Program List

Cast : Ittoku Kishibe (岸部一徳)
5 Titles


Doctor-X the movie


The star-studded casts of the drama series come together for the highly anticipated movie adaptation of "Doctor X"! The secret of Michiko Daimon is finally revealed.

"I never fail." How was the solitary surgeon Michiko Daimon born? What is the dark and mysterious tumultuous half-life of Michiko?

The episode Zero of "Doctor X" is finally revealed!

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Wise and Foolish(2024)


Despite facing the unprecedented situation of having his mind and body swapped with his son, Taizan successfully serves as Prime Minister. Just as he is about to retire from the political world, he is approached again about becoming Prime Minister.

Just then, the extraordinary phenomenon of a body swap occurs. In this series, the target for mind and body swapping is incredibly, all the people of Japan!

We bring you a fantastical story where Taizan and someone else randomly swap minds and bodies in each episode!

  • Mystery
2021.12 -
  • Mystery

99.9 Criminal Lawyer SPECIAL 2021: New Encounters

99.9—刑事専門弁護士— SPECIAL(2021)〜新たな出会い篇〜

Miyama is junior partner to Sada, who has just been named new director of the Madarame Law Office. When a party is held to announce the new director, the president of a major auto maker wants them to hire and train his granddaughter Honoka. A candidate for mayor needs their help clearing him of a bribery charges, which puts them up against a suave bribery lawyer accustomed to operating in “gray” legal territory. Can Miyama and company stay focused on finding truth and justice?

변호사 미야마가 근무하는 마다라메 법률사무소는 사다가 소장을 맡게 되었다.
그의 취임 파티에서 대기업 자동차 회사의 회장 와카쓰키는 신임 변호사인 손녀 고노를
마다라메 법률사무소에서 키워달라며 사다에게 부탁한다.
그런 어느 날, 정치가의 뇌물사건 변호 의뢰가 들어온다.
차기 시장 후보로 주목받는 오카베 야스유키가 뇌물을 받은 것으로 체포되었지만 오카베는
혐의를 부인하고 있었다.
미야마와 사다는 쓰부라야의 변호를 담당하고 있던 나구모와 이야기를 나누러 찾아가지만
온후한 얼굴 뒤에 숨겨진 불투명한 변호 수법을 감지하고 경계한다.
과연 미야마는 진실을 찾아낼 수 있을까!?


  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
2019.7 -
  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking

Heaven?~My Restaurant, My Life~


“Loin d'ici”is a French restaurant oddly situated inside a cemetery, and run by a very eccentric owner who exhibits not a whit of desire to see it succeed except to fulfill her own hedonistic craving of “enjoying the pleasures of food and drink to her heart’s content”. She is surrounded by a colorful, like-minded staff of unique misfits, none of whom possess the refinement, flattery or tact needed. Yet through a string of mishaps and failures, they gradually find in the restaurant a sense of belonging and purpose, growing with the owner into an indispensable team and top-shelf restaurant. Savor this quintessential comical farce packed with laughs plus valuable hints for succeeding in life.


묘지 안에 위치한 프렌치 레스토랑「르완 디시」.
가게를 번창시킬 마음은 전혀 없이「마음껏 술과 식사를 즐기고 싶다」라는 자신의 욕구를 이루기 위해 가게를 오픈한“초 괴짜 오너”.
가게에 모인 종업원들도 하나같이 개성 넘치는 사람들이다.
빈말이라도 일류라고는 할 수 없는 그들은 실패를 거듭하면서도 차츰 안정과 보람을 찾아간다. 어느새「없어서는 안 될 존재」로 팀에 공헌하고 오너와 함께 최고의 조화를 이루어간다.
일치단결하여 필사적으로 문제 해결을 위해 분투하는 모습은 마치 “즐거운 희극”이다.
재밌는 웃음과 함께“인생을 살아가는 힌트”도 담긴 최상의 엔터테인먼트.

故事以一間開在墓地中的法式餐廳“Loin d'ici”為舞臺。

  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Health&Wellbeing


ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~

Michiko Daimon is a stunningly beautiful and stubbornly self-reliant freelance surgeon who prides herself in her skills and dignity as a surgeon. Her new temporary employment is in a hierarchical university hospital where doctors pursue power and money rather than medical ethics. “I decline” and “I never fail” are her cliché phrases that make much ado within the hospital bureaucracy. But the turmoil she causes is due to her integrity as a surgeon who will never ever compromise in her surgeries and treatments.

Michiko is an unprecedented freelance surgeon, an “unusual rebellious lone-wolf genius”. She is always questioning the raison d’être of medical science- “for whom is it?” Her professional license and outstanding skills are the only armors that she has to fight her battle against the inappropriate practices rampant in the hospital.

The drama thoroughly portrays her totally delightful and yet extremely noble battle…

SEASON 1: 54min x 6eps, 69min x 2eps (2012)
SEASON 2: 54min x 7eps, 69min x 1ep, 84min x 1ep (2013)
SEASON 3: 54min x 9eps, 69min x 2eps (2014)
SEASON 4: 54min x 8eps, 69min x 3eps (2016)
SPECIAL: 130min (2016)
SEASON 5: 54min x 6eps, 69min x 3eps,74min x 1ep (2017)
SEASON 6: 54min x 7eps, 69min x 2eps, 74min x 1ep (2019)
SEASON7: 54min × 6eps, 60min × 1ep, 64min × 2eps, 69min × 1ep (2021)