Program List

Cast : Katsunori Takahashi (高橋克典)
5 Titles

  • School Drama

  • School Drama

It's a Wonderful Teacher!


A heartfelt school drama about a new high school teacher who struggles to maintain challenging relationships with students, their parents, and colleagues in an unreasonable educational environment. While constantly looking for the right time to quit, she somehow strives for the sake of her students. She openly expresses her emotions by laughing heartily and venting her frustrations on a secret social media account, gradually developing trust and respect with her students.

Rio Sasaoka is a high school teacher from Generation Z who jumped into the education field with dreams and hopes. However, the harsh reality is beyond imagination, and she is living such a stressful daily life that she is considering quitting in her second year. She deals with students who interpret “freedom” too broadly and behave recklessly, parents and local residents with excessive expectations of the school, and senior teachers who push trouble-handling onto younger staffs. Rio vents her daily complaints on a secret SNS account, talks to her kind boyfriend, and maintains her balance with her inherent energy and brightness by occasionally saying, “Teachers are human too!”
However, her patience finally reaches its limit. She decides to resign, but simultaneously, a sudden vacancy for a homeroom teacher arises, and for some reason, the responsibility falls on Rio. She finds herself in charge of third-year students as a homeroom teacher for the first time, leading her teaching career into an even more challenging path! What is waiting for Rio then?

理不尽な教育環境の中で、生徒やその親、同僚たちとの難しい人間関係に奮闘する新任高校教師の姿を描いた心温まる学園ドラマ。 常に退職のタイミングをうかがいながらも、生徒たちのために何とか奮闘する。 主人公・笹岡りおは、泣きも笑いも感情に素直で、大笑いもすれば裏アカで愚痴も吐くような人間らしさ全開で、生徒たちとの間に徐々に信頼と尊敬の念を育んでいく。笹岡りお(生田絵梨花)は、夢と希望を胸に教育現場に飛び込んだZ世代の高校教師。しかし、その過酷さは想像を絶し、2年目にして退職を考えるほどストレスフルな毎日を送っている。「自由」を拡大解釈し奔放に振る舞う生徒たち、学校に過度な期待を寄せる保護者や近隣住民、トラブル処理を若手に押し付けてくる年配教師…。りおはそんな毎日の愚痴をSNSの裏アカウントに吐き出したり、優しい彼氏に聞いてもらったり、「先生だって人間だ!」と適度に発散しながら持ち前の元気と明るさでどうにかバランスを保っている。

  • Music
  • Factual
2020.4 -
  • Music
  • Factual

M -beloved one-

M 愛すべき人がいて

A story of how a top diva in Japan, Ayumi Hamasaki, was born, her meeting and partings. This is the first dramatization of the much-talked-about original book with adaptations specific to the drama.

In Japan, in the 1990s, Ayumi Hamasaki was called Ayu and had become a superstar known throughout Japan.

The story unfolds against the background of Velfarre in Roppongi, opened in 1994 as the “biggest disco in Asia”, the neon flooded scramble crossing in Shibuya and the dance music that dominated the music scene in Japan and the new music that came after. We will see the glamorous mainstream of the music scene, the hidden undercurrents behind the scenes and the overall light and shadow of the turbulent music scene depicted in overwhelming scale. This is the tumultuous story of the encounter and parting of Masa, a producer of all time who changed Japanese music history and still keeps on creating legends, and Ayu, who had become a top diva of Japan.

  • Mystery
  • Crime & Investigation
2019.4 -2019.6
  • Mystery
  • Crime & Investigation



They have the same gene information, but one is a criminal and the other is a detective.
The twins used to have a strong bond with each other, but reunite as a criminal and a detective…

Keigo and Yugo play together in a park near their home. Their face exactly look same but they are called “Mirror Twins” because Keigo is a right-hander while Yugo is a left-hander, and their personality is absolutely opposite. At sunset, Keigo offers Yugo to come home together but Yugo says “No.” Yugo doesn’t want to come home as he always feels unconfortable there to be compared with Keigo who’s always a good boy to everyoen. Finaly, Keigo leaves Yugo at the park, and it’s the last time for Yugo to see Keigo… Yugo is kidnapped and his family is demanded a ransom. Unfortunaly, the kidnappers rob the ransom and disappear without letting Yugo go. Keigo feels remorse for what he did in the park. 20 years later, Keigo keeps paying for his crime to work hard as a detective.
An incident comes up suddenly. It starts from a live TV show to search for missing people. Eichi and Harue ask viewers for information about Yugo, and right after that, Eichi dies in an accident and Tajima who gives himself up to the show with information about Yugo is assaulted by someone and goes into a coma. Keigo is appointed to be in charge of these cases. When Tajima recovers consciousness, he finds Keigo and shouts “He is the one who has assaulted me!” At the same time, Keigo’s gene information is found at the scene of the incident… it makes Keigo to feel certain that Yugo is still alive and begins his revenge.





  • Romance
2016.8 -
  • Romance

Non-Mama White Paper


Reiko Doi, 49 years old non-mama who had got divorced, works for an advertising agency. She is dropped from promotion ladder because it’s easier for men to be on the fast track, and she feels small because the general public prefer working mother to non-mama.
She feels that both the public and the agency are embarrassed with how to treat her these days. At such time, she is notified that she will be a chief director. She decides to work hard and to connect people through her career, she couldn’t connect her life to next generation, though. But managerial position is much harder than she expected.

You can find many un ignorable topics in this drama. Regret and freedom without a child, joy and suffering of managerial position, hope and puzzlement for the last romance…
This is a drama that delivers a message: “your life is also shining”, through such feelings of non-mamas.


  • Mystery
  • Health&Wellbeing
2016 -

  • Mystery
  • Health&Wellbeing

Medical Team Lady da Vinci's Diagnosis

Shiho was a neurological surgeon who decided to resign after hallucinating during an operation. But the director of the Toko University Hospital, held Shiho in high regard, and invited her to the Analysis and Diagnostics Department as a diagnostician, to identify and determine the etiology of diseases that doctors have not been able to explain. Shiho has an upright personality and a strong sense of justice, with an even strong desire to save patients. This sometimes causes her to flare up. She joins the all-female motley crew of physicians in the Analysis and Diagnostics Department, working together and occasionally bumping heads, to solve the mystery of the unexplained diseases.