Program List

Cast : Hiroko Yakushimaru
3 Titles

  • Romance
2021.10 -2021.12
  • Romance



Leading female industrialist, Rio, has been named a key person of interest in a serial murder case investigated by Detective Daiki. The two were once in love with each other in their youth. Rio’s legal advisor, Kenichiro, will do anything for her. Caught in a love triangle and a criminal investigation, Rio and Daiki’s “forbidden” romance seems doomed by a missing person incident 15 years ago and its possible links to a current serial murder case. Is Rio complicit? What would you do to protect those who are most beloved to you, be it a first crush, a sibling, a parent, a child, or a lifelong friend? This suspenseful romance evokes the uncompromising passion, struggle and redemption of true love.

연속 살인사건의 중요 참고인이 된 사업가 사나다 리오와 그녀를 쫓는 형사 미야자키 다이키. 두 사람은 예전 서로 사랑하던 사이였다.
그리고, 현재 리오를 지키는 민완 변호사 가세 켄이치로.
세 사람이 복잡하게 얽히면서 봉인되어 있던 15년 전의 사건이 움직이기 시작한다.
용서받을 수 없는 금단의 사랑, 가로막힌 수많은 벽, 그리고 15년 전의 실종사건이 현재의 연속 살인사건으로 이어져간다. 리오는 살인사건의 범인일까?
첫사랑, 가족, 곁에서 지켜보는 사람… 저마다“가장 사랑하는 사람”을 위해 행동을 일으킨다.
등장인물들이 함께 사랑하는 모습을 때로는 안타깝게 때로는 따뜻하게 그린 서스펜스 러브스토리.


  • Mystery
  • Science
2018 -2018
  • Mystery
  • Science



A story-a-week episodic medical mystery that treats the theme of reality changing when faced with imminent death. Mystery and exhilarating human drama unfold against the backdrop of the “unnatural death institute”, or “UDI”. For example, the body of a young man is brought into the UDI lab one day; his cause of death attributed to ischemic heart disease in which blood fails to be conveyed to the heart. But the victim’s parents are puzzled by the freak nature of their son’s death and turn to medical coroner Mikoto, to find out why. Together with her lab technician partner, Yuko Shoji, and rookie medical recorder, Rokuro, they examine the body for a possible drug poisoning, and then learn that another female colleague of the deceased man has just died suddenly.

1회 완결의 법의학미스테리. 「죽음과 마주하여 현실 세계를 바꿔간다」가 테마이다. 부자연사 규명 연구소 통칭“UDI랩”을 무대로 스릴있는 해명과 통쾌한 인간드라마가 전개되어 간다. UDI랩에 한명의 남성사체가 운반되어 온다. 사인은 심근에 혈액이 운반되지 않는 것으로 일어나는 허혈성 심질환. 건강했던 아들의 돌연사를 납득할 수 없었던 부모의 의뢰로 주인공 법의학자 미코토가 해부를 맡는다. 임상검사기사 쇼지와 신참기록원 로쿠로. 시신의 상태에서 약물중독에 의한 사망 가능성이 부상하고 검사가 진행된다. 바로 그때 남성의 직장동료였던 여성도 돌연사했음을 알게 된다.


  • Family
  • History
  • Family
  • History

Sakura Road, YTV 50th Anniversary SP Drama

さくら道 -読売テレビ開局50年記念ドラマスペシャル-

Cherry blossoms (‘sakura’ in Japanese) are the most familiar and the most popular flower for Japanese people. Yet there is a remarkable and true story about the flowers that is not well known. The 1960s was a period of unprecedented economic growth in Japan. In the midst of this excitement, there was a man who focused his entire life on planting cherry trees. His dream was to plant 300,000 cherry trees, making a “Milky Way” of cherry blossoms on the ground connecting the Sea of Japan with the Pacific Ocean. Everyone around him, including his family, failed to understand his dream. Why on earth did he keep planting cherry trees? He was looking for the meaning of life in the cherry blossoms that show both their strength and grace as time passes. As people living in the 21st century, we can learn from him. An environmental warning - everyday we are reminded of global warming and other environmental problems in newspapers and on television. For 40 years he worried about the environment, and his actions reflect this. We hope everyone will watch this drama about the global environment, and its impact on the 21st century.