Program List

Cast : Katsuhisa Namase (生瀬勝久)
1 Titles

  • Comedy

  • Comedy

Girls, be lucky!


Sachi Fukura: 25 y. o.
Although her name means ”fortune and good luck” in Japanese, ironically, she suffers from an absolute lack of auspiciousness, starting with luck in money.

Sachi was born under an unlucky star. Yet, having lived along with her misfortune, she has learned to enjoy it. She’s always optimistic and cheerful.

One day, Sachi gets involved in a bank robbery incident. This is when she meets Kaori Asakura (31) who has no luck with men and Itsuki Ayanami (35) who’s had no luck with jobs. The three find out that they not only are all unfortunate, but also share the same birthday. This results in a strange affinity and friendship.

However, this results in a mysterious synergy of bad luck! Therefore, in an attempt to change their natural-born bad luck, they decide to rely on fortune telling but this always only makes things worse...

In the second half of the series, Sachi meets her ex-boyfriend who pressures her to get back together.
In the face of great happiness, Sachi suddenly gets cold feet.
What does the future have in store for the unlucky girls?!
Will they be able to find happiness?!