Program List

Cast : Hiroki Miyake (三宅弘城)
3 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Extremely Inappropriate!


Ichiro is a PE teacher in 1986 feared by his students for a "tough love" approach, harsh tongue and frequently “inappropriate” behavior. He’s also a dad trying to raise a rebellious daughter after having lost his wife to illness. When he gets transported in time to 2024, he encounters modern sensibilities that teach him about empathy, but also gives people of today reason to rethink their own political correctness in this time traversing comedy about change.

1986년. 이치로는 “사랑의 매”라 불린 엄격한 지도를 하는 것이 당연시되던 쇼와시대의 체육교사. 거친 말투에 부적절한 언동을 되풀이하며 학생들로부터도 무서움의 대상이었다. 그런 이치로였지만 아내를 병으로 잃고 집에서는 외동딸의 비행에 애를 태우는 보통의 아버지이기도 하다. 어느 날, 이상하게도 1986년에서 2024년 현재로 타임 슬립해 버린다! 이치로의 극론이 법률 준수에 얽매어진 현시대의 사람들에게 생각할 계기를 주게 되는데…? 쇼와시대에서 레이와 시대로의 타임슬립으로 다시 한번 느끼는 사람들의 차이나 공감을 그린 타임슬립 코미디.




  • Comedy
  • Family
2021.1 -2021.3
  • Comedy
  • Family

Story of My Family!!!


Now sidelined due to injury and age, former pro-wrestling star Juichi Miyama was once groomed by his father, Jusaburo, an acclaimed Noh actor and “Living National Treasure,” to be his successor. But the young Juichi rebelled, left home, and cut off ties with his family. Now he’s just learned that his father, having miraculously survived a critical illness, intends to marry his young caregiver and leave all his money to her. So Juichi decides to return home to help with his father’s care, setting the stage for a showdown between Juichi’s family on one side and his father’s mysterious caregiver on the other.

미야마 쥬이치는 예전에는 인기 레슬러였지만 나이와 부상으로 지금은 간신히 시합에 나가고 있다.
쥬이치의 아버지는 일본 전통예능「노가쿠」에서 무형문화재인 소위「인간 국보」로 인정받은 미야마 쥬사부로. 가업을 이을 것으로 기대를 받던 쥬이치였지만 아버지의 지도에 반발하여 집을 나가 소식을 끊고 지낸다.
어느 날 아버지가 위독하다는 연락이 전해지고 기적적으로 목숨을 건진 쥬사부로는 자신의 간병인 여성과 약혼하여 모든 유산을 그 여성에게 물려준다고 선언한다.
쥬이치는 집으로 돌아가 아버지의 간호를 돕지만 가족과 수수께끼의 간병인 여성을 끌어들이며 간병과 유산상속을 둘러싼 격렬한 배틀 라운드의 공이 울린다!!


  • Mystery
2017 -2017
  • Mystery

May I blackmail you?


“Blackmailer”— the shady hero who saves people using evil tactics vs The ultimate goody two-shoes “princess girlfriend”

"May I blackmail you?"
It all started with a suspicious video that was suddenly sent to her house.
In it, a masked man who calls himself "Blackmailer" facetiously claims that he has taken her "boyfriend" hostage. If his life is precious to her, she needs to pay ransom to save him.

"But wait a minute... I've never even had a boyfriend," she recalls.
This bizarre case of mistaken identity sparks the beginning of fun-filled days for "Blackmailer" Senkawa, "girlfriend material goody two-shoes" Mio, and their friends.

Using blackmail to solve problems, "Blackmailer" is a "professional villain" who takes on cases that the police and investigators can't handle. When not busy being a "hero of darkness" who uses "evil" to save people, he's an easy-to-flatter sedentary guy with an odd fashion sense. He loves to make silly jokes, but nobody pays him any attention.

The "princess," on the other hand, is a college student who has never had a boyfriend. Although she lives a simple life, she's actually a super rich kid who can easily throw down hundreds of thousands of dollars whenever she wants. Sweet and kind, she's definitely girlfriend material. The slightest bit of evil bothers her, and she often sticks her nose into the problems of strangers.

Two polar opposites who should have never crossed paths end up getting involved in numerous cases. Follow them as they solve one problem after another in this poppy crime mystery!

用邪恶手段来拯救他人的灰色英雄“威胁专家” VS. 终极老好人“变态大小姐”



