Program List

Cast : Ikkei Watanabe (渡辺いっけい)
3 Titles

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
2019 -2019
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

Detective Zero


Tokiya used to be a competent veteran detective with 20 years of experience. But he lost all of his memories related to his career when he was following a case. He has memories of his everyday life but all memories related to his job, his experiences as a detective and the cases that he has worked on are gone. Though he has to start his detective life from scratch, his “five senses” and “insights” are still acute as ever and will help him solve new cases.

Baffled by the loss of his professional memory, Tokiya struggles to solve tricky cases relying on his five senses and insight. The immediate cause of his memory loss is an external injury he suffered when he was chasing a criminal but his doctor suspects there might be a psychological cause behind his symptoms. In fact, he had found out a “secret” right before he lost his memory. Would he be able to untangle that secret to get his memory back?

  • Comedy
2018 -2018
  • Comedy

Hotel on the Brink!


Staffed by sketchy people, this rock-bottom hotel is on the brink of bankruptcy! Out of nowhere, the ultimate shady guest arrives. This is the story of a hotel's "miraculous" transformation.

"Welcome to Hotel on the Brink!"

Nestled in the suburbs are the remnants of what was, in the old days, a small-but-grandiose, classy hotel appreciated by people in the know. As the years went by, however, it found its way to rock bottom and on the brink of bankruptcy, staffed by people with zero motivation and skills. It's truly a gathering of sketchy losers!

Today, like any other day, the lifeless lobby is manned by yawning employees. Suddenly, into the classical ambiance enters an extremely casual-looking young man. He is out of place in the surroundings, and the unmotivated but overly-arrogant staff members turn their malicious eyes on him. Not one person has any inkling that he is about to turn this rock-bottom hotel upside down.

Drowning in debts totaling 300 million yen (3 million dollars), this classic hotel has morphed into a den infested with useless staff notorious for their shadiness and horrible service. It's so on the brink that moving one block will cause the whole thing to crumble, literally and figuratively.

If you're thinking there's not much you can do to change your current situation anyway, look no further. This Sunday evening comedy will help you laugh the blues away! Gathered in a single hotel armed with their own unique shadiness, the colorful characters will weave together an outrageous sitcom just for you. Just a one-hour "stay" every Sunday leaves you laughing and laughing until you suddenly realize you've been touched profoundly. That's the experience this hotel promises!

奇葩辈出的无能员工!濒临倒闭的底层酒店! 出现在这里的,是比任何人都更加奇葩的神秘顾客! 这是一家酒店的"奇迹"故事。



  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
2016 -2016
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery


水晶の鼓動 殺人分析班

From a gruesome murder to a series of bomb blasts, it's explosive storytelling from beginning to end!
This “Crystal's Beating” (Suishō no Kodō) is the sequel to the immensely popular crime suspense drama series “Cocoon of Stone” (Ishi no Mayu), and the long-awaited second instalment in the “Murder Analysis Team” (Satsujin Bunseki-han) series.
