizuru, in an old home in the earthy heart of Tokyo. The two have three daughters. The second oldest, Rika, lives in Osaka, married to Daisuke, a banker. The youngest daughter, Mika, has a clerical job in a food company. She lived on her own in an apartment, spending most nights together with Yuji, an aspiring manga artist. However, with Yuji showing no prospects of ever achieving success, Mika decides to break things off, ridding her life of clutter. Yuka, the oldest daughter, has an important position in an advertising agency. She has no idea that the man she is dating is already married. When Gentaro finds out about the situation, he explodes. He forbids her to live on her own, so Yuka moves back to her family home to live with her parents. Then Rika and her husband have a fight, so Rika comes back to the family home as well.
One day, Gentaro meets an attractive but overweight man, Omori, and the two immediately hit it off. He dreams about how much better things would be if his daughters were married to someone like Omori. He brings Omori home with him and introduces Omori to his daughters. However, as it turns out, Omori is Yuka's ex, who she broke up with saying, "I just can't date someone who's ugly. Looks are important, too!"
7 day love story of a beautiful cicada prince and a post prime woman in her 30’s.
A cicada was born in the garden of Utsusemi-So apartment in the outskirts of Tokyo. The cicada shouts “Finally, I made it!” and emerges from the ground – but at that very moment, he sees a woman falling toward him. The cicada accepts his death, but she manages to avoid him. Her name is Yuka, an ordinary woman around thirty, who happens to live in Utsusemi-So.
The cicada sees loneliness in her face, and decides to become a human to grant her wish as a token of his gratitude for sawing his life.
Yuka has no idea why she is living together with this boy, and as the cicada boy knows nothing about the human world, Yuka is surprised by his strange words and behaviors. But his never-ending wish to make her happy makes her fall in love with this prince-like cicada boy. However, once above the ground, a cicada has only seven days to live….
花のち晴れ~花男 Next season~
The massive hit comic Boys Over Flowers returns with a brand new chapter and television drama Season 2. Ten years have passed since the legendary boy foursome, F4, graduated from the elite Eitoku Academy Senior High School. A new generation has risen including sophomore, Oto Edogawa, who has recently seen her life completely overturned by the bankruptcy of her father’s blue chip cosmetics company. She now lives in near poverty with her mother, but tries to hide it from her Eitoku Academy classmates. Meanwhile, big man on campus, Haruto Kaguragi, scion of the much-revered Kaguragi Holdings has formed the C5 group in a bid to emulate his hero, Domyoji of F4, but he’s on a mission to purge the school of “commoners” who can’t pay their school donations to leave the school as unfit to attend. Oto is engaged to marry Tenma Hase, a student of Eitoku’s rival school, Momono Academy. But Hase’s stepmother insists that Oto attend Eitoku until she turns 18, making her even more determined to hide the fact that she has been reduced to a “mere commoner” among society’s elite families in this spirited spring-of-youth fable.
대히트 코믹만화「꽃보다 남자」의 새장이 될「꽃보다 맑음 ~ 꽃남Next Season~」
전설의 F4졸업으로부터 10년후, 예전의 영광을 잃어가는 명문학교 에이토쿠학원의 고교2학년 에도가와 오토는 아버지가 경영하던 대기업화장품회사가 도산하면서 생활이 바뀐다. 어머니와 함께 어렵게 살면서 가난을 숨기고 학교를 다니고 있었다.
한편, 에토쿠학원에 카리스마로 숭배되고 있는 카구라키 홀딩스의 재벌2세・ 카구라기 하루토는 F4의 도묘지를 동경하여 C5를 결성하고「학원에 기부금을 내지 못하는 서 민은 에토쿠학원에 어울리지 않는다」며 학생을 퇴학시키는“서민사냥”을 실시한다.
오토는 에토쿠학원의 라이벌교인 모모노조노학원에 다니는 하세 텐마라는 약혼자가 있 었다. 텐마의 계모는「오토가 18살이 될때까지 에토쿠학원에 다닐것」을 결혼조건으로 내세우고, 오토는 무슨 수를 써서라도“숨겨진 서민”임을 절대 알려서는 안된다.
통쾌한 청춘러브스토리.
原作是大受歡迎的「流星花園」漫畫續集「花過天晴~花男Next Season~」。
After the collapse of the bubble, in 1997, a foreign capital fund suddenly appeared in Japan still struggling in the middle of the “lost decade”. Masahiko Washizu, the president of the fund, is fiercely criticized, but promotes and wins takeovers on major banks and elite corporations suffering from bad loans. As the “Specialist of takeovers,” he probes deeper into a company than anyone else and challenges it. Called “the most eager corporate buyer”, Washizu scares Japanese companies, but carries out revolutions within corrupt corporations and Japanese business community by taking drastic and piquant measures that no one has dared to take.
Original: Jin Mayama
"People aren’t afraid of fire until sparks fall on them."
A quiet residential area in Tokyo.
Retired judge Isao Kajima and his family have a peaceful life until Shingo Takeuchi, an acquitted suspect in a murder trial that the judge once presided over, moves next door. Takeuchi smiles amiably, gives thoughtful presents, and even helps care for the elderly. He wins the Kajima family’s hearts with his exuberant good will. However, mysterious things keep happening around the Kajima house…
Original author Shusuke Shizukui is a mystery writer who has won a number of awards. Several of his works have been made into feature films and TV dramas, such as the suspenseful, deep Closed Note and Partners by Blood. The theme of “familial love” can also be found in many of his works.
勇者義彥 系列劇
Brave "YOSHIHIKO" and the great satan's castle (2011)
Brave "YOSHIHIKO" and the demon's key (2012)
Brave "YOSHIHIKO" and the seven driven people (2016)
A village is plagued by a deadly, mysterious disease of which the only cure is a rare herb. However, the village hero who was sent to obtain the herb has not returned and a new hero must be chosen.
By a strange coincidence, Yoshihiko, the son of the missing hero is chosen and happens to leave on an adventure to save the village and find his Father.
Equipped with a legendary sword and accompanied by an oddball group of fellow adventurers, Yoshihiko sets out on this bizarre adventure.
-- Adventure has a mind of it's own --
This unconventional adventure story written by popular Japanese writer is entertaining and addictive!
勇者義彥與魔王城 (2011)
勇者義彥彥與惡靈之鑰 (2012)
勇者義彥與被引導的七人 (2016)
在寧靜的小村莊裏,一種怪病正在慢慢吞噬著村民們的生命。作為全村唯一能夠拔出 勇者之劍的青年義彥,前往未知的遠方尋找靈藥成為了他義不容辭的責任。靈藥很快 就被義彥找到,可是故事並沒有就此結束。佛祖顯靈賦予了義彥十分艱巨的任務—前往 魔王的根據地,打敗魔王。女刺客阿紫,法師美列布和劍士團丈接連加入了討伐魔王 的隊伍。一路上,勇士們披荊斬棘奮勇殺敵,遵循著佛祖的指使收集著力量強大的道 具,為最終之戰做著積極的準備。而現在魔王近在眼前,面對它的強大,這四個渺小 的人類真的能夠獲勝嗎?
在本系列劇的第2部中,距離魔王被義彥、團丈、美列布和阿紫一行人打敗後,已經過 去了百年,曾經的勇者們早已經化作了白骨,為了紀念他們的壯舉,村民們特地為他 們修繕了奢華的陵墓。好景不長,魔王的封印再度被解開,人間即將面臨毀滅的危機 ,可是村中卻再無能夠獨當一面的勇者站出來為民除害,無奈下,佛祖只得將英勇的 四人復活,命其再度踏上冒險的旅途。 好友相見固然高興,可是等級早已歸零的他們 能夠擔負起這艱巨的任務嗎?為了打敗魔王,義彥一行人必須找到傳說中的惡靈之匙 ,可是跟隨著佛祖模棱兩可的指引,他們似乎離真相越來越遠了。時間漸漸緊迫起來 ,真的能夠戰胜魔王嗎?
在本系列劇的第3部中,天空的魔王再度用黑暗把世界包圍。魔王有七個弱點,必須攻 擊它們才能打倒魔王,勇者義彥再次踏上旅程,要找出七位戰士,打倒魔王,讓世界 回歸和平,勇者義彥新的冒險,正式開始….
In the shopping streets of the shitamachi area of Osaka’s Shinsekai, Kazuko is the only daughter of the owners of Ajiyoshi, a local ramen shop. Once run capably by her deceased mother, Ajiyoshi is now her father Kengo’s responsibility. Kengo has no knack for ramen, and business is barely
scraping by. Kazuko, who secretly helps out her father’s business, is herself troubled by her relationship with a superior at work. Kengo is easily swayed by his affection for his dependable daughter, and the two share an awkward but sincere love. Hailing from West Japan and set in the bustling streets of this drama is full of heart, tears and laughter.