Program List

Cast : Kazue Fukiishi (吹石一恵)
1 Titles

  • Family
2013 -2013
  • Family

Tonbi (Black Kite)


Late summer 1972. Truck driver, Yasu, is in the highest spirits singing to himself while working and restraining himself from his favorite hobbies of drinking and gambling. The reason? His wife is about to give birth to a son. Yasu himself never had parents to speak of, his mother having died while he was very young, and his father having abandoned him. Yasu's wife, Misako, also lost both her parents when she was young. And so the two spend their days in happiness, protecting and watching their son, Akira, grow. Until an unforeseen tragedy strikes when Akira is only 3. A freakish accident occurs that results in Misako sacrificing her life to protect her son. Yasu loses himself in grief and remorse, but recovers when he vows to raise the son he loves as best as possible even as it tests the limits of his wits and abilities. Though forced to battle feelings of anxiety, confusion and helplessness, Yasu clumsily yet honestly manages to rear his son with the support of friends in this moving tale of ultimate love between father and son.

1972년 여름. 트럭운전수인 야스는 곧 태어날 아이를 만날 들뜬 기분에 열심히 일을 하며 좋아하는 술과 도박도 끊 었다. 어린시절 어머니를 여의고 아버지에게 버려진 야스는 자신과 같은 처지인 아내 미사코 사이에 태어난 아키라의 성장을 지켜보며 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 아키라가 3살이 됐을 무렵 갑작스런 비극이 찾아온다. 휴일, 혼자서 일 하고 있던 야스의 회사에 놀러온 미사코와 아키라는 뜻밖의 사고를 당하고 아키라를 감싸던 미사코가 죽는다. 후회와 슬픔에 잠기는 야스. 하지만 야스는 사랑하는 아들을 키우기 위해 배운것도 가진것도 없지만 그만의 지혜와 노력으로 서투르지만 아키라를 돌본다. 아버지와 아들의 가족사랑을 그린 작품.

1972年的夏末,卡車司機「市川安男」的第一個兒子即將出產。心情愉悅的他不僅戒了長年的酒癮也不再亂惹事,邊哼着歌邊努力地工作。自幼亡母且也被父親拋棄的安男與自幼父母雙亡的妻子「美佐子」同病相憐並產下一子「市川旭」, 兩人一同守望著旭的成長幸福地過著日子。好景不常,在旭三歲時發生了悲劇…美佐子和旭在假日造訪安男工作時不慎發生了意外, 美佐子為保護旭而去世。充滿後悔和悲傷的安男還是振作精神,在完全沒有育兒知識下煩惱疑惑裡,靠著朋友的幫助ㄧ同養育深愛的兒子。這是一部描述極致感人的家族愛父子劇。