Program List

Cast : Kayo Noro (野呂佳代)
4 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Science
  • Comedy
  • Science

The Hot Spot


Extraterrestrial life lurks in a town located at the foot of Mt. Fuji.
Kiyomi Endo is a 41-year-old single mother who works at a business hotel.

One day, out of the blue, she runs into an alien.

Get ready for this alien-human comedy set in a small country town where strange occurrences happen, or don’t happen.

  • Health&Wellbeing

  • Health&Wellbeing



The Legendary Strongest Eccentric Nurse Duo" is coming back this fall!
Ayumi Nasuda, a seemingly unpleasant but highly skilled nurse with an NP (Nurse Practitioner) qualification that allows him to assist doctors in the operating room and perform certain medical procedures, trained in the United States. And, Shizuka Kuki, a mysterious and possibly deceitful, super nurse with an extremely gentle demeanor but who incisively cuts through unreasonable systems and ideologies with sharp words at critical moments.
Ayumi and Shizuka are hired this time by Nishi-Tokyo General Hospital, a core institution that has been
a cornerstone of regional healthcare for many years. Following the discovery of corruption involving the previous director, the "clean and charismatic young new director" who advocates for "proper healthcare and proper work practices" has initiated organizational reforms centered on work style reform. However, could this new director be the "greatest enemy of this series"? Eventually, Ayumi and Shizuka find themselves in opposition to him! What is the cause of their conflict, and what will be the outcome of this new battle? Stay tuned for the exploits of the strongest Nightingale duo, who bravely face any storm.

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance

Ms. Saionji doesn't do Housework


Saionji is a hard-working single woman (38) greatly admired by everyone at her IT company. But one thing she won’t do is housework! Just as she enjoys the freedom of a recently bought dream home and “life without housework,” a handsome young engineer and single father named Kusumi enters her life. When unique circumstances lead to them sharing her home together, an eccentric, fake family dynamic develops, which forces them to confront questions of what constitutes true happiness and family.

  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
2019 -2019

  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Udo-chan’s Trip Special 2019

旅ゴメ特別編 冬の長良川鉄道 答エハナクトモ旅ハ流ルル

Udo-chan travels around Mino city in Gifu prefecture with a popular Japanese actor, Koji Yamamoto, and a former member of AKB48, Kayo Noro. They take a train on Nagara-gawa line and walk around wherever they wish.
Mino city is famous for some traditional craft; one of them is edged tools like “Katana” sword. At first, they visit a cutlery museum and try blade shaping there. After having lunch at a café they found on the way to a station, they go to a famous place –a group of traditional buildings preserved for over 400 years. In the Edo era, there was a unique construction style of roofs called “Udatsu.” They visit a sake-factory and a museum for lanterns made by “Washi” paper which is originally manufactured in Mino city. Then they visit a 1300-year-old shrine and find a strange sign on the map which marks a tree named “What tree?”

新春恒例!旅してゴメン特別編SP「冬の長良川鉄道」!ゲストに多芸多才な俳優・山本耕史さんと元AKB48メンバー野呂佳代さんを迎えガタンゴトンと自由気ままにぶっつけ本番!行き当たりばったりのリアル旅♪ 情緒あふれる町並みに癒されて思わず本音トーク!プライベート発言も満載!旅にはナゾがつきもの?果たして解明はできるのか?