Program List

Director : Keisuke Wakugawa (湧川敬介)
3 Titles

  • Travel
  • Comedy

  • Travel
  • Comedy

Udo-chan's Trip Udo Suzuki旅遊記 ウドちゃんの旅してゴメン

Popular comedian “Udo-chan” –who is loved by people of all ages goes on a carefree trip and encounters beautiful sceneries, local foods and local people. This TV show is started in 2003; as of December 2018, it has been broadcasted on 8 networks.
Udo-chan makes a new discovery through the most well-known tourist attractions, and brings a different perspective! This program presents the charms of a lot of Japanese places where many guidebooks do not mention.

廣受年輕人至老年人歓迎的著名搞笑藝人・Udo Suzuki根据觀衆提供的信息,以日本中部地区為中心,随心所欲的到全国各地旅行。介紹沿途美麗的風景,当地特產的食材,以及与居民們的交流。即使是大家知曉的觀光地,只要他去就能發現更多的新魅力!為大家提供旅行指南没有記載的日本各地的魅力。自2003年開始播放。

人気コメディアン”ウド鈴木”通称”ウドちゃん”が、視聴者から寄せられた情報を基に、自由きままに、行き当たりばったりの旅をする番組。 出会った人々も気さくに接してくれる、台本のない旅。

  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy

KyaryPamyuPamyu TV JOHN!


Kyary is turning heads worldwide as an Evangelist of Japan’s Harajuku Kawaii subculture. This is an entertainment pop show which showcases Kyary. This program is the first and only free TV Program by Kyary. This is an entertainment pop show which showcases kyary. It shows us the world inside her mind, a vivid world of pop culture and art.



  • Fantasy
  • Fantasy

KyaryPamyuPamyu Cinema JOHN!


Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is a Japanese famous model and singer. Her public image is associated with Japan's kawaii and decora culture centered in the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo. During Kyary's 2nd world tour called “Nanda Collection Tour” with 16 shows at 11 countries venues to mobilize 35,000 fans. In France and Germany, there were evidences that Kyary was not a human during her the World tour. After coming back to Japan, she knew the unbelievable fact that she is a ROBOT. She was astonished to hear the fact and then went on a journey to discover herself.

在世界11個國家舉行16場演出,動員大約35000位的人員第二次世界巡迴演唱會「NANDA COLLECTION WORLD TOUR 2014」中,流傳著一種說法,就是其實凱利怪妞不是人。凱利怪妞回日本之後聽到那個流言之後感覺很失落。所以就開始了『找尋自己』的旅行。

世界11ヶ国・地域で16公演、約3万5千人を動員する2度目のワールドツアー「NANDA COLLECTION WORLD TOUR 2014」開催中のきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅに関するある証言が浮かび上がった。「きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅは、人間ではない、のではないか?」
確かに目撃した、と興奮まじりに証言するコンサート関係者たち。そして。証言者たちは謎の失踪を遂げる…日本に帰国したきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅを待ち受けていたのは、 本人も知る由もなかった信じられない事実…