Program List

The number of (the)data : 2
  • Human
  • Human

Rude to Love


Having or not having a spouse, children, or a job. Women today have the “freedom to choose the lives they want”; and yet, they are divided by various social factors. The main character is Momoko, who quits her job upon marriage but a misfortune leaves her childless. Then her husband (Mamoru) has an affair with a younger woman (Nao) and demands a divorce. Learning that she now has no place in her home nor the society, Momoko feels lost and starts showing abnormal behaviors. While Mamoru and his mother (Teruko) are bewildered by Momoko acting strange, there are also fair and unbiased eyes watching her from an unexpected place. Feeling stressed because no one around her sees her worth; and the fear of losing her place grows when her family and the society reject her. The story follows Momoko’s journey through despair and hope.

  • Human
  • Entertainment
  • Human
  • Entertainment

JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope


Tokyo 2023. Japan’s prime minister announces a plan to store contaminated material in deep-sea strata while entrusting a team of young technocrats to protect Japan’s future. Meanwhile, the public is alarmed by sensational magazine articles predicting the sinking of the Kanto plain owing to the disappearance of an island off the Izu coast. With demonstrators in the streets, a young government official Amami tries to restore order just as a corruption scandal linking the government to a profitable eco-business firm erupts. When Amami and a government colleague escape for a scuba diving trip, they encounter an earth-shattering event.

2023년 도쿄. 히가시야마 총리는 세계 환경 회의에서 오염 물질을 액화해 해저 지층 틈에 저장하는 컴스의 추가 추진을 발표한다.
그 무렵 어느 주간지에 관동 침몰의 경종을 울리는 다도코로의 기사가 실린다.
이 기사로 일부 단체가 시위를 일으키고 아마미는 사태 수습을 위해 다도코로를 만난다. 하지만 그는 아마미의 말을 외면한 채「조만간 이즈 바다의 섬이 침몰된다. 이것은 내가 두려워하던 관동 침몰의 전조」라는 이상한 예언을 한다.
마침 기자 시이나는 환경 기업과 환경성의 놀라운 유착 의혹을 아마미에게 제시한다.
일말의 불안을 안고 스쿠버다이빙을 간 아마미는 그곳에서 충격적인 사건을 마주하게 되는데….
