Program List

Cast : Kaho Mizutani
5 Titles

  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Science
  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Science

Black Forceps Season2 -The Devil Surgeon-

ブラックペアン シーズン2

Master surgeon Seijiro Tokai returns to Tojo University Hospital after six years. But is it him? Top-class surgeon Yukihiko Amagi looks just like him, but this “Doctor Diablo” is many times greedier than Tokai ever was. With his only assistant, Sera, he demolishes all obstacles put in his way. Meanwhile, director Saeki has his eyes on the presidency of the All-Japan Medical Association. This is a blockbuster medical drama at its most intense - pitting medical revolution against greed and ambition.

  • Family
2022.1 -2022.3
  • Family

If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student.


Since losing his beloved wife 10 years ago, Keisuke vows to never remarry. He wants happiness for his only daughter, Mai, but struggles to make a good living and their communication suffers. That is until the appearance before them of a mysterious young girl carrying a schoolbag who claims to be Keisuke’s wife. Reincarnation? An offbeat family life ensues comprised of devoted husband Keisuke, his former wife (now a grade schooler) and a daughter who won’t grow up.

케이스케는 10년 전 사랑하는 아내 타카에를 잃은 후 아내가 없는 남은 인생을 “여생” 이라 생각하며 살아가는 애처가.
외동딸 마이의 행복을 누구보다 바라고 있지만 생활비를 버는 것 이외에 아무것도 해줄 수 없는 것에 괴로워 제대로 마음을 표현하지 못한다.
그런 부녀 앞에 어느 날 책가방을 맨 낯선 여자아이가 찾아온다.
「나는 10년 전에 죽은 당신의 아내에요.」
사랑하는 아내가 초등학생 모습으로 나타났다!?
애처가 남편과 아내 (외모는 초등학생), 그리고 어른이 되지 못하는 딸, 조금은 색다른 가족 재생 스토리가 시작된다!


  • Romance
  • School Drama
2022 -2022

  • Romance
  • School Drama

Cinderella Again


"Before you ask me out, fix your appearance first."

Shion, a 17-year-old high school girl who had her first love confession cut short by the merciless words of her first lover, has grown up to be a beauty salon employee with a sophisticated appearance and solid skills and is now living a fulfilling life, using her humiliating heartbreak as a springboard 12 years later.
However, despite her beautiful transformation, she has no luck finding love. Concerned, her best friend from high school arranges a blind date. Shion's innocent presence immediately attracts the attention of the men, but all she can do is smile awkwardly. Then she hears a man making fun of a woman's appearance, and suddenly, she loses her self-control, and her mind is taken over by the trauma of a long time ago!
12 years have passed, and nothing has changed... Shion is shocked to see a photo from her high school days of her first love and herself, a 17-year-old with a dull appearance. She unintentionally tears up the picture, and at that moment, she travels back in time to 2010! She is reunited with her first love.
During confusion over whether it is a dream or reality, Shion, unable to accept her reflection in the mirror, undergoes a complete makeover using the makeup techniques she has cultivated over the past 12 years.
She looks 17 years old but is 29 years old on the inside. Shion has undergone a complete makeover and begins her second high school life.

  • Science
2018 -2018
  • Science

Black Forceps


A medical thriller based on Takeru Kaido's novel, Black Forceps 1988, protagonist Seishiro Tokai is a surgical genius whose perfect operational success rate has earned him the monikier, “The Demon of O.R.” at the Tojo University Hospital, a name that also points to his overbearing and solitary personality. He is countered by a rookie physician, Gonta Takashina, who comes to the hospital from a different medical university advocating hard for cutting edge medical technology that promises to render individual differences in surgical skill obsolete and level the playing field among surgeons. Naturally, a battle brews Takashina and Tokai who is adverse to the idea of machines taking over surgical procedures, particularly with regard to cardiac surgery. Tokai also confronts a powerful university hospital system that is rife with jealousies and political intrigue, and seeks to expose a hidden past and new technology corruption scandal in this highly entertaining medical drama.


원작은 가이도 타케루의 소설「블랙 페앙 1988」
수술성공률 100%를 자랑하고“수술실의 악마”라 불리우는 고고한 천재외과의 도카이 세이시로는 도죠대학병원에 근무하는 안하무인 외과의사다.
한편, 타대학출신의 신참의사 다카시나 곤타는「외과의사의 기술을 전혀 필요로 하지 않는」최신의료기구의 사용을 추진하려고 한다. 기량에 좌우되지 않고 누구라도 사용할 수 있는 심장수술용 의료기구에 외과의로서 수술공정의 일부를 기계에 맡기는 것에 반대하는 도카이의 싸움이 시작된다. 도카이는 질투가 소용돌이치는 대학병원이라는 거대한 조직과 맞서며 신기술 도입을 둘러싼 갖가지 부정과 은폐된 과거를 폭로해간다. 통쾌한 의료엔터테인먼트 드라마.


  • Horror

  • Horror

Angel of Horror


A full-scale horror movie from prodigy director Toshikazu Nagae, starring popular young actress Wakana Aoi. It is set ina closed down school which is currently being used as a studio. There, a number of strange phenomena begin happening in the wake of an incident where a high school girl went missing andwas trapped in the basement. Seven people become enveloped in unimaginable fear, as two actresses have arrived to shoota movie, a three member idol group are practicing danceroutines, and a comedy duo are immersed in writing jokes.